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SMF 1.0 Beta 1 Released!

Started by David, September 29, 2003, 09:37:55 PM

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I nearly took out a  banner ad package too, but then realised my business plan was too risky and I might as well stick with being an employee.
Liverpool FC Forum with 14 million+ posts.


Quote from: ryan on October 02, 2003, 10:34:04 AM
still unfair >:( grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrowl

Be glad, when u have SMF, its tested and ready. I have now broken SSI, broken news, and my users cant start new topics etc, because of BUGS in beta.
Former Lead Support Specialist

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See, so maybe is isn't too bad that most of us are getting the public version.  Then a majority of the bugs are worked out :).

Coming soon!


heh, I'm not complaining... well complaining that I'm such a poor final year student...
but not about the price... just noting that for me its alot too much...
heheh, priorities... yes, to video games ^_^
However, next time I get my hands on my dads credit card, I will try to donate something :)


Ahhh yes, parents credit cards.  I only get to touch them if they have the cash ahead of time in their hands.. Sigh

Coming soon!


mmm, same with me usually... tho after the last problem I'll be lucky to see one ever again....
imported FF:CC for my site as well as F-Zero and an Action Replay... and due to general unluckiness, that date used to calculate price for import taxes in AU was a bad day... basically I paid $244 (without shipping), they calculated $257... $250 is our tax limit... if I'm under its free, if its over, its $80AU... and of course its almost impossible to make a claim with our tax dept, so $80 out of pocket :(


Ahh the good old action replay, brings back memories, of, well, better not get into that here, as the statute of limitations probably hasn't expired.......

Anyway, I'm working full time, going to school for the 3rd time, just went "public" with my school forum, spend my little spare time tinkering with my server, and living paycheck to paycheck, so dont think everything is gonna be grand after you graduate.  I have 2 video games that have been collecting dust since christmas due to no time, and I'm scraping pennies together for the charter membership(Do i have to use a cc, or can  I send in a big jar of change?).

While I'm eager to get started with SMF I am more than happy to wait for the public release.  I don't have time to beta right now, even if I had the charter, though I definately think these guys deserve some bread.  All of you students take note:  In the real world nothing says thank you like greenbacks, and these guys have earned some.  When they are done tinkering they will let us have it, and I rest assured that it will upgrade, and work without making me jump through a bunch of technical hoops.  ok, i'm done ranting now.

and ps:  I love the show unread posts since last visit thing.  It's great!
Wouldn't you like to be a Llama too?

Jeff Lewis

Co-Founder of SMF


heh, I got my F-Zero in from Japan (which is why I need the Action Replay, coz of a region bug).
F-Zero is great ;D absolutely awesome imho.
I dont have time to do anything... especially beta test.. though if I had it... I would ^_^;;
I'm hoping the puclic release is Nov 16th.
That way I can get it -just- after my exams.... and get modding just in time :) (school ends forever for me on the 16th or something like that)


lol, Nov 16th would be good for me too, though I'd still have another 6 months of school for the diploma(it's a tech school), and then the associates, and then the bahelors, and now that I think of it, I always intended to go back for Biology<sigh> i'm gonna be in school for the rest of my life.  On the bright side I can keep deferring those student loans, and I get to stop being a Respiratory Therapist.

Good luck on jumping into the working week ;)
Wouldn't you like to be a Llama too?

James Woodcock

Ok I am thinking about becoming a Charter Member but just want to check a few things before I take the plunge!

Firstly does the beta come with a YaBB SE 1.5.4 > SMF Beta 1 convertor for boards and members?

Secondly are all the SSI commands like in YaBB SE working?

Thirdly can the forum be used publicly for my site visitors?

And last but not least is installation as simple as YaBB SE was?

Many Thanks


Quote from: GlideM on October 04, 2003, 04:41:26 AM

Firstly does the beta come with a YaBB SE 1.5.4 > SMF Beta 1 convertor for boards and members?


QuoteSecondly are all the SSI commands like in YaBB SE working?
Yes, but they are little changed, see

And last but not least is installation as simple as YaBB SE was?

Former Lead Support Specialist

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James Woodcock

James Woodcock

Well thanks to your answers I have now registered to become a charter member.  Should be useful as the forum is quite popular so likely bugs will be found at some point.

I'll let you know when its up.  Just got to wait for my Charter Status ;)


My hands are itching for the public beta  :D . I don't mind that it still a closed beta testing... I do not have the time install/convert my board(s) anyway. So i dont mind waiting on a bug free version  8)

cheers *acf

James Woodcock

Well of course you can look around the SMF Beta 1 I have when I have done it so you can have a play with the stuff.  Be good then so these peeps here can report bugs quicker.


Since this theme is not included with the distrubution, what do the other theme(s) look like?  :D

I'm really looking forward to seeing them.


Right now beta looks just like YSE. This is going to chage in future
Former Lead Support Specialist

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o? beta is using the YaBBSE theme??
no one told us that :P
All I've seen I think was the "Spam-box" thing that bostasp posted ^_^
Well... will the public beta have more themes? have they even been made yet :P ;)??


They working on them. Themes will be many
Former Lead Support Specialist

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