Maybe a dumb question - single member permissions

Started by Rk2910, March 28, 2015, 10:04:20 AM

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I've searched without a result and read the manual.
Can I take away a member's permission to do something without creating a special group and assigning him there?  I have enabled the ability to "Deny".  I look at a members profile and see their permissions but can't seem to deny anything there. I only want to deny something to a single member, not everyone in a group.
Is this something so simple that I am looking too deep?

Thanks in advance.


What particular action to you want to deny at the member level?

Quote from: Thread TitleMaybe a dumb question
It's for sure a dumb title  ::)


I want to be able to for one, take away his PM ability, but maybe other things.


you have to put the user in another group unless you want to deny those permissions to everyone else in the same group as this user.


Ok, that's what I was figuring based on my reading.  Thanks


If the member is in multiple groups, do you have to remove them from all but the new group for the "deny" to take effect?


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So, as I stated earlier I activated the "deny" function to see if I could stop a member from PMing (yes I understand I should create a group with those permissions and assign him into that but I had already turned it on and had left it on) and it seems that all the members (not sure if all, but a lot complained) started being able to log in and read posts only, not post or PM   :-\  Of course I didn't know that because I wasn't affected.  I turned the Deny back off once I found out.

So I read this from the link Steve posted above:
Quote from: Kindred on March 24, 2014, 09:06:14 PM
remember.....    by default, permissions on SMF are INCLUSIVE.

This means that if a user has permissions to do something, granted by ANY group he/she belongs to, then that user CAN do it regardless of what other group permissions may allow or disallow.

The exception to that rule is the DENY permission (which is not active by default)
DENY makes that permissions EXCLUSIVE. (in other words, if ANY group DENIES a user a permission, then that user will NEVER be able to do that action, regardless of any other granted permissions.

so - three states
Allow (inclusive)
disallow (only matters if no other group gives the user permission)
deny (exclusive)

So I think all my members are in a smf Post count based group by default, a group that I had to delete the name of (or at least make it "blank" -I think it is called a community member).  Then they are in a "Registered member" group from the import from phpbb and then they usually join one or more groups that are designed by geographic area.
So I think I need to go through each of the groups and see which wouldn't allow them to post and PM and such.  I see that the "Community member" group has a "No -use unique permissions" for the Inherent permissions.  How do I find out what those permissions are?  I don't see a way on that page to see what they are.


Quote from: Rk2910 on March 31, 2015, 06:12:33 AM
So, as I stated earlier I activated the "deny" function to see if I could stop a member from PMing (yes I understand I should create a group with those permissions and assign him into that but I had already turned it on and had left it on) and it seems that all the members (not sure if all, but a lot complained) started being able to log in and read posts only, not post or PM   :-\  Of course I didn't know that because I wasn't affected.  I turned the Deny back off once I found out.

So I read this from the link Steve posted above:
Quote from: Kindred on March 24, 2014, 09:06:14 PM
remember.....    by default, permissions on SMF are INCLUSIVE.

This means that if a user has permissions to do something, granted by ANY group he/she belongs to, then that user CAN do it regardless of what other group permissions may allow or disallow.

The exception to that rule is the DENY permission (which is not active by default)
DENY makes that permissions EXCLUSIVE. (in other words, if ANY group DENIES a user a permission, then that user will NEVER be able to do that action, regardless of any other granted permissions.

so - three states
Allow (inclusive)
disallow (only matters if no other group gives the user permission)
deny (exclusive)

So I think all my members are in a smf Post count based group by default, a group that I had to delete the name of (or at least make it "blank" -I think it is called a community member).  Then they are in a "Registered member" group from the import from phpbb and then they usually join one or more groups that are designed by geographic area.
So I think I need to go through each of the groups and see which wouldn't allow them to post and PM and such.  I see that the "Community member" group has a "No -use unique permissions" for the Inherent permissions.  How do I find out what those permissions are?  I don't see a way on that page to see what they are.

To see the 'unique permissions' for your "Community member" membergroup, go to:

Admin >>> Login (if it's needed) >>> Members >>> Permissions... >>> You should see in the "General Permissions" area a list of the membergroups with the amount of permissions they got, including an option to modify the permission of each membergroup. So just find the "Community member" membergroup and click on the "Modify" button in the right side. You should be able then to see the exact permissions that this membergroup has, and also change it.


I need single member permissions and that is not possible it seems.
So my answer to this was create a group with the permissions I need and putting them in that group.



Please do not PM, IM or Email me with support questions.  You will get better and faster responses in the support boards.  Thank you.

"Loki is not evil, although he is certainly not a force for good. Loki is... complicated."


This package is very old, and always had errors when I tried to install, but maybe it will work for you, depends what version you use.

You need to create a new membergroup for the member you want and set the permissions you want. Just add it for him as an additional membergroup and mark the membergroup as invisible, so no one will know that this group exists except for you and the users who can edit membergroups, in case you do not want the group to be seen.


RK's on at least 2.0.7 as evidenced by his/her first couple of posts at this site. And the fact this is in the 2.0.* support might also be a clue. :P ;D

I personally wouldn't try to use a package that old ...
DO NOT pm me for support!


I can guarantee that package will NEVER work with 2.0.x without being completely rewritten

Please do not PM, IM or Email me with support questions.  You will get better and faster responses in the support boards.  Thank you.

"Loki is not evil, although he is certainly not a force for good. Loki is... complicated."
