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Features and Options [HTTP Error 500]

Started by General Xbox Gaming, August 23, 2013, 10:59:58 AM

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General Xbox Gaming

My forum has broken! Whenever I navigate to Features and Options I get this error:
QuoteServer error
The website encountered an error while retrieving form_URL/forum/index.php?action=admin;area=featuresettings. It may be down for maintenance or configured incorrectly.

Here are some suggestions:
Reload this webpage later.

HTTP Error 500 (Internal Server Error): An unexpected condition was encountered while the server was attempting to fulfill the request.

Also does this with Modification Settings... and all the sub menus.

Can someone help me please?


General Xbox Gaming

List of Mods:
Activity Bar - 1.1
Add Stars To Profile - 1.0.1
Aeva ~ Auto-Embed Video & Audio - 7.2
Allow Access while in Maintenance Mode - 1.2
Ban List - 2.0
BK-SMF Sub-Board - 1.5
Bot Buster - 1.1
Code Highlighting - 0.7.4
Default Avatar - 2.2
Dynamic_Memberlist - 2.0.6
Embed BBCode - 1.3
Advance Fake Guests n Users Online (fguo) - 1.0
Gamer IDs - 1.4
Google +1 Topics - 1.0
Images on Print Page - 1.1
Limit A Guests Daily PageViews Mod - 2.1
LMGTFY BBcode - 3.7.4
Registered Links - 3.0
Send Locked Topics To Bottom - 1.0
Separated Birthdays from Events - 1.1.7
Slashout Banned Members - 1.2
Spoiler Tag - 0.7.2a
Theme Image Uploader - 1.1.0
User Agreement Update - 1.0.3

Forum Version: SMF 2.0.5

All my features were working a few months ago and after a SMF Update I'm sure it's corrupted something! I know this is not SMF's fault as they work on the bases of a stock forum so it's my fault for having the modes but I just want to know what I can do to fix it. do you think I should check the code manually and see if the updates have successfully been made to the files and if so which files control the admin pages.


Pretty sure it wasn't the update. The common code to the pages that give you errors is Sources/ManageSettings.php and that's where I'd look for errors first. I'm not seeing anything really obvious from your list but if they're giving you a white screen, almost certainly the file has incorrect PHP syntax in it.

(Oh, and I don't know the last time ManageSettings.php was patched for anything. Probably 2.0 final.)

General Xbox Gaming

I will have a look through my mods and see if any modified that file then.

General Xbox Gaming

I've fixed it.
It was the LMGTFY BBCode Mod. It had double instances in ManageSettings.php file. Basically all the changes and added text had been made twice.

Thank you for your help Arantor.
