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Akismet Spam Protection

Started by vbgamer45, December 29, 2006, 02:19:52 AM

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Database Error
Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
File: /home/www/*****.********.com/forum/Sources/Subs-Post.php
Line: 1604

Help pl0px


Could you please attach your Subs-Post.php file here?
Daniel15, former Customisation team member, resigned due to lack of time. I still love everyone here :D.
Go to for SMFshop support, do NOT email or PM me!


I've uninstalled it, so do you still want my subs-post.php

i can't leave it installed as it will stop people posting
(='.'=)This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your
(")_(")signature to help him gain world domination.
Total Twaddle.


A small issue crept into the install.xml file for version 1.1.1 of this mod, which was what was causing the error. Upgrades from 1.1 to 1.1.1 are not affected by this issue.

To fix this issue, open Subs-Post.php, and find the code around the line that's causing the error. It will look a bit like:

// Insert a new topic (if the topicID was left empty.
if ($new_topic)
INSERT INTO {$db_prefix}topics
VALUES ($topicOptions[board], $posterOptions[id], $posterOptions[id], " . ($spam == true ? '1' : '0') . ",
" . ($topicOptions['lock_mode'] === null ? '0' : $topicOptions['lock_mode']) . ', ' .
($topicOptions['sticky_mode'] === null ? '0' : $topicOptions['sticky_mode']) . ", 0, " . ($topicOptions['poll'] === null ? '0' : $topicOptions['poll']) . ')', __FILE__, __LINE__);
$topicOptions['id'] = db_insert_id();

Replace that code with:

// Insert a new topic (if the topicID was left empty.
if ($new_topic)
INSERT INTO {$db_prefix}topics
VALUES ($topicOptions[board], $posterOptions[id], $posterOptions[id], $msgOptions[id], $msgOptions[id], " . ($spam == true ? '1' : '0') . ",
" . ($topicOptions['lock_mode'] === null ? '0' : $topicOptions['lock_mode']) . ', ' .
($topicOptions['sticky_mode'] === null ? '0' : $topicOptions['sticky_mode']) . ", 0, " . ($topicOptions['poll'] === null ? '0' : $topicOptions['poll']) . ')', __FILE__, __LINE__);
$topicOptions['id'] = db_insert_id();

I'll be uploading a fixed package as soon as possible (the mods site isn't working correctly at present), but for now a fixed package is attached to this post
Daniel15, former Customisation team member, resigned due to lack of time. I still love everyone here :D.
Go to for SMFshop support, do NOT email or PM me!


OK, the new archive has been uploaded.
Daniel15, former Customisation team member, resigned due to lack of time. I still love everyone here :D.
Go to for SMFshop support, do NOT email or PM me!


when i do the test with the subject of "akismet-test-123" it does not clasify that as spam


Quote from: DaBoROE09 on January 07, 2007, 12:43:53 PM
when i do the test with the subject of "akismet-test-123" it does not clasify that as spam
Have you made the changes on all templates? Here worked.


what changes should i have made to the template.  umm i uninstalled it and reinstalled it.



Quotewhen i do the test with the subject of "akismet-test-123" it does not clasify that as spam
Please check that your Sources/Post.php and Sources/Subs-Post.php files were edited correctly. If you search in the file, there should be an Akismet section.
If you attach your Post.php and Subs-Post.php files here, I'll have a look and see if I can find what's wrong.
Daniel15, former Customisation team member, resigned due to lack of time. I still love everyone here :D.
Go to for SMFshop support, do NOT email or PM me!


I've upgraded to 1.1.1 last night, and all was working fine and dandy today up until about two hours ago - suddenly everything is getting flagged as spam.  Before, only a post or two a day would be flagged, but now all posts are.  Is there any particular reason for this, or is it something on Akismet's part? :/


Quotesuddenly everything is getting flagged as spam.  Before, only a post or two a day would be flagged, but now all posts are.  Is there any particular reason for this, or is it something on Akismet's part?
It's most likely a glitch with Akismet (these things happen very rarely, but they do occasionally happen).
Are the posts regular posts, or are they spam-like posts (very short, lots of links, etc.)?
Daniel15, former Customisation team member, resigned due to lack of time. I still love everyone here :D.
Go to for SMFshop support, do NOT email or PM me!


They're all regular posts, no links, 2-3 sentences.  These posts used to get by Akismet fine but now everything is going up as spam :/


Quote from: thelastkiss on January 08, 2007, 10:17:50 PMI've upgraded to 1.1.1 last night, and all was working fine and dandy today up until about two hours ago - suddenly everything is getting flagged as spam.  Before, only a post or two a day would be flagged, but now all posts are.  Is there any particular reason for this, or is it something on Akismet's part? :/
I've uninstalled this extension because that. I quit.


I removed it because of the problems today, but I will put it back, when the problem is fixed. It would be nice to have an alert feature added, so I don't have to keep going into admin to see if there are any trapped posts.
Also I note that when releasing non spam, the index page is not updated. Only when you view the thread does it show as a new post


Sorry about the problems guys, I've contacted the creators of Akismet so I can see if there's any known problems at the moment.
Daniel15, former Customisation team member, resigned due to lack of time. I still love everyone here :D.
Go to for SMFshop support, do NOT email or PM me!


Thanks, Daniel :)

I use Akismet on my blog though, and nothing unusual has happened (just a tidbit, don't know if that will help).


I'm having the same problem now. Going to un-install this mod till problems are fixed :(
After uninstalling this, I'm getting problems :(

Database Error
Unknown column 't.spam' in 'where clause'
File: /home/dungeons/public_html/CR/Sources/MessageIndex.php
Line: 490

and this one:
Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class akismet in /home/dungeons/public_html/CR/Sources/Akismet.class.php on line 55

|| foto-site ||


Hmmm akismet-test-123 didn't work for me either.  Also, the Akismet configuration link doesn't appear in my admin....

I really hate that if you don't use the Default theme, you have to code everything by hand.. there really be a way to fix that.


i agree nolageek.  it is easy for the creators to do it just for one theme but it would be awesome if they could do it for all. 


QuoteI'm having the same problem now. Going to un-install this mod till problems are fixed
After uninstalling this, I'm getting problems
Delete all related code from MessageIndex.php, Post.php and Subs-Post.php ;)

Quoteit is easy for the creators to do it just for one theme but it would be awesome if they could do it for all.
It's impossible to do, as I'd need to include code for every single theme available (the code of most themes is slightly different). There's no easy way for a package to know what theme a user has installed.
Daniel15, former Customisation team member, resigned due to lack of time. I still love everyone here :D.
Go to for SMFshop support, do NOT email or PM me!
