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One last conversion from phpBB while moving from beta to production

Started by hillrunr, April 20, 2006, 10:41:20 AM

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SMF Version: SMF 1.1 RC2
I don't know if version and location matter for this kind of question but just in case, I'm running 1.1 RC2 at the following location: and my phpBB version that I am converting from is 2.0.20.

I now think I have my SMF set up to the point that I'm more than happy with it. Didn't take nearly as long as I expected. All that I have left are little tweaks, which I'm always doing to my current forums anyway so my users won't bat an eye if a button changes here or an image changes there. My next step is to let my visitors get their feet wet with SMF in its beta form and let them try to find anything I have misconfigured, which I am currently doing. Once I have the OK there, I'm ready to go live.

That's where I'm wondering what the best approach is. I saw in the moving server topic the recommendation to copy the files and the database, then run the repair_settings.php file. This solves my question of how to handle the files, which I have made some minor modifications to.

However, I still have the question of the database. Earlier this week, I made a copy of my current phpBB forums and loaded them into SMF. After changing quite a few board configurations, I have to assume some of the changes I made are in the SMF database. However, as there will be over a week's worth of posts and newly registered users on the current forums before I go live with SMF, I'll want to reload my phpBB database into SMF when I officially make the switch.

Is there a way to reload the week's worth of posts and users on the current forums without losing my SMF settings or should I just plan on reconfiguring what is in the database once I move SMF to production? Is there a subset of tables I can leave out of the phpBB to SMF conversion in order to leave the settings intact but reload all posts/users/PMs/whatever else as a fresh copy or will this cause more issues than it's worth? Am I completely heading down the wrong path?

I can't wait until I'm familiar enough with SMF to go from being the one asking all the questions to being the one offering answers. I'm probably not the only one who can't wait for that day. In the meantime, thanks for all the help that has been and (I'm sure) will continue to be offered.
