
Started by MLM, February 25, 2011, 05:27:47 PM

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Link to Theme


First theme by VisualPulse.net - Enjoy ;) - Coded by MLM

Download from VP: [LINK]

Dark Theme :: extreme curve variation

Support - visit: VisualPulse.net


If you have installed this theme you probably have seen the empty recent topics block. If you want that filled and working properly please follow the instructions below. NOTE: we can not add it to the theme since it calls the database.

FIND:  index.template.php
function ssi_recentTopics_vp_mod()

function ssi_recentTopics_vp_mod($num_recent = 8, $exclude_boards = null, $include_boards = null, $output_method = 'echo')

FIND: index.template.php
// needs to be here... otherwise errors.

Replace with:

global $context, $settings, $scripturl, $txt, $db_prefix, $user_info;
global $modSettings, $smcFunc;

if ($exclude_boards === null && !empty($modSettings['recycle_enable']) && $modSettings['recycle_board'] > 0)
$exclude_boards = array($modSettings['recycle_board']);
$exclude_boards = empty($exclude_boards) ? array() : (is_array($exclude_boards) ? $exclude_boards : array($exclude_boards));

// Only some boards?.
if (is_array($include_boards) || (int) $include_boards === $include_boards)
$include_boards = is_array($include_boards) ? $include_boards : array($include_boards);
elseif ($include_boards != null)
$output_method = $include_boards;
$include_boards = array();

$stable_icons = array('xx', 'thumbup', 'thumbdown', 'exclamation', 'question', 'lamp', 'smiley', 'angry', 'cheesy', 'grin', 'sad', 'wink', 'moved', 'recycled', 'wireless');
$icon_sources = array();
foreach ($stable_icons as $icon)
$icon_sources[$icon] = 'images_url';

// Find all the posts in distinct topics.  Newer ones will have higher IDs.
$request = $smcFunc['db_query']('substring', '
m.poster_time, ms.subject, m.id_topic, m.id_member, m.id_msg, b.id_board, b.name AS board_name, t.num_replies, t.num_views,
IFNULL(mem.real_name, m.poster_name) AS poster_name, ' . ($user_info['is_guest'] ? '1 AS is_read, 0 AS new_from' : '
IFNULL(lt.id_msg, IFNULL(lmr.id_msg, 0)) >= m.id_msg_modified AS is_read,
IFNULL(lt.id_msg, IFNULL(lmr.id_msg, -1)) + 1 AS new_from') . ', SUBSTRING(m.body, 1, 384) AS body, m.smileys_enabled, m.icon
FROM {db_prefix}topics AS t
INNER JOIN {db_prefix}messages AS m ON (m.id_msg = t.id_last_msg)
INNER JOIN {db_prefix}boards AS b ON (b.id_board = t.id_board)
INNER JOIN {db_prefix}messages AS ms ON (ms.id_msg = t.id_first_msg)
LEFT JOIN {db_prefix}members AS mem ON (mem.id_member = m.id_member)' . (!$user_info['is_guest'] ? '
LEFT JOIN {db_prefix}log_topics AS lt ON (lt.id_topic = t.id_topic AND lt.id_member = {int:current_member})
LEFT JOIN {db_prefix}log_mark_read AS lmr ON (lmr.id_board = b.id_board AND lmr.id_member = {int:current_member})' : '') . '
WHERE t.id_last_msg >= {int:min_message_id}
' . (empty($exclude_boards) ? '' : '
AND b.id_board NOT IN ({array_int:exclude_boards})') . '
' . (empty($include_boards) ? '' : '
AND b.id_board IN ({array_int:include_boards})') . '
AND {query_wanna_see_board}' . ($modSettings['postmod_active'] ? '
AND t.approved = {int:is_approved}
AND m.approved = {int:is_approved}' : '') . '
ORDER BY t.id_last_msg DESC
LIMIT ' . $num_recent,
'current_member' => $user_info['id'],
'include_boards' => empty($include_boards) ? '' : $include_boards,
'exclude_boards' => empty($exclude_boards) ? '' : $exclude_boards,
'min_message_id' => $modSettings['maxMsgID'] - 35 * min($num_recent, 5),
'is_approved' => 1,
$posts = array();
while ($row = $smcFunc['db_fetch_assoc']($request))
$row['body'] = strip_tags(strtr(parse_bbc($row['body'], $row['smileys_enabled'], $row['id_msg']), array('<br />' => '')));
if ($smcFunc['strlen']($row['body']) > 128)
$row['body'] = $smcFunc['substr']($row['body'], 0, 128) . '...';

// Censor the subject.

if (empty($modSettings['messageIconChecks_disable']) && !isset($icon_sources[$row['icon']]))
$icon_sources[$row['icon']] = file_exists($settings['theme_dir'] . '/images/post/' . $row['icon'] . '.gif') ? 'images_url' : 'default_images_url';

// Build the array.
$posts[] = array(
'board' => array(
'id' => $row['id_board'],
'name' => $row['board_name'],
'href' => $scripturl . '?board=' . $row['id_board'] . '.0',
'link' => '<a href="' . $scripturl . '?board=' . $row['id_board'] . '.0">' . $row['board_name'] . '</a>'
'topic' => $row['id_topic'],
'poster' => array(
'id' => $row['id_member'],
'name' => $row['poster_name'],
'href' => empty($row['id_member']) ? '' : $scripturl . '?action=profile;u=' . $row['id_member'],
'link' => empty($row['id_member']) ? $row['poster_name'] : '<a class="banner_area_recent_topics_topic_poster" href="' . $scripturl . '?action=profile;u=' . $row['id_member'] . '">' . $row['poster_name'] . '</a>'
'subject' => $row['subject'],
'replies' => $row['num_replies'],
'views' => $row['num_views'],
'short_subject' => shorten_subject($row['subject'], 25),
'preview' => $row['body'],
'time' => timeformat($row['poster_time']),
'timestamp' => forum_time(true, $row['poster_time']),
'href' => $scripturl . '?topic=' . $row['id_topic'] . '.msg' . $row['id_msg'] . ';topicseen#new',
'link' => '<a href="' . $scripturl . '?topic=' . $row['id_topic'] . '.msg' . $row['id_msg'] . '#new" rel="nofollow">' . $row['subject'] . '</a>',
// Retained for compatibility - is technically incorrect!
'new' => !empty($row['is_read']),
'is_new' => empty($row['is_read']),
'new_from' => $row['new_from'],
'icon' => '<img src="' . $settings[$icon_sources[$row['icon']]] . '/post/' . $row['icon'] . '.gif" align="middle" alt="' . $row['icon'] . '" />',

// Just return it.
if ($output_method != 'echo' || empty($posts))
return $posts;

echo '
<table border="0" class="ssi_table recent_topics_ssi_table">';
foreach ($posts as $post)
echo '
<td valign="top">
<div class="banner_area_recent_topics_topic_title"><a class="banner_area_recent_topics_topic_title" href="', $post['href'], '">', $post['subject'], '</a></div>
<td align="right" nowrap="nowrap" class="banner_area_recent_topics_time">
&nbsp<small>', $txt['by'], ' ', $post['poster']['link'], '</small>
<small>', $post['time'], '</small>
echo '

echo '
<div class="recent_posts_link_banner_area">
<a href="', $scripturl ,'?action=recent"><small>::ALL RECENT POSTS::</small></a>

Edit Nav Bar::

To edit the nav bar simply follow the instructions below:

Adding a tab:
FIND: (index.template.php)
$vp_nav_bar_items = array

ADD AFTER: (or anywhere in line)
'Title' => "Custom Tab",
'Link' => "http://www.visualpulse.net/"

Removing a tab:
FIND: (index.template.php)
$vp_nav_bar_items = array

Remove whole array chunk like one below:
'Title' => $txt['vp_home'],
'Link' => "/"
'Title' => $txt['vp_forums'],
'Link' => $scripturl
'Title' => $txt['vp_help'],
'Link' => "$scripturl?action=help"

'Title' => $txt['vp_home'],
'Link' => "/"
'Title' => $txt['vp_help'],
'Link' => "$scripturl?action=help"

Edit Drop Down Menu::

This is the start of the drop down menu: (index.template.php)
<div class="menu_button_div_background">

Remove Drop down menu:
SELECT ALL BETWEEN: (index.template.php) - (and delete)
<div class="menu_button_div_background">

Edit Drop down menu:
FIND: (index.template.php)
<a class="chosen" href="#"><span>', $txt['vp_menu_item_one'] ,'</span></a>
<a class="chosen" href="http://www.visualpulse.net/"><span>Custom Tab</span></a>

Add sub menu to item:
<a class="chosen" href="#"><span>', $txt['vp_menu_item_one'] ,'</span></a>

<a href="#"><span>', $txt['vp_sub_menu_item_one'] ,'</span></a>
<a href="#"><span>', $txt['vp_sub_menu_item_two'] ,'</span></a>

My Themes:

My Mods:

Unsolved Threads:
  • None atm...


this i a nice theme got some nice fancy effects
Former SMF Project Manager
Former SMF Customizer

"For as lang as hunner o us is in life, in nae wey
will we thole the Soothron tae owergang us. In truth it isna for glory, or wealth, or
honours that we fecht, but for freedom alane, that nae honest cheil gies up but wi life


Great looking theme.

How do you edit the menu ?


Added commonly asked questions / fixes to bottom of main thread  ;D

My Themes:

My Mods:

Unsolved Threads:
  • None atm...


I am using this right now, I really love it.


Adaptamos themes de otras plataformas a SMF!
Contactame por MP o Skype: neekiinh0 para saber mas.


Any ideas on how I can replicate this? In Curve:

Directly underneath add the following code (before the </head> tag):


<script language="JavaScript"><!--
var userName = "', $context['user']['name'], '";
var userID = "', $context['user']['id'], '";
var roomID = "Lobby";
// --></script>
<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript" src="http://www.YOURWEBSITE.com/prochatrooms/chat.js"></script>

// Set up the menu privileges.

Add after:
$context['allow_prochatrooms'] = !$user_info['is_guest'];

'search' => array(
'title' => $txt['search'],
'href' => $scripturl . '?action=search',
'show' => $context['allow_search'],
'sub_buttons' => array(

Add after:
'prochatrooms' => array(
'title' => 'CHAT',
'href' => 'javascript:launchChat()',
'show' => $context['allow_prochatrooms'],
'sub_buttons' => array(

The above code gives me a CHAT menu tab. I can't figure out how to call the Javascript in Pulse. I'm pretty certain that at one time or another, I've accomplished just that, but I'll be damned if I can remember how.

Any help is always appreciated.
SMF 2.0.2


Quote from: studiowi33 on June 28, 2011, 04:19:11 AM
Any ideas on how I can replicate this? In Curve:

Support is given on VisualPulse.net

My Themes:

My Mods:

Unsolved Threads:
  • None atm...


Very nice theme, I like it. However, I am using this on my 2.0.9 forum and for some reason, this is the only theme on my site that shows the moderate button. When clicked, it says you need permission to access this area (if your not a mod or higher obv) but it still shows up. Any ideas why? I am using the menu editor lite mod but I believe its a theme issue cuz this button doesn't show up in my other themes, just this one. :P


Quote from: Mstcool on October 18, 2014, 10:47:27 PM
I am using this on my 2.0.9 forum and for some reason, this is the only theme on my site that shows the moderate button.

This is a very old theme and there are some oddities that I would of course change if I did it again today.

Checkout `vp_nav_bar()` in `index.template.php`. Looking at it, I see a mistake where I forgot the extra `=` to compare and instead I am just assigning (line 423).

I just updated the package with the correction.

Thanks for the bug report!

My Themes:

My Mods:

Unsolved Threads:
  • None atm...



I'm using this theme for LeetSpace.com, and I love it! It fits the type of site I was aiming for!
I fold for team 52482. Do you Fold@Home?
SMF powered sites: Leet Link LeetSpace.com

Jeremy M.

Is there any way to get the .PSD file to edit the logo?


Quote from: ukcatsfan83 on November 06, 2015, 03:06:08 AM
Is there any way to get the .PSD file to edit the logo?

Attached  :D

My Themes:

My Mods:

Unsolved Threads:
  • None atm...


Great theme. I am new at this and have downloaded the logo psd. But how do I change the logo to my new one?
