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Message Icon Error

Started by ariescapes, May 12, 2013, 02:41:18 AM

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I'm having a problem with an error. I'm the second tech admin to come onto this site and not figure this out. Its a growing pain and just making the column disappear is kinda a cop-out every time we make a new layout. We would kinda like to have this resolved. Especially when we want to use custom icons (as shown in the area that doesn't have the broken image).

This is the image error we see:

Does anyone have any idea where that code can be edited/fixed, or even removed?


You created a custom message icon to a non-existant image, that's why it's not displaying. You'll need to go to Admin => Forum => Smileys and Message Icons =>Edit Message Icons

Edit the message icon name ".gif" and create a path to an actual image or just remove it.

Colin B
Former Spammer, Customize, & Support Team Member


Well.. that makes sense. Now I have run into the problem that the menu I go to "Admin => Forum => Smileys and Message Icons =>" .. And .. It either isn't turned on, or it isn't there.

I'm used to fresh installs, and usually its just there. Is there a place to turn it off or on? (And we do have a fully updated version of the forums)

(And yes, i'm flipping between layouts on the same site)


In "Settings" , left of middle in your image, you need to select "Enable customized message icons".


Click 'Settings' under Smileys and Message Icons and select the option "Enable customized message icons". You should then see the option "Edit Message Icons" come up.

Edit - Oops ChalkCat beat me to it.
Colin B
Former Spammer, Customize, & Support Team Member


Okay, i was able to get it to turn on. My menu is much shorter than on a new install, but its there.

However, there isn't a listed icon there that is actually broken. I know the image doesn't exist because you can't have an image names '.gif'. but there isn't one listed for there to be broken either.


That's strange. Did you hack up your theme's messageindex.template.php file by any chance? Does this occur on the SMF default (curve) theme? It could very well be a template issue.
Colin B
Former Spammer, Customize, & Support Team Member


-I- unfortunately didn't do anything. its possible that someone prior to me did. The same layouts I have been modifying have no issues with showing all the message icons. Its just this one forum.. that has been in business for.. a while.

Which is why I'm very much stumped. I have no idea where to find it.. as it shows some of the message icons, but not all. its very odd to me. (there is also no drop down menu for choose the message icons now that i turned it on. Its also very odd.)


What about.... if you go to the bottom of the message icon list theere's a little link that says [Add New Icon].  What happens if you try to add your new icon afresh there?

(Sorry Shadow  :D )


Strange. I uploaded one, and then i went to add it into the mix and it told me no image was there.. After uploading it...

"The following were uploaded sucessfully to the /images/post/ directory:

Saved the information:

"The icon image could not be found in the default theme - please ensure the image has been uploaded and try again."


Did you upload it to the Themes/default/images/post directory?  I'd be inclined to rename the image to something easier to work with, such as sparkle.gif, although I don't know why that should be causing the problem.

At this point my forum is modified, so I don't know if I'm seeing things differently from you.  Are you able to upload a new image directly there in the Add New Icon page?  In mine I would have to upload the image using FTP then type the name of the image into the box on the Add New Icons page - but I know that mine is modified... I just can't remember what the standard was....


Yes, once i uploaded it via ftp, i could add it in. Which is cool, a side problem that is now fixed...

But it doesn't really solve my original problem with the broken gif. its still broken. :(


I'm not sure why it should be, but those "broken image" icons are looking for an image that is simply called ".gif", no name.  I think that's why they're showing as broken because you don't have an image without a name.  What happens if you now go to edit one of those topics, as admin, and manually change the message icon within the message to the one you've uploaded?


I think i followed that (2am and stuff).

I pointed out earlier that when i tried to change the message icon in (any & new) thread, the drop down menu wasn't even there. Also strange.

I honestly think its a code somewhere that is looking for a "post/(missingname/code).gif". I just have no idea where, its what logically makes sense to me.


It does look like Shadow was right and your template has been edited at some point, especially if your message icon dropdown isn't showing....

Shadow, do you still think this would be messageindex.template.php?  I'm thinking Post.template.php is where the dropdown is created?


I will happily attach the files if someone needs to look. I can fix most code, but I will admit to being over my head as I've frequently favor phpbb forums for my/friends needs.


Yes, please do attach those two files.  It looks like that's where the answer lies, in one of them.


I am assuming you need it from the "default" folder.


Yes, in Post.template.php your message icon stuff has been removed.  I see you have some mods in there though: Subaccounts and maybe something related to topic descriptions.  What mods do you have installed?


A copy and paste of the current mods the forum is using. (And i'm going to bed so my responses will be slow until i'm next on.)
I really appreciate the help!! (Do you know what i have to replace that missing code?)

Quote1.   SimplePortal    2.3.3     [ Uninstall ] [ List Files ] [ Delete ]
2.   Stars And Badges    2.2     [ Uninstall ] [ List Files ] [ Delete ]
3.   Member Color Link    3.1     [ List Files ] [ Delete ]
4.   Order Custom Profile Fields    1.1.1     [ Uninstall ] [ List Files ] [ Delete ]
5.   Topic Descriptions    1.1     [ Uninstall ] [ List Files ] [ Delete ]
6.   SMF 2.0.4 Update    1.0     [ Uninstall ] [ List Files ] [ Delete ]
7.   Theme Image Uploader    1.1.0     [ Uninstall ] [ List Files ] [ Delete ]
8.   Users Online Today    1.5.7     [ Uninstall ] [ List Files ] [ Delete ]
9.   Enhanced Dropdown    1.3     [ Uninstall ] [ List Files ] [ Delete ]
10.   SubAccounts Mod    1.0.1     [ List Files ] [ Delete ]
12.   SMF 2.0.2 Update    1.0     [ List Files ] [ Delete ]
13.   Custom BBCode    2.03     [ List Files ] [ Delete ]
15.   SMF 2.0.3 Update    1.0     
