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Postavke modifikacje - Fatal error

Started by SATmax, December 07, 2013, 10:44:05 AM

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Kod ulazka u Postavke modifikacija prijavljuje mi grešku:

Fatal error: Call to undefined function prepareDBSettingContext() in /home/xxxxxxx/public_html/forum/Sources/ManageSettings.php on line 3031

U ManageSettings na liniji 3031 imam samo ovo: prepareDBSettingContext($config_vars);

Što treba izmijeniti za pristup Postavkama modifikacija ?

Hvala unaprijed.

U privitku je cijela ManageSettings datoteka pa ako netko ima volje i vremena da je preradi bio bih zahvalan.


Ta datoteka sadrži podešavanja + ono što je dodato nakon instalacije modova. Imaš li predstavu kad je nastala ta greška? Nakon instalacije nekog mod-a?
Strong people don't put others down, they lift them up.
A clever person solves a problem. A wise person avoids it.


Poslije instalacije Show your socials 4.0 dogodilo se gore opisano. E sada i još novi problem. Nakon instalacije Best Answer Intergration 1.0 moda primjetio sam da SMF Chat ne reagira a i ikonice za obradu postova su nestale. Mod je uspiješno instaliran bez prijave grešaka u toku instalacije.


Riješen problem sa SMF Chatom poslije reinstalacije moda. Ostaje još problem sa ulazkom u Postavke modifikacija.


Strong people don't put others down, they lift them up.
A clever person solves a problem. A wise person avoids it.


Ne dopušta mi nikako ulazak u Postavke modifikacija. Izbacuje gore navedenu grešku na monitoru.


Postavke Modifikacija generalno? Onda je neki mod zeznuo stvar. Imaš li nešto slično tome u Dnevniku Grešaka?
Imaš dva načina da riješiš problem:
1. Deinstaliraš modove redom počevši od najnovijeg
2. Zamijeniš datoteku originalom iz instalacionog paketa s tim da obavezno sačuvaš postojeću. Time gubiš sva podešavanja modifikacija koja su smještena u Postavkama Modifikacija a nerijetko je da zasmeta i cijelom forumu.
Strong people don't put others down, they lift them up.
A clever person solves a problem. A wise person avoids it.


Zahvaljujem Branko i izmjenjena ManageSettings.php i sada mogu ući u postavke modifikacija. Imam još jedan problem. Sada mi izbacuje na vrhu zaslona grešku ( kada kliknem na Postavke Modifikacija ) a i fontovi su nenormalno uvećani u cijelom tekstu.

Greška koja se prikazuje:

txt['verification_avatar_means'] = 'Avatar Verification at Registration'; $txt['verification_avatar_means_desc'] = 'This mod enhances the sequrity of your forum by adding yet a verification at registration. The first thing people will see, is one unique image and below that 10 images where one of them is the same as the unique one. The registrant must click on the right image up to 3 times (loop) depending on your settings. If the registrant fails 3 times, he/she is banned from the forum if you have enabled "Ban the user on to many failed registrations". You also have the possability to have a mail send to the admin, every time a user is banned through this mod.'; $txt['verification_avatar_register'] = 'Enable verification images at the registration page'; $txt['verification_image_loop'] = 'Loop the verification image'; $txt['verification_image_loop_desc'] = '(How many times does the registrant have to verify an image)'; $txt['verification_image_loop_0'] = '0 - don\'t loop. Only show the images one time'; $txt['verification_image_loop_1'] = '1 - loop one time. The registrant has to verify two images'; $txt['verification_image_loop_2'] = '2 - loop two times. The registrant has to verify three images'; $txt['verification_avatar_folders'] = 'Folders from which to use avatars as verification'; $txt['verification_avatar_folders_desc'] = '(As standard we use the avatars from the standard SMF avatarfolders. If you want to provide further folders, provide them here as a commaseparated list)'; $txt['verification_avatar_ban_registrant'] = 'Ban the user on to many failed registrations'; $txt['verification_avatar_ban_registrant_desc'] = '(If you want to ban the registrant when trying to many times, enable this option)'; $txt['verification_avatar_first_ban'] = 'How many hours the user should be banned first time'; $txt['verification_avatar_first_ban_desc'] = '(If the registrant fails the avatar verification test, you can decide for how many hours the person is banned)'; $txt['verification_avatar_second_ban'] = 'How many hours the user should be banned the following times'; $txt['verification_avatar_second_ban_desc'] = '(If the registrant keeps failing the avatar verification test, you can decide for how many hours the person is banned)'; $txt['verification_avatar_send_admin_mail'] = 'Send mail to admin on hacking attempt'; $txt['verification_avatar_send_admin_mail_desc'] = '(Select wether you want a mail send to the admin mail account on banned IP\'s)'; $txt['verification_avatar_send_admin_mail_1'] = 'Disabled'; $txt['verification_avatar_send_admin_mail_2'] = 'Only send mail on repeated bannings'; $txt['verification_avatar_send_admin_mail_3'] = 'Send mail on all banned occations';

Ima li šanse je izbrisati ?


To je zbog modova. Ubaci u root priloženi file_check.php i pokreni ga sa ako sam ispravno napisao tvoj url...
Izbaciće ti sve greške. Otkloni sve koje su naznačene. Po završetku ukloni file_check.php
Strong people don't put others down, they lift them up.
A clever person solves a problem. A wise person avoids it.


Ok Branko. Zahvaljujem se a izbacilo je 50-tak grešaka tipa:
File does not end with ?> ili File does not begin with <?php File does not end with ?>

Probat ću to otkloniti. Još jednom hvala puno.


To su uobičajeni rezultati. Nije povezano s ovim problemom. Napomenuo sam ti da zamjena datoteke originalom lošije rešenje. Kad bi tačno znao poslije kog mod-a je nastao problem u pristupu podešavanjima za 5 min pomoću bekapa stanja prije instalacije spornog mod-a. Vjerovatno znaš da se kod instalacije modova svaki put radi bekap prethodnog stanja i čuva u /Packages/backups folderu.
Da li ovaj popis sadrži saamo tekst koji je povezan sam s jednim mod-om? Možda bi samo njegova reinstalacija riješila problem  :-\
Strong people don't put others down, they lift them up.
A clever person solves a problem. A wise person avoids it.


Prikači modifications.english i modifications.jezik.php fajl da pogledamo, rekao bih da i tu imaš grešku čim prikazuje sve te stringove.


Evo i modifikacijskih datoteka jezka koji se koriste na forumu.


Ok, ajde sad fajl ./Themes/default/languages/ManageSettings.english.php + ako imaš taj fajl za još neki jezik.



Strong people don't put others down, they lift them up.
A clever person solves a problem. A wise person avoids it.


Odlično Branko. Nestalo je onoga natpisa o greškama. Zahvaljuem se puno. Respeckt !
