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menu buttons do not work properly

Started by janvd, August 19, 2012, 09:21:15 AM

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I am a newbie in SMF, so be patient with me.
It seems I have the same problem.

I am using SMF 2.0.2 with theme Clicksafe Pro Button bar version 1.0.5
the forum at [nonactive] looks good and works, except a few things:

in the left buttonbar several buttons have a menu with new links. These links work fine.
But there are four buttons with no menu, just the simple link:
like:  home, help, search and logout
These links seem not to work.

Could anybody help me with this?

I disabled the theme, and the menubar (which is the same as the buttonbar in the theme) on top works fine. I can also log out.  Activated the theme again and the buttons do not work anymore.
So I guess it is a theme issue ?? Or not ?



Those buttons seem to work fine in Firefox & Chrome but not in IE

You might be better asking this question in the theme's support topic



The developer is not active anymore on this community.

But I like this theme very much, and if possible I would like to keep it.

I have used Firefox, and in dead it works there.
I am using Internet Explorer 9, which is not an old browser.
Maybe some settings in IE 9 ??

Somebody an idea?


Yeah, sorry - forgot that ClickSafe took a hiatus from the community.
