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A nightmare converting phpbb to smf

Started by osbc01, February 06, 2007, 04:56:18 PM

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I'm a big fan of SMF.. I'm using it on one other web site.
Another web site of mine had a phpbb board.. but I wanted to convert it to smf.  I downloaded the converter then I downloaded the new smf 111..   uploaded the files to the same directory where the phpbb board was which was in public_html/forum

I tried to run a forum/install.php and for some reason it wouldn't connect properly. 
It says:

"The installer was unable to access the "smf" database. With some hosts, you have to create the database in your administration panel before SMF can use it. Some also add prefixes - like your username - to your database names."

Any idea what I'm doing wrong?



Now it says:

Cannot connect to the MySQL database server with the supplied data.

If you are not sure about what to type in, please contact your host.
Access denied for user: 'goosecre_forum@localhost' (Using password: YES)


You have not entered the correct MySQL information, probably the password.

Re-check the username and password information you are entering for MySQL.


Are you installing on the same DB also?
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