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no captcha when Modifications.polish-utf8.php exist

Started by yeti86, March 07, 2011, 05:47:04 AM

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I have a problem with captach when there is a \Themes\default\languages\Modifications.polish-utf8.php  captcha do not generate any image.

I use polish-utf8 translation.

2.0 rc4 and rc5, same problem


That would usually imply the file is damaged in some way that breaks the CAPTCHA. Can you attach the file here please? (Don't post the contents into a post, please use the Attachments and other options area to physically attach the file here)


file is ok, because I copy modyfication.english.php and rename it to .polish-utf8.php

also try empty file only with php marks <?php ... ?>

same effect


usually when someone asks you to attach a file there is a reason, please attach the file so that it can be reviewed correctly.


Quote from: yeti86 on March 07, 2011, 05:53:25 AM
file is ok, because I copy modyfication.english.php and rename it to .polish-utf8.php

also try empty file only with php marks <?php ... ?>

same effect

And how are you creating/editing this file? I would be willing to bet there is something funky with your editor that is breaking the file, which is why I asked you to attach it, not to attempt to diagnose it some other random way.


by command in console

cp Modifications.english.php Modifications.polish-utf8.php

emtpy file create by php designer 2008


Great, which means your Modifications.english.php file could also be damaged. Please can you attach both those files here for me to look at?


I copied the contents of the polish-utf8 to english.php and so it works ok, but this not a good solution


As I suspected, the Polish file is UTF-8 with Byte Order Mark in it, which is what's breaking it.

Try this file. All I've done is resaved it from Notepad++ after first changing its encoding.
