I need help getting my new smf forum working again!

Started by phlexx, May 28, 2012, 06:36:30 AM

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Please, I seriously need a urgent help getting my newly created smf 2.0.2 forum working again. Everything was working fine even after installing 54 mods until two days ago when I installed the aeva media 1.4w mods manually and the forum started showing errors and later became inaccessible/crashed. After trying everything possible to gain access to no avail, I decided to reinstall from scratch, the reinstall was successful on the old database but I still can't access the forum. I am really sick and tired of it already after spending the whole day and sleepless night trying to get it working again. Any help would be highly appreciated. Thanks.


Did you not take a backup before installing Aeva ?

When you say you "reinstalled from scratch" what exactly did you do? Ok you've said you are using the existing databse but what about the files ? Are they simply new with no mod changes ?

If this is a new forum with no posts/members then I'd be inclined to completely start again with a clean database as well otherwise you're going to get a mismatch.


Yeah its a new forum with no members and posts yet. That's why I didn't hesitate to reinstall. I had a backup of my sources, default themes and database. Even after restoring the forum was accessible but was heavily corrupted with hundreds of codes appearing on the forum header. So I thought its best to reinstall. I would love a new reinstall on a new clean database but I don't know how to create the new mysql database.


Should be able to do it via your hosting control panel. Which one do you have ?

You could keep the actual database and would only need to remove the tables. That way you won't need to change the database settings in Settings.php

Also, do you "really" need 54 mods ? Some could "clash" and give issues.


I actually uninstall the aeva before the forum became inaccessible. All the other mods are still there. I downloaded the smf 2.0.2 install folder, extracted and reuploaded to my root directory on the server and replaced the old files. I also used the repair_settings.php to change the settings all to no success. :-*


Can you help or tell me how to remove the database tables? I don't know much about mysql database. All the mods I installed, I thought they were necessary and do different things. :-\



Unfortunately I never use CPanel so somene else might need to advise you where it's located.

However, with what you've done (new files and used repair_settings.php) I'm surprised you don't get at least something ?

What do you get if you go to your forums main page ?


Everytime I type my address in the browser, It shows a blank page with nothing.


If you want to pm me a link and a temporay FTP account I'll have a quick look if you wish.

If not then no problem but it's hard to ascertain with what you've told us so far.

(Please read this first: A reminder about admin / ftp passwords... )


I have PMed my ftp account and link. Thanks.
Remove the last 4 digits and : of the cpanel URL to access the website.


Stormannnnnnnn!!!!! Omg, you got it working again. I am so grateful. Thank you, thank you thank uuuuuuu. God bless u.


oloyede JAMIU


One of my friends need ur help too.
He installed one of those portals so his forum crashed. The forum is www.naijalikes.com
So we want to reinstall it from scratch.

would I just delete the table in the mysql database and reinstall, can u just guide me.....

Waiting for ur reply.
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