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Do you get the "white screen of death" when accessing Admin or Package Installs?

Started by Kindred, April 22, 2013, 10:23:45 PM

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Rockin', thanks! ;D

I use Linux, so installing and running a server to do this will be a breeze.

-= Gregg =-


 :'( done it got the t-shirt and still not working, i put the 2 mods in for 128m but no joy?? and YES i am on the free web-host at 000webhost, As they say you get what you DON`T pay for,  This all started with loading smf 2.06 on to 000webhost, (free one) i got the forum running OK and then i wanted to put a chat on it for the members, downloaded SACatbar and 123flashchat but i cannot install none unless some one can tell how to do it??, i am on my 2nd week now much more and my £700 computer will go out the window. Thank you to all that can help PS: I am new to all this and is my first website  the link to the forum is inside the webpage.


000 aren't terribly good. Even their "Paid for" stuff seems crap.

That link doesn't lead to a site running SMF, though.

* K@ smells a canned precooked meat product of chopped pork shoulder meat, ham, salt, water, modified potato starch, sugar and sodium nitrite...


No but if you go there and press forum, you find a link to which looks like a regular SMF install.

The real way to do this is to pay for better hosting.


Well spotted, that man! :)

Yeah, 000 aren't great. If you do a search, here, you'll find that they seem to cause a lot of hassles.


Thanks, I only wanted to add a chat to the forum, any way if not the i will leave it as is.
thanks for the help.


No problem. You'll probably get problems installing any mod, though, should you desire any. :(


You can, however, follow all manual installation instructions. In that case you don't need PackMan and it should be able to have your mod running
Manual Installation of Mods
Se forem conduzir, não bebam. Se forem beber... CHAMEM-ME!!!! :D

QuoteOver 90% of all computer problems can be traced back to the interface between the keyboard and the chair


of course, the package manager is just really indicative of a deeper problem with that host that may (and often does) lead to many other memory (or other) issues, even if you manually install the mod

Please do not PM, IM or Email me with support questions.  You will get better and faster responses in the support boards.  Thank you.

"Loki is not evil, although he is certainly not a force for good. Loki is... complicated."


Quote from: Kindred on December 04, 2013, 02:22:32 PM
of course, the package manager is just really indicative of a deeper problem with that host that may (and often does) lead to many other memory (or other) issues, even if you manually install the mod
Thank you for that, i have looked at it BUT  the mod i want to install SAChatbar looks different and i was lost at the firs hurdle, I have dowloaded sachatbar and un zip, it is now on my host in packages but WHAT do i change in it to get it running, thank you if you reply.


On the page that you got the mod from, you'll see a parser, just under the download link. Enter the version of SMF that you're using and hit "Parse". It'll tell you exactly what edits need to be made.

Before you even think of doing that, though, read my sig, woncha? ;)


so easy like that! you are my hero, perpetummdl!
I have hosting24 too, so I did!
thanks a lot

Quote from: perpetummdl on June 10, 2013, 09:17:09 PM
Quote from: Kindred on May 03, 2013, 10:51:53 PM
Wow.w someone who reads the stickies!


Congrats. You are the first to figure it out without a pointed link. :)
On to the issue...
Let me guess... Your host is hosting24 or 000webhost....

In which case, they declare that you have a certain amount of memory, but, as far as I can tell, you do not actually have that much. Y only suggestion, if I am correct in my assumption of your host is - get a better host.

Let's get things straight here. I've run into an issue of not being able to install a specific package (on [nonactive]) via Package Manager and receiving the php error claiming that the limit of 32M is exceeded. Well, guess what, after some investigating (.htaccess and ini_set did not help) I came across these lines in the /Sources/Class-Package.php file:

// If we're using this try to get some more memory.
@ini_set('memory_limit', '32M');

Changing it to 128M fixed the issue. So, please, kindly do stop blaming the webhost for your own shortcomings and lack of knowledge of your own scripting. This is appalling. Make a master setting in the admin area or Settings.php to supersede all others, instead of re-defining the php memory limit inside your scripts. Hosting24 and 000webhost is not "choking" at 32 MB, get your facts straight. You can always use a test script to make sure that the webhost is providing the memory limit they declare with phpinfo():

// This is only an example, the numbers below will
// differ depending on your system

for ($i=1$i<100$i++) {
//echo "used memory is " . memory_get_usage() . "<br/>";
$a loadmem($i); 
//echo "used memory after allocating ".$i."m is " . memory_get_usage() . "<br/>"; // 57960
//echo "used memory after unsetting allocated memory is " . memory_get_usage() . "<br/>"; // 36744
echo "You have allocated "$i "M ("memory_get_usage() . ") memory in this php script" "<br />";

loadmem($howmuchmeg) {
$a str_repeat("0"$howmuchmeg 1024 1024); // alocating 10 chars times million chars
return $a;


If you're a hosting24 or 000webhost user, you'd see that this script returns a php "Allowed memory size of" error after the last iteration (which would be ~124MB and ~60MB respectively), which means that the limits are exactly what the hosting claims them to be. It would be kind of you to stop spreading disinformation. Thank you, I hope you escalate my findings, so that other users can swiftly resolve any php memory issues with SMF.


I recently downloaded and then uninstalled tinyportal and got what I'm guessing is the screen of death talked about here. I can't seem to access my site now, so how do I make the changes that are suggested?


no... what is being talked about here is a very specific instance of the WSoD. (triggered on the admin or package manager)

What you are describing is something else and you should check with your host.

Please do not PM, IM or Email me with support questions.  You will get better and faster responses in the support boards.  Thank you.

"Loki is not evil, although he is certainly not a force for good. Loki is... complicated."


I had a similar issue that was caused by a change I'd made weeks before the problem started showing up. The suggestions in this thread were not directly pertinent to my problem, but led me to my solution with some work. Details and resolution here if that's useful to anyone


I recently came across this on a godaddy VPS. It took me 8 hours to figure out, it was not fun. This applies only to VPS and WHM. There is a setting called "Memory Usage Restrictions" it's under Apache configuration. At face value it sounds like a good idea to place restrictions on memory usage. Don't enable it! What it does it limit the "RlmintMen"  in .httpd conf. I am not exactly sure what that means but it limits memory somehow. When I did that all of my sites became instantly unreachable, SMF showed a blank white page,  and then 500 internal server errors, and giving "File does not exist" errors. As soon as I removed that line everything went back to normal.


I thought this may have been 'mended' by now, its months since I Installed my other one and that was the same. I thought if I left it a while it would be right.

I have a host paid up for the year.

I tried dl a package as suggested in an email update but the file is empty.. ;D

I think my favorite forum software has too many problems at this time.

QuoteI came across these lines in the /Sources/Class-Package.php file:

Code: [Select]
   // If we're using this try to get some more memory.
      @ini_set('memory_limit', '32M');

Changing it to 128M fixed the issue.

Done that, got the error again white screen.

Maybe it will get a fix at some point, I hope so.

"I am the way, the truth, and the life - no one comes to the father except through me.


If you tried to install the 2.0.7 update for SMF, there were some problems with the package and we had to pull it so the zip file would have been empty anyway.

Whe you changed the memory_limit line, if you changed it to 128M it should work - unless your host limits your setup...


As for "fixing it"  -- Since this seems limited mostly to two specific hosts - both of which are known oversellers and both of which have apparently fibbed to ite admins about a variety of things related to memory, there is very little that SMF can or will do.

Please do not PM, IM or Email me with support questions.  You will get better and faster responses in the support boards.  Thank you.

"Loki is not evil, although he is certainly not a force for good. Loki is... complicated."


QuoteThe memory limit associated for the script is 256M

Thats from my host tonight.

That seems to be more than two hosts getting the problem. I get the white screen in admin when I tick create a new category.

Thanks anyway!
"I am the way, the truth, and the life - no one comes to the father except through me.
