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Force Users to Read Unread Pm(s)

Started by Doug Heffernan, March 12, 2019, 07:01:34 AM

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Doug Heffernan

Link to Mod

This mod will force users who have a certain number of unread pms to read them before they can view the topics at your forum. Groups can be excluded from this restriction. The error message can also be modified by editing the appropriate language string.

-Rock Lee-

I do not know if it is correct in certain cases, however, it is a good modification that I can see. Also I was looking at the code I leave the translation to Latin Spanish.

<file name="$languagedir/Help.spanish_latin.php" error="skip">
<search position="end" />
<add><![CDATA[$helptxt['force_unread_pms_enabled'] = 'Esta configuraci&oacute;n activa y desactiva el mod.';
$helptxt['unread_nr'] = 'Este campo de configuraci&oacute;n contiene el n&uacute;mero de MPs (Mensajes Personales) no le&iacute;dos que desea forzar a sus usuarios a leerlos antes de que puedan navegar por los temas en su foro.';
$helptxt['unread_nr_excluded_groups'] = 'Ingrese la(s) identificaci&oacute;n(es) del(los) grupo(s) que desea excluir de la restricci&oacute;n de MPs de lectura forzada no le&iacute;da. Para excluir m&aacute;s de un grupo, separe los identificadores con una coma. Por Ejem. 1,2,3,4';]]></add>

<file name="$languagedir/Help.spanish_latin-utf8.php" error="skip">
<search position="end" />
<add><![CDATA[$helptxt['force_unread_pms_enabled'] = 'Esta configuración activa y desactiva el mod.';
$helptxt['unread_nr'] = 'Este campo de configuración contiene el número de MPs (Mensajes Personales) no leídos que desea forzar a sus usuarios a leerlos antes de que puedan navegar por los temas en su foro.';
$helptxt['unread_nr_excluded_groups'] = 'Ingrese la(s) identificación(es) del(los) grupo(s) que desea excluir de la restricción de MPs de lectura forzada no leída. Para excluir más de un grupo, separe los identificadores con una coma. Por Ejem. 1,2,3,4';]]></add>

<file name="$languagedir/Modifications.spanish_latin.php" error="skip">
<search position="end" />
<add><![CDATA[$txt['unreadpms_settings'] = 'Forzar lectura de MP(s) no leida(s)';
$txt['force_unread_pms_enabled'] = 'Activar Mod';
$txt['unread_nr'] = 'N&uacute;mero de MP(s) no le&iacute;do(s)';
$txt['unread_nr_excluded_groups'] = 'Los grupos excluidos';
$txt['unread_pms_error_message'] = 'Tenes <strong> %s </strong> no le&iacute;do(s). &iexcl;Debes leerlos para ver los temas del foro!';]]></add>

<file name="$languagedir/Modifications.spanish_latin-utf8.php" error="skip">
<search position="end" />
<add><![CDATA[$txt['unreadpms_settings'] = 'Forzar lectura de MP(s) no leida(s)';
$txt['force_unread_pms_enabled'] = 'Activar Mod';
$txt['unread_nr'] = 'Número de MP(s) no leído(s)';
$txt['unread_nr_excluded_groups'] = 'Los grupos excluidos';
$txt['unread_pms_error_message'] = 'Tenes <strong> %s </strong> no leído(s). ¡Debes leerlos para ver los temas del foro!';]]></add>

¡Regresando como cual Fenix! ~ Bomber Code
Ayudas - Aportes - Tutoriales - Y mucho mas!!!


A useful purpose for this would be to implement this on a forum with PMs disabled for everyone but moderators. PMs could then be used to warn users for posts that violate the forum's terms of service, not allowing them to continue to use the board until they read the warnings.


Quote from: websitemaker1978 on April 11, 2019, 06:09:22 PM
PMs could then be used to warn users for posts that violate the forum's terms of service, not allowing them to continue to use the board until they read the warnings.

They can always just click and not read them... the same way you usually click "I Agree" on any license agreement. Don't know if anybody's read one entirely, LOL :D.
"This is really a generic concept about human thinking - when faced with large tasks we're naturally inclined to try to break them down into a bunch of smaller tasks that together make up the whole."

"A 500 error loosely translates to the webserver saying, "WTF?"..."


The mod somehow doesn't work.

if someone logs into the forum, he did not get a message window, only that a message is displayed in the form of a 1 message in the link bar



DO NOT pm me for support!


I've only tried it out once myself with a second user account.
When I log into the forum I don't get a popup window like the mod describes it


What about alternate browsers? Same problem?
DO NOT pm me for support!



Do you have the mod enabled? Do you have a specific number of PMs entered in the settings? Do you have any excluded groups in those settings?
DO NOT pm me for support!


yes, everything was done and no group was excluded


I'm afraid the mod author is going to have to take it from here. :-\
DO NOT pm me for support!


Hello Doug Heffernan

have you stopped your support for the mod? No answer from you?
