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Forum disapeard after installing theme

Started by emmyeffect, June 27, 2014, 04:00:18 AM

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Our site disapeard after installing a new theme.  :'(

the site: [nonactive]

the error is:

Kunde inte ladda mallen 'main_above'.

in English: Could not load theme 'main_above'.

I have done a backup saving of the site.

Please help! / Emmy



Hang on, you're running SMF 1.1.13. That is way out of date and is potentially a security problem. You really should patch up to 1.1.19 as soon as you can.


I still can not visit the website:C Have tried different browsers. The site wont work for me. Maby cuz i changed the theme just for me. And for that reason I can not upgrade to 1.1.19. But i thought i did uppgrade to the newest version just before the site disapeard? I am new at up here with Simple Machine forum but have been asked to spice up our forum, but it just seems like i keep getting problems.


Ok, well just viewing the site as a guest, it is fine. Try this (it should reset you to the default theme so you can get into your profile).

If that doesn't work, you have probably disabled changing themes for guests. In that case, you will need to change things in phpMyAdmin (which is not difficult).



Cool. It's a good trick. Remember it in case another theme blows the place up again. :D

Incidentally, which theme did you try to install?


Thanks, i will! It was "apple" theme. this one: [nonactive]

And i only wanted to "preview" the theme, and then everything disapeard...


That theme is for SMF 2.0.x, and your forum is running the older 1.1.x. That's why it didn't work. The coding between the versions is too different. Stick with themes that were made for 1.1.x and you should be fine.


Here, just a few quick examples. Orangeline is rather nice:

And Dziner Studio has some good ones:;cat=3

And some of Bloc's old themes for 1.1.x were very nice too (copies are available if you know where to ask).

Depends what style you are looking for, but there are quite a few choices.
