Uploadable Avatar Directories cannot be set in 2.0 RC2

Started by Chas Large, January 09, 2010, 11:28:15 AM

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Chas Large

I have seen this reported in the 2.0 support forum and the suggestion was to search here for a known bug. I have searched but cannot find this bug reported.

The problem is you cannot enter anything in the boxes in ADMIN > FORUM > ATTACHMENTS and AVATARS > AVATAR SETTINGS > UPLOADABLE AVATARS for the two fields:

Upload directory & Upload URL

It is impossible to click into these fields.

I wish to set a SPECIFIC DIRECTORY but cannot.



My Modifications :)  My Forum

Please DO NOT PM me with support requests. Post the problem in the appropriate Support Board so everyone can benefit from the advice given.


You need to change the select box "Upload avatars to... " to Specific Directory
( by default its set to Attachment Directory),

When you do the above change, via javascript the boxes become editable.

Chas Large

Yes I did that. I have Let HTML resize it in the External Avatars rather than Resize it with Javascript but I didn't think that made any difference to uploadable avatars. Changing it doesn't anyway.

Looking at the HTML of that page with FireFox's Inspect Element shows that these two boxes are not INPUT TYPE boxes, so there is no way to input anything there anyway.

If you can type into these boxes then maybe you have a different version of SMF 2.0 RC2 than I do?

I have double checked this on a test forum running the same SMF version but as a different install with no mods.

If there is another setting that needs changing before these boxes become active or there is some Javascript associated with them, please let me know.

My Modifications :)  My Forum

Please DO NOT PM me with support requests. Post the problem in the appropriate Support Board so everyone can benefit from the advice given.


Karl, I seem to recall seeing this as a bug already? Can't seem to find it now though.


Arantor, Indeed you are correct.  This has already been fixed in our svn

Index: ManageAttachments.php
--- ManageAttachments.php (revision 9462)
+++ ManageAttachments.php (revision 9463)
@@ -229,7 +229,7 @@
// External avatars?
array('title', 'avatar_external'),
array('permissions', 'profile_remote_avatar', 0, $txt['avatar_external_url_groups']),
- array('check', 'avatar_download_external', 0, 'onchange' => 'updateStatus();'),
+ array('check', 'avatar_download_external', 0, 'onchange' => 'fUpdateStatus();'),
array('text', 'avatar_max_width_external', 6),
array('text', 'avatar_max_height_external', 6),
array('select', 'avatar_action_too_large',
@@ -247,7 +247,7 @@
array('text', 'avatar_max_height_upload', 6),
array('check', 'avatar_resize_upload', 'subtext' => $txt['avatar_resize_upload_note']),
array('check', 'avatar_download_png'),
- array('select', 'custom_avatar_enabled', array($txt['option_attachment_dir'], $txt['option_specified_dir']), 'onchange' => 'updateStatus();'),
+ array('select', 'custom_avatar_enabled', array($txt['option_attachment_dir'], $txt['option_specified_dir']), 'onchange' => 'fUpdateStatus();'),
array('text', 'custom_avatar_dir', 40, 'subtext' => $txt['custom_avatar_dir_desc'], 'invalid' => !$context['valid_custom_avatar_dir']),
array('text', 'custom_avatar_url', 40),

Chas Large

Ah right, I have changed those two instances to "fUpdateStatus" and I can now edit the text boxes. Thank you.
My Modifications :)  My Forum

Please DO NOT PM me with support requests. Post the problem in the appropriate Support Board so everyone can benefit from the advice given.


Quote from: Chas Large on January 11, 2010, 07:57:04 AM
Ah right, I have changed those two instances to "fUpdateStatus" and I can now edit the text boxes. Thank you.


   That code looks slightly different than mine. So do i add this line -  array('check', 'avatar_download_external', 0, 'onchange' => 'fUpdateStatus();'),  Also at the far left, what about "-" "+" ? I don't have that.
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