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PremiumBeat Mp3 Player

Started by Chen Zhen, August 30, 2010, 05:20:07 PM

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Is a temp playlist created when I use auto playlist 1 and if so can I copy the data to create a playlist #3


What Browser's is this compatible with?   Can't get it to work on Opera.

Chen Zhen

Quote from: ACAMS on May 13, 2011, 08:41:04 AM
Is a temp playlist created when I use auto playlist 1 and if so can I copy the data to create a playlist #3

Currently (version 1.9) the auto load playlist will only allow one folder option and one assigned playlist.
Manual entries can also be added the the same playlist assigned as the auto-load.
It simply will add any mp3's contained in the auto-load folder to the assigned playlist.

Quote from: hcfwesker on May 22, 2011, 11:47:22 PM
What Browser's is this compatible with?   Can't get it to work on Opera.

I just tested this on Opera and it works fine.

Tested browsers: Safari, Opera, Firefox and IE. (32 and 64 bit)

Your browser must have the Adobe flash player plugin installed to allow this player to function.
64 bit browsers may require the specific plugin from the link given in the first post.

My SMF Mods & Plug-Ins


"Either you repeat the same conventional doctrines everybody is saying, or else you say something true, and it will sound like it's from Neptune." - Noam Chomsky


yeah, i just updated my flash.  This MOD is super sexyyyyyy  -Underdog-.

I'm sure this isn't possible, but is there any chance a "views" total could be added to each track in the tracklist in the admin page.  would help to see which tracks are more popular, and for us to keep track of listerners of our forum podcast.

Just hopeful wishes, no biggy if it's not possible.  :)

EDIT :::

one more question, the way you have the MP3 bbc image that opens the pop-up, anyway to have it so a link to the playlist also opens in a pop up?  so far the best i can do is have the player open in a new window when trying to link it in a topic.

Chen Zhen

Quote from: hcfwesker on May 24, 2011, 10:16:13 PM
yeah, i just updated my flash.  This MOD is super sexyyyyyy  -Underdog-.

Glad you like it.

Quote from: hcfwesker
I'm sure this isn't possible, but is there any chance a "views" total could be added to each track in the tracklist in the admin page.  would help to see which tracks are more popular, and for us to keep track of listerners of our forum podcast.

Just hopeful wishes, no biggy if it's not possible.  :)

Your request has been added to my list of options for the next update.

Quote from: hcfwesker
one more question, the way you have the MP3 bbc image that opens the pop-up, anyway to have it so a link to the playlist also opens in a pop up?  so far the best i can do is have the player open in a new window when trying to link it in a topic.

Hmm.. an option where the bbc can also open a playlist? (if permissions allow)
I will also add this to the update list.

Tell me the SMF version you are using and then I can give you an edit to allow a bbc to open a specified playlist.

My SMF Mods & Plug-Ins


"Either you repeat the same conventional doctrines everybody is saying, or else you say something true, and it will sound like it's from Neptune." - Noam Chomsky


Currently I'm on SMF 2 RC4

reason i ask for the link, cause members can easily use the premiumbeat bbc once they see how i use it, and would rather not have that option available.

Thanx so much ~V~ , and don't worry, I'm very patient, I know these updates will take some time, so i won't constantly bug you.  :) 

Chen Zhen

Quote from: hcfwesker on May 25, 2011, 10:19:44 PM
reason i ask for the link, cause members can easily use the premiumbeat bbc once they see how i use it, and would rather not have that option available.

There are membergroup permission settings for the bbc function already available.

My SMF Mods & Plug-Ins


"Either you repeat the same conventional doctrines everybody is saying, or else you say something true, and it will sound like it's from Neptune." - Noam Chomsky

Chen Zhen


My apologies as I have been busy with work leaving little time for coding as of late.

Here is a minor edit that will allow you to use the current bbc function for playlists rather than url's.

File: Sources / CustomMusicPlaylist.php


/* mp3 entries for auto list from folder */

Place the following before the above code:

if ($playsong == true)
$not = array('http://', 'https://');
$new = str_replace($not, "", $playsong);
$playlist_id = 0; $playsong = false;
if ((int)$new > 0 || (int)$new < 100)
{$playlist_id = (int)$new; $playsong = false;}

The future update will be somewhat different with proper editing of the Subs.php file allowing for both bbc functions (with permissions) as this manual edit will only allow the playlist option for bbc.
You must still enable the premiumbeat bbc function for each membergroup permission setting.

My SMF Mods & Plug-Ins


"Either you repeat the same conventional doctrines everybody is saying, or else you say something true, and it will sound like it's from Neptune." - Noam Chomsky


Thanx, my friend.  Will test it soon.  :)

Chen Zhen

Until I have enough spare time to update this modification, please use the emulation in the SMF package manager menu to install this onto SMF 2.0 Stable.

  • Upload the Premiumbeat v1.9x zip package in your package manager
  • View the packages list and click the Advanced tab located in the bottom right of the list
  • Change emulation text entry to: SMF 2.0 RC5
  • This mod should now be available for installation

My SMF Mods & Plug-Ins


"Either you repeat the same conventional doctrines everybody is saying, or else you say something true, and it will sound like it's from Neptune." - Noam Chomsky


Arvo All,

I finally have time to start working on using premiumbeat on my site but seem to have run into some issues, I installed 1.71 awhile back.

I added songs but couldn't remember, nor find, where you activate the player at.  I checked my admin configs but couldn't locate it,  I could of swore that I seen it on there before.

I then figured well,  I will go ahead and upgrade to 1.9.  After backing up my site I went to uninstall it and it says "Cannont uninstall because there is no uninstaller".

I noticed that under "Browse Packages" it doesn't have an "uninstall" option like the rest of my packages, only "List Files" & "Delete".  I have to go to "Installed Packages" to find the "uninstall"

I am running SMF 1.1.13, SP 2.3.3

How do I go about removing the old copy and installing the upgrade ?

Thank you for your time.

Chen Zhen

Quote from: nob4uask on July 11, 2011, 01:59:22 AM
Arvo All,

I finally have time to start working on using premiumbeat on my site but seem to have run into some issues, I installed 1.71 awhile back.

I added songs but couldn't remember, nor find, where you activate the player at.  I checked my admin configs but couldn't locate it,  I could of swore that I seen it on there before.

I then figured well,  I will go ahead and upgrade to 1.9.  After backing up my site I went to uninstall it and it says "Cannont uninstall because there is no uninstaller".

I noticed that under "Browse Packages" it doesn't have an "uninstall" option like the rest of my packages, only "List Files" & "Delete".  I have to go to "Installed Packages" to find the "uninstall"

I am running SMF 1.1.13, SP 2.3.3

How do I go about removing the old copy and installing the upgrade ?

Thank you for your time.

Why not SMF 1.1.14?

Anyhow.. Your upgrade may have replaced files and some of the following edits may be unnecessary:

File: index.php

Find and remove:

'customMusic' => array('CustomMusicPlaylist.php', 'CustomMusicMp3'),

File: Sources / ModSettings.php

Find and remove:

'custom_mp3' => 'ModifyCustomMusicSettings',

'custom_mp3' => 'ModifyCustomMusicSettings',

'custom_mp3' => array(
'title' => $txt['customMusic_tabtitle'],
'href' => $scripturl . '?action=featuresettings;sa=custom_mp3;sesc=' . $context['session_id'],

function ModifyCustomMusicSettings()
global $sourcedir;

require_once $sourcedir . '/CustomMusic.php';

if (!empty($_GET['tag']))

File: Themes / default / languages / Modifications.english.php

Remove the following code:

/* Premium Beat - Custom mp3 Player for SMF */
$txt['customMusic_tabtitle'] = 'Premiumbeat';
$txt['customMusic_tabtitle2'] = 'Premiumbeat MP3 List';
$txt['customMusic_tabtitle3'] = 'Premiumbeat Settings Menu';
$txt['customMusic_tag'] = 'Track number of mp3';
$txt['customMusic_description'] = 'Title of mp3';
$txt['customMusic_enable'] = 'Enable mp3';
$txt['customMusic_text'] = 'Details';
$txt['customMusic_url'] = 'mp3 URL';
$txt['CustomMusic_count'] = 'MP3 ID Number';
$txt['customMusic_type'] = 'Enable Shuffling of mp3 Playlist';
$txt['customMusic_width'] = 'Set overall mp3 Player Width';
$txt['customMusic_height'] = 'Set overall mp3 Player Height';
$txt['customMusic_autoplay'] = 'Enable Autoplay of mp3 Playlist';
$txt['customMusic_skin'] = 'Set skin color code &#35;';
$txt['customMusic_playlist'] = 'Playlist&#35;';
$txt['customMusic_trackid'] = 'Track&#35;';
$txt['customMusic_add'] = '[Add New MP3]';
$txt['customMusic_edit'] = '[Edit Settings]';
$txt['customMusic_enable'] = 'Enable';
$txt['customMusic_delete'] = 'Delete';
$txt['customMusic_trackname'] = 'Track Name';
$txt['customMusic_submit'] = 'Submit';
$txt['customMusic_help'] = 'Help';

File: Themes / default / languages / Errors.english.php

Remove the following code:

/* Premium Beat - Custom mp3 Player for SMF error message */
$txt['customMusic_check'] = 'You are not permitted to view the mp3 playlist.';

Delete the following folders and/or files:

my_music          (<-- move any mp3's before deleting if you stored them in this folder)
Sources / CustomMusic.php
Sources / CustomMusicPlaylist.php
Themes / default / CustomMusic.template.php

After making sure all these edits and files are removed or non-existent just delete the Premiumbeat v1.71 package from your packge menu.
Now upload version 1.9x and install it.

My SMF Mods & Plug-Ins


"Either you repeat the same conventional doctrines everybody is saying, or else you say something true, and it will sound like it's from Neptune." - Noam Chomsky


Morn Underdog,

Thanx for the quick response.

For about the last hour I have backed up the site and followed the same instructions that you provided (before I caught this response).  When I try to upgrade to 1.9 it says "package already installed".

This is a quick run down of everything.

I installed Premiumbeat 1.71 back in feb of this year and it was put on the shelf till I had time to play with it.

I upgraded smf to 1.1.13 the next day which I found out today from the premiumbeat mod thread that doesn't support 1.71.  This probably explains why I couldn't find anything in admin.  As far as not upgrading to 1.1.14, I have panick attacks when it comes to something that could cause my whole site to crash.  Although I will be upgrading to smf 2.0 once the busy season has passed.

Like mentioned above, I removed all code and files that are associated with premiumbeat 1.71 including deleting the package but there is something that is strange.  Even though I deleted the package in admin/packages/browse packages it is still showing up in "installed packages" with the "uninstall" option.  If I click on it it says "Unable to find package file".

Thanx for the help.

Chen Zhen

Quote from: nob4uask on July 11, 2011, 08:42:03 PM
Morn Underdog,

Thanx for the quick response.

For about the last hour I have backed up the site and followed the same instructions that you provided (before I caught this response).  When I try to upgrade to 1.9 it says "package already installed".

This is a quick run down of everything.

I installed Premiumbeat 1.71 back in feb of this year and it was put on the shelf till I had time to play with it.

I upgraded smf to 1.1.13 the next day which I found out today from the premiumbeat mod thread that doesn't support 1.71.  This probably explains why I couldn't find anything in admin.  As far as not upgrading to 1.1.14, I have panick attacks when it comes to something that could cause my whole site to crash.  Although I will be upgrading to smf 2.0 once the busy season has passed.

Like mentioned above, I removed all code and files that are associated with premiumbeat 1.71 including deleting the package but there is something that is strange.  Even though I deleted the package in admin/packages/browse packages it is still showing up in "installed packages" with the "uninstall" option.  If I click on it it says "Unable to find package file".

Thanx for the help.

If you have never installed version 1.9x then there should be no issues as the package_info and install have proper updated version reference numbers.
Mkae sure you never installed version 1.9x and if you have... uninstall it.
Make sure no Premiumbeat packages are in your install menu (delete them all) and then run forum maintenance (cache & db).
After that, upload and install v1.9x again.

My SMF Mods & Plug-Ins


"Either you repeat the same conventional doctrines everybody is saying, or else you say something true, and it will sound like it's from Neptune." - Noam Chomsky


Quote from: -Underdog- on July 12, 2011, 09:12:56 AM
Quote from: nob4uask on July 11, 2011, 08:42:03 PM
Morn Underdog,

Thanx for the quick response.

For about the last hour I have backed up the site and followed the same instructions that you provided (before I caught this response).  When I try to upgrade to 1.9 it says "package already installed".

This is a quick run down of everything.

I installed Premiumbeat 1.71 back in feb of this year and it was put on the shelf till I had time to play with it.

I upgraded smf to 1.1.13 the next day which I found out today from the premiumbeat mod thread that doesn't support 1.71.  This probably explains why I couldn't find anything in admin.  As far as not upgrading to 1.1.14, I have panick attacks when it comes to something that could cause my whole site to crash.  Although I will be upgrading to smf 2.0 once the busy season has passed.

Like mentioned above, I removed all code and files that are associated with premiumbeat 1.71 including deleting the package but there is something that is strange.  Even though I deleted the package in admin/packages/browse packages it is still showing up in "installed packages" with the "uninstall" option.  If I click on it it says "Unable to find package file".

Thanx for the help.

If you have never installed version 1.9x then there should be no issues as the package_info and install have proper updated version reference numbers.
Mkae sure you never installed version 1.9x and if you have... uninstall it.
Make sure no Premiumbeat packages are in your install menu (delete them all) and then run forum maintenance (cache & db).
After that, upload and install v1.9x again.

Even Underdog,

I was just working on it and for some reason they 1.71 version was still in the installed.list file.  I removed it and uploaded it back to the server and now it has 1.9 showing with [Appl Mod][list Files][Delete].  I am just downloading my backup that I just created then I will continue installing it.  I will update this in the next 15 or so to let you know if all is ok.

Thanx for your help.


Ok underdog, just can't seem to get this

I hit [Apply Mod] and it gave me the screen shot below but no button or option to continue.

Chen Zhen

Quote from: nob4uask on July 12, 2011, 09:47:08 AM
Ok underdog, just can't seem to get this

I hit [Apply Mod] and it gave me the screen shot below but no button or option to continue.

I'm guessing your screen print is slightly cropped perhaps.
There should be an Install Now button to the bottom right.

My SMF Mods & Plug-Ins


"Either you repeat the same conventional doctrines everybody is saying, or else you say something true, and it will sound like it's from Neptune." - Noam Chomsky


Quote from: -Underdog- on July 12, 2011, 12:43:06 PM
Quote from: nob4uask on July 12, 2011, 09:47:08 AM
Ok underdog, just can't seem to get this

I hit [Apply Mod] and it gave me the screen shot below but no button or option to continue.

I'm guessing your screen print is slightly cropped perhaps.
There should be an Install Now button to the bottom right.

Morn underdog,

It was after 1am here when I guit for the night and amazing how getting a little sleep can change your POV.  When I got up this morning I looked at it, moved the google add column on the right side to the top of the screen and there was my install

It is all working now and time to play.  Thank you for your help underdog.

Be Safe.


Does this mod allow me to play mp3 files hosted on another site?
Check out my new website, I plan to create the largest anime community, and most fun and user-friendly anime forum in the world. It's still in the development stage though.


Quote from: MiY4Gi on July 12, 2011, 07:09:53 PM
Does this mod allow me to play mp3 files hosted on another site?

Morn MiY,

Although I am new to this mod, I would think that as long as you had the URL of where the files where stored and had access it would be possible.  Best thing to do is just try it on a test song. 
