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DNEP - Display Name Edit Permission (Partially Hook)

Started by Hj Ahmad Rasyid Hj Ismail, May 20, 2011, 07:44:29 PM

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Hj Ahmad Rasyid Hj Ismail

Link to Mod

DNEP - Display Name Edit Permission

- For SMF 2.0.x
- Partially using hook, modifications on two files.

1. Please do your own backup though every installation is backed up automatically.
2. By default, forum members are usually allowed to have their own display name.
3. It can be turned on or off via admin feature settings page.
4. However, some forum admins / owners may want to control this based via group permission.
5. Using this mod, forum admins / owners can decide which group members are allowed to edit their display name.
6. You can test it in all lower SMF 2.0.x version too as IMO it should work just fine. ;)

Thank you for using/testing it.

Yours friendly,
Abu Fahim Ismail.

BSD License. Feel free to modify accordingly but keep original and current authors' link(s) if it is in there somewhere. ;)

Original Author: Joker™
Alternative Support Site: BurkeKnight Enterprises


#Change Logs

@Version 1.2.1
- Change of author and license.
- Mod upgraded to partially hook.

@Version 1.0.0
- Initial release.


There was a major bug while uninstalling the mod which has been resolved now.

For users who want to install the new package (Version 1.2), have to uninstall the older version(version 1.1). After uninstalling it(Version 1.1) the mod is going to place a code randomly in Sources/ManageSettings.php.

To solve the issue raised after uninstallation of mod open

Sources/ManageSettings.php (Make backup of file before editing it)

Code (Find and Remove:) Select
array('check', 'allow_editDisplayName'),

Code (Find:) Select
array('check', 'allow_guestAccess'),
array('check', 'enable_buddylist'),

Code (Add after) Select
array('check', 'allow_editDisplayName'),

The whole issue occurred due to this code in Modification.xml (has been resolved now)
<file name="$sourcedir/ManageSettings.php">
<search position="remove"><![CDATA[ array('check', 'allow_editDisplayName'),

Sorry for the inconvenience.
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Thanks for this mod. I realized when trying to install it, that I get "test failed" for ManageSettings.php.

I looked up the file, and realized that the reason why it failed was (see snapshot).

I realize this is a small issue which I could simply overwrite the text myself.  How should I proceed?


Hmm, make a backup of your forum first, as I've seen a lot of users breaking there fourms while doing manual edits.

Install the mod

after that go to ManageSettings.php
Code (Find and Remove:) Select
array('check', 'allow_editDisplayName'),
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I have a weird issue with this mod in 2.0.4

It doesn't display the help at the permissions and it also gives only the option for only editing the OWN display name, twice.
Retro video game blogger, writer, actor, podcaster and general amazing dude.

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Make sure all the edits are there.
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"For the wise man looks into space and he knows there is no limited dimensions." - Laozi

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All changes are in place and now both permissions simply say "edit display name" without explanation.
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Please attach a screen shot for me.
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Retro video game blogger, writer, actor, podcaster and general amazing dude.

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Retro video game blogger, writer, actor, podcaster and general amazing dude.

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Nice mod. I using this on my new forum.


Lol really, nearly after 10 months :P
Quote from: NekoJonez on February 26, 2014, 01:58:01 PM
Of the code or...?

Make sure all the edits are there (go through each file manually), placed correctly and only once, not twice or thrice.
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"For the wise man looks into space and he knows there is no limited dimensions." - Laozi

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Quote from: Joker™ on March 01, 2014, 10:20:49 PM
Lol really, nearly after 10 months :P
Quote from: NekoJonez on February 26, 2014, 01:58:01 PM
Of the code or...?

Make sure all the edits are there (go through each file manually), placed correctly and only once, not twice or thrice.
I am so sorry, I simply forgot to do it. I will keep you posted.
Retro video game blogger, writer, actor, podcaster and general amazing dude.

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I triple checked and nothing changed. :c
Retro video game blogger, writer, actor, podcaster and general amazing dude.

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Quote from: NekoJonez on March 02, 2014, 08:29:39 AM
I triple checked and nothing changed. :c
Lol, I can only comment after looking at the files then.
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"For the wise man looks into space and he knows there is no limited dimensions." - Laozi

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So, which files do you want? All the mod edits?
Retro video game blogger, writer, actor, podcaster and general amazing dude.

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Quote from: NekoJonez on March 07, 2014, 05:11:49 AM
So, which files do you want? All the mod edits?
You still looking for a fix, if yes then attach all the files which are edited by the mod.
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"For the wise man looks into space and he knows there is no limited dimensions." - Laozi

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I will do that as soon as I'm not sick anymore.
Retro video game blogger, writer, actor, podcaster and general amazing dude.

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Here are the requested files.
Retro video game blogger, writer, actor, podcaster and general amazing dude.

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My bad, I never saw that you are using the "Simple" layout for editing permissions. This is a mod bug, thanks for reporting it, soon I'll be rolling a new version with a fix.

In the mean time you can switch to "Classic" view to understand and change the permissions related to the mod.
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"For the wise man looks into space and he knows there is no limited dimensions." - Laozi

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