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Site not generating error log

Started by Oboiro500, May 11, 2016, 04:01:30 PM

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No, I agree there is an issue with your host and their checklist of problem solving. And their utter inability to do anything about fixing it.


I cannot change my  host yet as I need some time to select. Meanwhile I want to attempt some other suggestions.
1. Aranto suggested the following:

Quote from: Arantor on May 12, 2016, 04:58:18 PM
As a temporary 'let's see if we can see some error of some kind', change the following in index.php:
ini_set('display_errors', 'On');

This should, in theory, show us something. Even if it doesn't, we still learn something from it.

My host followed this and we now have something on screen, though not what we want.

2. Deprecated suggested these:
Quote from: Deprecated on May 13, 2016, 12:32:40 AM
My experience is that customer support knows nothing. Fix things on your own is the only realistic solution.

1. try adding a php file <?php echo"hello"; ?> and see if that works.

2. try adding a php file <?php phpinfo(); ?> and see if you can make head and tail of it.

3. try installing a fresh copy of SMF in a subdirectory like /forum/ and see if that works.

In software sometimes you have to try 1,000 things to get 1 thing to work.

I am attracted to his option 3.

1.1 This should make it generate error log and we can deal with that, is'nt it?
2.1 This should remove amendment made to present php
3.1 I can still transfer all my files as if I changed host.

Am I correct? Correct me if I am wrong.


if you go with option 3, you will not get an error log generated unless there are errors. you should look at my suggestion on the prior page to start with clean files.


If I understand correctly, the problem is with the index.php file not working. You mean this would start working if I reinstalled a copy of SMF on a new sub-directory? 


all of SMF is put through index.php so there is possibly no issue with index.php but in one of the hundred or so other SMF files.
reinstalling SMF in the CURRENT directory may help to resolve the issue.


Ok, I should reinstall in CURRENT directory, and the present issue would be resolved.
I have visited Softaculous, and the present SMF version is 2.0.11. I would be installing this. Please confirm.


There may be many causes for your problem. Our biggest issue with trying to help you is that your host is run by idiots who apparently have scripted helpdesks, and have no one who actually understands the system

Without the server error lig, we are just guessing.
The fact that your host can not generate that server log is what is truly pathetic.
We are fairly certain that the the issue lues somewhwre in your set of files... we agree with the host on that... but they need to have an error log on the server side, since the issue kills php and thus never makes it to the smf script and smf logs.

I also  dont know why you keep asking your host to edit files... just edit them yourself...

And do notvuse softaculous

Please do not PM, IM or Email me with support questions.  You will get better and faster responses in the support boards.  Thank you.

"Loki is not evil, although he is certainly not a force for good. Loki is... complicated."


I am suspending reinstallation for now. Please, guide me to edit the files to clear this issue.


what edits do you want? really trying to do the clean install may be easier and get you up and running faster.


Quote from: Arantor on May 12, 2016, 04:58:18 PM
As a temporary 'let's see if we can see some error of some kind', change the following in index.php:

ini_set('display_errors', 'On');

This should, in theory, show us something. Even if it doesn't, we still learn something from it.

Please do not PM, IM or Email me with support questions.  You will get better and faster responses in the support boards.  Thank you.

"Loki is not evil, although he is certainly not a force for good. Loki is... complicated."


Quote from: Illori on May 13, 2016, 07:14:11 PM
what edits do you want? really trying to do the clean install may be easier and get you up and running faster.

Ok. All considered, let me do the clean install. You said:

Quote from: Kindred on May 13, 2016, 12:51:18 PM
And do notvuse softaculous

What clean copy of SMF do I use? I am running 2.0.5 at present.


I checked Online Manual for which to download. It recommends 2.0.11 I can download this. But, with my SMF webpage not opening, I have no access to the Package Manager. How do I upload it?



I have downloaded 2.0.11 using FileZilla. I restarted the machine. The problem persists. It showed the page as was amended the last time. First I cleared cache. When that did not work, I changed my browser from Mozilla Firefox to Chrome. No difference.


Is not that what happens when a cache file is corrupted?

I remember having some issue with the cache in one server (a cheap one, weird configurations) and need to clear the cache folder (except .htaccess and index.php) to make the forum work again, no errors logged anywhere, just a white page.


I would be so surprised it would explode my head if my host even offered to help me on a script that I installed. I would expect them to tell me it's their job to keep the server working and my job to install/debug scripts.

As an experiment I would install a fresh SMF in a subdirectiory and see if that works. Or another domain or subdomain if you can (better).


but the host should always be able to pull the error logs... any host that can not do that is pathetic

Please do not PM, IM or Email me with support questions.  You will get better and faster responses in the support boards.  Thank you.

"Loki is not evil, although he is certainly not a force for good. Loki is... complicated."


It appears he is running on a shared ("cloud") server. I would think his errors are all scrambled in with everybody else's errors, and considering it's not untypical for shared hosts to run a couple hundred sites on a shared server, most of the sites run by idiots that couldn't write 2 lines of working code under penalty of defenestration, I don't see how you could expect your (crappy) host to help you solve your code problems.

All I expect from my shared host is to keep the server up and keep it backed up in case it explodes and graces the Internet with a couple hundred fewer useless sites. ;)

I now have the luxury of my own dedicated server and I'm slowly moving sites from the shared host to my own box, and it's a whole different world! I can configure my server any way I want and see (or enable) any logs I want. Of course there is very little in the way of tech support, no cpanel, and I'm on my own: fix it myself or live without it.

I like it that way. No tech support is hardly different from useless tech support, and in the end I learn a lot more solving my own problems instead of asking for help from some script reader.


I run most of my sites on shared servers.
Properly configured, by the host, not the individual site owners, they generate error logs for MY  site and no one elses...

Please do not PM, IM or Email me with support questions.  You will get better and faster responses in the support boards.  Thank you.

"Loki is not evil, although he is certainly not a force for good. Loki is... complicated."


That's good! I've been mostly satisfied with 1&1 for a dozen years, but they started out strong and as they improved their American business (they came from Germany) more and more, their cpanel became less and less responsive, and their previously American support team was offshored ot the Phillipines.

(A few years ago I installed my own phpMyAdmin because 1&1's cpanel PMA was so slow as to be pathetic.)

Meanwhile add a dollar increase for domain registration each year, milking their customers more and more, and oh don't forget to increase the cost of the package each year.

In actuality I got a dedicated server at a ridiculously low price, admittedly uber-low performance, but yet comparable to a VPN at a VPN price, and the important part is that it is MY SERVER and I am the support staff.

Without gradually moving into dedicated server support like I have the last few years (sink or swim, baby!) most SMF forum operators are not sufficiently experienced to to operate a VPN or dedicated server, but if you make the grade the thrill of independence is worth it.

The only problem is that when I call my support telephone number it's always busy... Funny, they have the same phone number as me! ;)
