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Download not up to date

Started by yerg, December 28, 2005, 04:52:25 PM

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I downloaded the latest version smf_1-0-5_install.tar.gz and installed it and now get the following error.
Note: It appears that your database may require an upgrade. Your forum files are currently at version SMF 1.0.5, whereas your database is at version SMF 1.0.2. It is recommended that you execute the latest version of upgrade.php.
What gives?
Where is the latest version of upgrade.php?

Seems strange to get the latest version and still have to go through an upgrade process.  :(



You need to download the upgrade or update package depending on what your needs are. Sounds like your downloading the install version of SMF1.05 and not the upgrade one.

Download the update or upgrade package:

SMF 1.05 update package:
SMF 1.05 upgrade:

I suggest you download and run the latter. To be honest I would recommend you upgrade to 1.1rc.


This is where I'm confused.

Quotesmf_1-0-5_install.tar.gz =

Installation package for SMF 1.0.5 (contains English only, download other languages below)
Use this for a new installation, just run install.php after uploading all the files. (whether you're in safe mode or not...)

That is what I downloaded. The very first item on the Download Page

This is a new install not an upgrade of an existing install so I don't see why I should be getting the error. I actually thought I'd downloaded the wrong install so did it again and got the same outcome.

Whether I'm right or wrong I figure that the words Use this for a new installation are just that .... a brand new install and that's the error I'm getting when I install it, brand new. <shrug>


The only reason I can imagine that you would receive such an error would be if you had a previous install of SMF installed.


It's on my test machine and it's in a new database and there are no other SMF installs on the server.

I'll try again now and see if they really are out to get me  ;)

========= 5 mins later
Ok there are no SMF installs on the server. There are no SMF mysql databases on the server.

I've removed the previous database and files.

Run the install again and get the following
QuoteUnknown column 'c.ID_CAT' in 'on clause'
File: /www/smf/Sources/BoardIndex.php
Line: 82

Note: It appears that your database may require an upgrade. Your forum files are currently at version SMF 1.0.5, whereas your database is at version SMF 1.0.2. It is recommended that you execute the latest version of upgrade.php.

Please tell me I haven't been got at  :'(


"Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results."
