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Bring back banner / ad management mods

Started by floor9, June 04, 2005, 08:00:31 PM

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I searched through the forums and it looks like BannerMod and AdvertAff are both completely dead.

Simply put, what I'd like is a banner management system that provides for banner rotation in the same spot on the site.  As it stands right now, it looks like the only way I can put a banner on my site is to manually insert the code in the template.php file -- which is fine, unless I want to rotate banners from different sources.

In other words, I want to run banners from Junction, AdSense, and my ISP.  I only want one banner impression on each page; I don't want all three banners running at once.  It looked like BannerMod and/or AdvertAff might've done this, but with both of them gone, I guess I'll never find out.  :)

Any chance at a solid ad-management mod for SMF?  I'm familiar with some from phpBB2, but ... well ... we all know why we're here.  :)

Thanks in advance for any consideration!


I'm almost done with mine.  Just need to put the finishing touches and write the instructions for it.
Look for it in about a week


Great - can't wait to see it!  I'll keep watching ...


sweet! im looking for this as well. i just want some controls so i can do similar to the "news" section on the front page. where i can list news and at the same time have a banner show up for my friends sites.  also im trying to figure out if i can stretch that news section in the upper right corner more to the left so i can have a 480x68 pic fit in there


Ooo - can't wait for this one... will definately be needing it.



I also cannot wait. It will be a long time coming. :)


Quote from: MichiganMinis on June 06, 2005, 02:09:50 PM
How close are you to having this done?

Quote from: cnpldotca on June 07, 2005, 11:33:38 AM
I also cannot wait. It will be a long time coming. :)

Maybe within the next few days?  As he said on June 4th, look for it in about a week ;).

-Dan The Man


yikes looks like I better get cracking on writing the documentation.  I will say that it will be after the release of beta 3 so that I can make sure I don't need to change anything concerning the package.  The mod is done so I just have auxiliary matters to attend to


Ok I've written the instructions so not too much more to do.  I'm posting the current URL for them to wet your whistles :)



I had been using the news fader to rotate banner ads.  Then I switched to PHPadNews which is pretty in depth.  Depending on how in depth yours is I may switch.  It would be nice to have one integrated.


I installed phpAdsNew and just stuck the invocation code for the banner into the template.

That works very well.  Also, I try to leave things to the experts, and phpAdsNew is definately one of the best adservers available today.  It also doesn't hurt that the project is still alive and kicking... :) [nonactive]

Need to rant? ==> [nonactive]


I just read through the instructions - this looks like exactly what I needed.  I'm a little nervous about my first delve into PHP coding, though, so here's hoping I don't wipe out my site with a single misplaced keystroke.  :)


I'll be honest:  This mod will be no where near as comprehensive as phpAdsNew.  I wrote the mod to be simple to use and I kept it pretty focused.  Once I release it I will take suggestions on improvements.  If you want something that is as robust as phpAdsNew then use their software.



QuoteI will say that it will be after the release of beta 3 so that I can make sure I don't need to change anything concerning the package.



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Would like to see this one also.  I need a good banner Mod for my sites.


Whats happening with this? Seems to be taking longer... :(
