Auto Map Directions?

Started by marinesct, May 05, 2009, 10:44:39 PM

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I found the site  I was wondering if anyone had thought about putting together a mod to utilize Loki's immaculate ability to pinpoint your location to provide directions (via Google maps maybe?) to an event being held with the organization...say, attachable to the calendar or post?


Does anyone know where I could begin with putting this together?


Thanks. I'll take a look at it when I get home this evening.  Since I'll be deploying shortly, I should have plenty of time to experiment with it.

IF (a big if) I am able to get it running, I guess It'll be my first mod for the community :)



I'll keep my eyes open, for it.  :)


Quote from: marinesct on May 17, 2009, 01:52:17 PM
Thanks. I'll take a look at it when I get home this evening.  Since I'll be deploying shortly, I should have plenty of time to experiment with it.

IF (a big if) I am able to get it running, I guess It'll be my first mod for the community :)

When And Where Ya Headed, I am On My Way Early NY


The main concept is for the organization to set up an event (e.g. meeting, lan party, packing trip) with a date, time and location specified. The event would be scheduled under its own tab and integrated into the calendar. When the member visits the event tab, they can click on a link next to the location of the event  (e.g. Central Park, New York, NY (click here for directions)) and be presented a map with directions from their house to the location of the event without any data input.

If anyone has any ideas or suggestions, please post em here.

Quote from: PHPLearner on May 17, 2009, 08:10:48 PM
When And Where Ya Headed, I am On My Way Early NY

I'll be heading to the middle east here in the immediate near future.
