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Rejuvinate a Forum?

Started by Senkusha, April 07, 2009, 04:57:13 PM

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Hi all!  I'm trying to give life back into my forum, it seems that only a handful of the original members are posting anything anymore, and it's sparse when things are done.

One thing I did was to "archive" the ancient posts, and I guess that helps a little bit.  I'm also guessing that some of the advice I'll get is do some link exchanges or something.  Basically it boils down to more advertising.

Is there anything else I can do to bolster activity or grab new members?

The Anime Brigade
Anime-style Role Playing Games and Discussion.
(SMF v. 2.1.4, PHP v. 8.0)


I'd jump on facebook/myspace/twitter and create yourself a page/group which can lead to new members, competitions are always a great incentive to get new members chatting and posting (do a clause that only  posting members can enter and win) and get companies to donate/sponsor the prizes for you.

Its all about new and exciting content, so create new posts to get better talking. Get your mods to spark up conversations with everyone and ask them questions to get them chatting. Do link exchanges like you suggested, and jump on similar forums/sites to yours and post details (if you can), write articles and submit to various sources and always link back to your website... add new features and keep the content fresh (thats the most important thing) sign up for google adwords and adsense.

Hmmm have heaps of other ideas but cant think at the moment, feel free to check out my site it  might give you some ideas on features and things to include :) I found the competitions were a huge thing on my and I also did some advertising on facebook as well which got heaps of new members, not all posted but at least it got people looking at my site and joining up.

Send our newsletters is another one.... maybe do quiz's and posts on site... will keep posting as I think of them!


This might sound silly, but I've never advertised on Myspace or Facebook, or .... but I do have a profile on Facebook.

How would I go about advertising on these platforms, besides just putting my website in  my profile?
The Anime Brigade
Anime-style Role Playing Games and Discussion.
(SMF v. 2.1.4, PHP v. 8.0)


here is the link to the advertising info - you can pay per click/view

and the link to the facebook pages basically keep updating your page with the latest happenings/news on your website, ask your mods to keep it updated.... invite your friends/members to join and add the "find us on facebook" link to your website as well... we all know everyone wastes heaps of time on facebook (myself included) so its a good way to find new members and get more interest

also search existing pages/groups and put the link to your website on there (i.e. i run a bridal website so every wedding/bride group i can find i post the link to my website)

not really into myspace or twitter myself but just check them out cause they have very similar things as well!


I just wanted to give a quick update.

After about a week working with Facebook (creating a group page -- although I'm thinking a "business page' may have been better -- and creating an RSS feed to my personal page from my forum), I've seen three new members, one of which actively posts.  Oh, and a member that registered back in 2006 finally came back and activated her account, after i sent out a couple of announced posts.

One thing I really wish, was that for announced posts, if somebody replies to it, that it would post a reply instead of just going to my inbox...but oh well.

So, I must say that Facebook seems to be starting to help get things back off the ground.
The Anime Brigade
Anime-style Role Playing Games and Discussion.
(SMF v. 2.1.4, PHP v. 8.0)


well its a start and its better than nothing, and can only get better the more effort you put into it. its never easy but you are on the right track... id create a business page as well, i have both and i find the page is busier than the group but its good to have both cause you will reach a wider audience. good luck i hope it all works out and your website picks up and gets heaps of new (posting) members!
