I cannot install your smf-joomla bridge

Started by Adam_eM, March 14, 2007, 07:10:00 AM

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Hi there

I've just recently downloaded your smf forum software, but I can't get it working on my joomla website... i mean the forum itself, works very fine indeed, but i can't install the required component to get the bridge working.

When i try to install it through my admin panel in joomla, i am getting an error message saying that the installer is unable to create a com_smf folder. I've checked the folders structure and i have chmod 777 everywhere there. What might be the reason of that then?

The bridge version is 1-1-7
The joomla version that I use is 1.0.11


Have you tried to install any other Joomla components?




If you are able to install other components, then it's probably not a safe mode issue.

Can I see the URL?


OK, done. Check your PMs please.

Damn, i missed the comment at the bottom of your posts... well if you don't like PMs then here you are: :)



It is obvious you have already tried to install another bridge.  Uninstall that before attempting to install bridge 1.1.7.

If it is a joomlahacks product you installed previously, I also suggest uploading clean SMF and Joomla files before installing 1.1.7.


Yes i've tried the other stuff you've mentioned but it doesn't work neither so i haven't got it installed eventually... I tried to install the joomlahacks components before, but it came to nothing so I've overwritten my old joomla files with the new ones, then I've erased the smf thingy and installed the latest version, but it is clean at the moment, I haven't done anything with it so far, and haven't changed anything except a language file.


Delete whatever is in the components/com_smf folder.  Also delete anything in the administrator/components/com_smf folder.  The joomlahacks files are still there.


I cannot remove these... I have no idea what might be the reason of that... it seems like a permissions error, but there's 777 there...

My mistake: there's 755 there, but anyways... I cannot even chmod it to 777 nor delete these directories (or it's contents)

I'm not sure, but It may be possible that I cannot remove any files because I'm not an owner of these. It's an apache server. The problem is that I'm using a hosting service, so I cannot simply CHOWN it...


install the component called JoomlaXplorer...

this will enable you to delete and chmod files and directories as if you were joomla (which on your system, I'll bet is set up as php=nobody)

Please do not PM, IM or Email me with support questions.  You will get better and faster responses in the support boards.  Thank you.

"Loki is not evil, although he is certainly not a force for good. Loki is... complicated."


It doesn't help... I mean I can delete these files now, but I still cannot install the bridge since the installer says it can't create a com_smf directory


does the com_smf directory still exist in either joomla/administrator/components or joomla/components?

Are the components directories set to 755?

Please do not PM, IM or Email me with support questions.  You will get better and faster responses in the support boards.  Thank you.

"Loki is not evil, although he is certainly not a force for good. Loki is... complicated."


No it doesn't... both of these have 777 there...


You will need t odelete the com_smf directory and the com_smf_registration directory in both the root and administrator folders before you will be able to install the bridge.


I followed your instructions closely... I HAVE deleted these, but then, when I am going to install the bridge, I'm getting an error message that the installer cannot create the directories...
