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Package installer problem installing.

Started by Avath, March 26, 2010, 09:04:40 PM

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Unfortunately for me when i use the install feature in the package download  section , it only indicates me to download by showing me my download manager or Firefox download. when i first installed the forum , i successfully installed a pack of smileys but that's about it. All the other mods i had to install manually. I am currently trying to install the Old Avea. I have all my permission settings the way it should be on the (chmod).I would install the old Avea manually but it dont show a Parse, so yeah ..any help would be appreciated :) running rc3

help me please!!


Can you install mods if you upload them using the upload option in under Download Packages in the Package Manager?

If at first you don't succeed, use a bigger hammer. If that fails, read the manual.
My Mods


No, it does the same thing. It just uploads but doesn't install. Not in the "download packages" or the "Browser packages" after it has uploaded


What happens when you click on the "Install" link?

Any errors in the error log?

If at first you don't succeed, use a bigger hammer. If that fails, read the manual.
My Mods


The download manager made it download, i disabled my download manager and now it shows the error message. which is

"You cannot download or install new packages because the Packages directory or one of the files in it are not writable!"

I browsed around the forum and found that adding a temp folder with writable settings in the package folder could help, but in my case it didn't. :(

The temp folder also has writable settings. i can download packages fine it just doesnt let me install them because of that message.


Got it to work yay!!I had deleted the newly created "temp folder" by mistake i went back and checked it and now it works fine. :)

Thank you


Good, glad you got that figured out.

SMF is suppose to create and then delete that temp folder. If it disappears again, it might not be your fault.

If at first you don't succeed, use a bigger hammer. If that fails, read the manual.
My Mods


Thank you Kay :)  ...but now i have a problem that i have no idea how to solve.

It all uploads ok
it all installs ok (supposedly)

but then no changes are made in the forum, i double checked the parse for another mod, and it showed no change in the code when i verified it with the actual file.

So it looks like it installed but in reality it didn't install or changed anything.
i did the ch mod thing everything set to 777, and still nothing, i have cleared cache too, just if by chance that would do something , and nothing. Did the temp folder , just like you said it deleted it so i made another one and put the chmod to 777 and that made it installed, but ...same installment. :(

