Boton BBC para "Hide Tag" para SMF 1.1.X y SMF 2RC3, RC4

Started by EgAr, August 01, 2007, 10:09:13 PM

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Luego de instalar el Mod "Hide Tag" (requerido antes de instalar este boton)

se extraña tener un boton HIDE en la plantilla de posteo, por lo que he creado la siguiente:

Para SMF 1.1.X

Lo dejo como adjunto, funciona perfectamente en el theme "default" y se instala como cualquier paquete.

Si no utilizas el theme "default", en la carpeta de tu theme, edita el archivo


'ftp' => array('code' => 'ftp', 'before' => '[ftp]', 'after' => '[/ftp]', 'description' => $txt[434]),

y agregar en la linea siguiente:
'hide' => array('code' => 'hide', 'before' => '[hide]', 'after' => '[/hide]', 'description' => 'Hide'),

y ademas copia el archivo "hide.gif" a :


Para SMF 2RC3, 2RC4

en ./Sources/Subs-Editor.php

            'image' => 'ftp',
            'code' => 'ftp',
            'before' => '[ftp]',
            'after' => '[/ftp]',
            'description' => $txt['ftp']

agregar despues

            'image' => 'hide',
            'code' => 'hide',
            'before' => '[hide]',
            'after' => '[/hide]',
            'description' => 'Hide'

ademas copia el archivo "hide.gif" a :




Devuelta pero sin pagina :P

Mis Mod:
multiples bbcode - Nuevo  MessagePreview - firma por defecto


esto se supone que oculta el contenido hasta que se responde no?


pero tiene que instalar el hide antes... este solo que coloca el boton en el editor...
Devuelta pero sin pagina :P

Mis Mod:
multiples bbcode - Nuevo  MessagePreview - firma por defecto


Quote from: bigo on August 02, 2007, 07:49:13 PM
pero tiene que instalar el hide antes... este solo que coloca el boton en el editor...

Bigo, gracias por responder   ;)


hola, ante todo gracias por los mod , yo ya baje el mod hide y el boton que tan gentimente nos facilito EGAR, ahora una pregunta, se le puede poner al link que uno oculto algo asi como* link oculto, debes postear par poder ver el link*
por cierto el mod y el boton hide funcionan de maravilla



eso se hace en la configuracion del mod...

sino la ves, seguramente te falta la traduccion al español... pon el foro en ingles, configura el HIDE y luego lo vuelves a español.

por si alguien se anima a traducirlo, dejo el archivo atraducir:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE modification SYSTEM "">
<modification xmlns="" xmlns:smf="">
<info>Install the english Language for the Hide Tag Special</info>
<file name="$languagedir/Admin.english.php">
<search position="after"><![CDATA[?>]]></search>
//Hide Tag Special Options
$txt['hidetagspecial_titel'] = 'Hide Tag Special';
$txt['hidetagspecial_description'] = 'You can set all the Setting that needed for the Hide Tag Special mod "[hide][/hide]"';
$txt['hide_MUIswitch'] = 'MUI SWITCH';
$txt['hide_enableHTML'] = 'Enable HTML';
$txt['hide_enableHTML_help'] = 'Allow you use html on Hidden or Unhidden Text';
$txt['hide_enableUnhiddenText'] = 'Enable Unhidden Information';
$txt['hide_hiddentext'] = 'Hidden Text Information';
$txt['hide_unhiddentext'] = 'Unhidden Text Information';
$txt['hide_hiddentext_help'] = 'BBC allowed, You can use <strong>$txtvariable</strong> and <strong>$language</strong>,<br />look into the help for more info.';
$txt['hide_onlyonetimeinfo'] = 'Show the un-/hidden Text Information one time';
$txt['hide_onlyonetimeinfo_help'] = 'This will be only shown at the end of the Post.';
$txt['hide_noinfoforguests'] = 'Hide Text Information for guests';
$txt['hide_autounhidegroups'] = 'Allowed Groups to see a hidden content without posting';
$txt['hide_minpostunhide'] = 'Minmum post count to allow unhide content';
$txt['hide_minpostautounhide'] = 'Minmum post count to unhide content without posting';
$txt['hide_minpostautounhide_help'] = '"0" or empty to disable this option';
$txt['hide_useSpanTag'] = 'Use SPAN html tag instead of DIV.';
$txt['hide_posUnhiddenText'] = 'Position for Unhidden Text Information';
$txt['hide_posUnhiddenOption1'] = 'Before Hidden Content';
$txt['hide_posUnhiddenOption2'] = 'Before in Hidden Content';
$txt['hide_posUnhiddenOption3'] = 'After in Hidden Content';
$txt['hide_posUnhiddenOption4'] = 'After Hidden Content';
<file name="$languagedir/Help.english.php">
<search position="after"><![CDATA[?>]]></search>
$txt['hide_MUIswitch_help'] = '
<strong>MUI SWITCH - Hide Tag Special</strong><br /><br />
This Option is for Multi Language Forums, it enable the replacment for
<strong>$txtvariable</strong> with $txt[\'hide_hiddentext\']
or $txt[\'hide_unhiddentext\']. So that it use the correct Language
for the user. Please don\'t forget to insert the $txtvariable in the
Textarea of the Infomation so that you can use it.<br />
<span class="smalltext">You find this variable in <strong>index.english.php</strong> for example</span>';
$txt['hide_unhiddentext_help'] = '
<strong>Unhidden Informations - Hide Tag Special</strong><br /><br />
This information appear after you post to a thread, and will be shown after a Hide Tag.
So that the user know the content is unhidden.';
$txt['hide_text_help'] = '
<strong>Text Informations - Hide Tag Special</strong><br /><br />
Normal the Textarea will be BBC Parsed.<br />
You can use the Area to give a user the Infomation that there is a hidden or unhidden content.<br />

In the area you can use 2 Variables for MUI use.<br /><br />
<strong>$language</strong>:<br />
This will replace with the language that the user use.<br />
<em>Example:</em> <strong>hidden_$language</strong> will be in the output <strong>hidden_english</strong>
when the user use english as language.<br /><br />
<strong>$txtvariable</strong>:<br />
Work only if you enable the MUI Switch!<br />
This will replace the $txtvariable with the $txt[\'hide_hiddentext\'] or $txt[\'hide_unhiddentext\']
to make it Multilingual useable.<br />
<em>Example:</em> [b]$txtvarible[/b] will be in english something like
<div class="quote"><strong>The text from the index.english.php</strong></div>
because the $txtvariable is replaced with this.<br /><br />
<em>Some Examples for Hidden/Unhidden Informations:</em><br />
If you like to use a Image for the Text use:
<div class="code">[img][/img]</div>
Do you like to use a Image that be diffrent for each language use:
<div class="code">[img]$lanuguage.jpg[/img]</div>
You can also combine text and picture:
<div class="code">Here is a secret, please post to see it.[br][img][/img]</div>
[br] stands for a new line.
You can also combine MUI Switch and $language Picture:
<div class="code">$txtvariable[br][img]$lanuguage.jpg[/img]</div>
<span class="smalltext">$txtvariable will replace only if you enable MUI Switch</span>';
$txt['hide_useSpanTag_help'] = '
<strong>SPAN instead of DIV - Hide Tag Special</strong><br /><br />
Use &lt;span class=&quot;hiddencontent&quot;&gt;Hidden Value&lt;/span&gt; instead
of &lt;div class=&quot;hiddencontent&quot;&gt;Hidden Value&lt;/div&gt; after unhidding Text.';
$txt['hide_posUnhiddenText_help'] = '
<strong>Unhidden Text Position - Hide Tag Special</strong><br /><br />
With this you can select where the unhidden text should be stand,
after unhidding the content.<br /><br />
<u>Before Hidden Content</u>:<br />
<strong>Unhidden Text</strong>&lt;div class=&quot;hiddencontent&quot;&gt;Hidden Value&lt;/div&gt;<br />
<u>Before In Hidden Content</u>:<br />
&lt;div class=&quot;hiddencontent&quot;&gt;<strong>Unhidden Text</strong> Hidden Value&lt;/div&gt;<br />
<u>After In Hidden Content</u>:<br />
&lt;div class=&quot;hiddencontent&quot;&gt;Hidden Value <strong>Unhidden Text</strong>&lt;/div&gt;<br />
<u>After Hidden Content</u>:<br />
&lt;div class=&quot;hiddencontent&quot;&gt;Hidden Value&lt;/div&gt;<strong>Unhidden Text</strong><br />
<br />
This Option will only work when you enable Unhidden Text Information and not enabled the
Option for "Show the un-/hidden Text Information one time".';
<file name="$languagedir/index.english.php" error="skip">
<search position="after"><![CDATA[?>]]></search>
$txt['hide_hiddentext'] = 'Here is a litte secret... Or not?';
$txt['hide_unhiddentext'] = 'My little secret is shown now... Or not?';


gracias hacia falta asi no se edita en cada ugrade del foro

Entra y aprende a ser un webmaster
--Si pides ayuda al menos agradece el soporte recibido----


Quote from: EgAr on August 05, 2007, 04:58:38 PM
eso se hace en la configuracion del mod...

sino la ves, seguramente te falta la traduccion al español... pon el foro en ingles, configura el HIDE y luego lo vuelves a español.

por si alguien se anima a traducirlo, dejo el archivo atraducir:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE modification SYSTEM "">
<modification xmlns="" xmlns:smf="">
<info>Install the english Language for the Hide Tag Special</info>
<file name="$languagedir/Admin.english.php">
<search position="after"><![CDATA[?>]]></search>
//Hide Tag Special Options
$txt['hidetagspecial_titel'] = 'Hide Tag Special';
$txt['hidetagspecial_description'] = 'You can set all the Setting that needed for the Hide Tag Special mod "[hide][/hide]"';
$txt['hide_MUIswitch'] = 'MUI SWITCH';
$txt['hide_enableHTML'] = 'Enable HTML';
$txt['hide_enableHTML_help'] = 'Allow you use html on Hidden or Unhidden Text';
$txt['hide_enableUnhiddenText'] = 'Enable Unhidden Information';
$txt['hide_hiddentext'] = 'Hidden Text Information';
$txt['hide_unhiddentext'] = 'Unhidden Text Information';
$txt['hide_hiddentext_help'] = 'BBC allowed, You can use <strong>$txtvariable</strong> and <strong>$language</strong>,<br />look into the help for more info.';
$txt['hide_onlyonetimeinfo'] = 'Show the un-/hidden Text Information one time';
$txt['hide_onlyonetimeinfo_help'] = 'This will be only shown at the end of the Post.';
$txt['hide_noinfoforguests'] = 'Hide Text Information for guests';
$txt['hide_autounhidegroups'] = 'Allowed Groups to see a hidden content without posting';
$txt['hide_minpostunhide'] = 'Minmum post count to allow unhide content';
$txt['hide_minpostautounhide'] = 'Minmum post count to unhide content without posting';
$txt['hide_minpostautounhide_help'] = '"0" or empty to disable this option';
$txt['hide_useSpanTag'] = 'Use SPAN html tag instead of DIV.';
$txt['hide_posUnhiddenText'] = 'Position for Unhidden Text Information';
$txt['hide_posUnhiddenOption1'] = 'Before Hidden Content';
$txt['hide_posUnhiddenOption2'] = 'Before in Hidden Content';
$txt['hide_posUnhiddenOption3'] = 'After in Hidden Content';
$txt['hide_posUnhiddenOption4'] = 'After Hidden Content';
<file name="$languagedir/Help.english.php">
<search position="after"><![CDATA[?>]]></search>
$txt['hide_MUIswitch_help'] = '
<strong>MUI SWITCH - Hide Tag Special</strong><br /><br />
This Option is for Multi Language Forums, it enable the replacment for
<strong>$txtvariable</strong> with $txt[\'hide_hiddentext\']
or $txt[\'hide_unhiddentext\']. So that it use the correct Language
for the user. Please don\'t forget to insert the $txtvariable in the
Textarea of the Infomation so that you can use it.<br />
<span class="smalltext">You find this variable in <strong>index.english.php</strong> for example</span>';
$txt['hide_unhiddentext_help'] = '
<strong>Unhidden Informations - Hide Tag Special</strong><br /><br />
This information appear after you post to a thread, and will be shown after a Hide Tag.
So that the user know the content is unhidden.';
$txt['hide_text_help'] = '
<strong>Text Informations - Hide Tag Special</strong><br /><br />
Normal the Textarea will be BBC Parsed.<br />
You can use the Area to give a user the Infomation that there is a hidden or unhidden content.<br />

In the area you can use 2 Variables for MUI use.<br /><br />
<strong>$language</strong>:<br />
This will replace with the language that the user use.<br />
<em>Example:</em> <strong>hidden_$language</strong> will be in the output <strong>hidden_english</strong>
when the user use english as language.<br /><br />
<strong>$txtvariable</strong>:<br />
Work only if you enable the MUI Switch!<br />
This will replace the $txtvariable with the $txt[\'hide_hiddentext\'] or $txt[\'hide_unhiddentext\']
to make it Multilingual useable.<br />
<em>Example:</em> [b]$txtvarible[/b] will be in english something like
<div class="quote"><strong>The text from the index.english.php</strong></div>
because the $txtvariable is replaced with this.<br /><br />
<em>Some Examples for Hidden/Unhidden Informations:</em><br />
If you like to use a Image for the Text use:
<div class="code">[img][/img]</div>
Do you like to use a Image that be diffrent for each language use:
<div class="code">[img]$lanuguage.jpg[/img]</div>
You can also combine text and picture:
<div class="code">Here is a secret, please post to see it.[br][img][/img]</div>
[br] stands for a new line.
You can also combine MUI Switch and $language Picture:
<div class="code">$txtvariable[br][img]$lanuguage.jpg[/img]</div>
<span class="smalltext">$txtvariable will replace only if you enable MUI Switch</span>';
$txt['hide_useSpanTag_help'] = '
<strong>SPAN instead of DIV - Hide Tag Special</strong><br /><br />
Use &lt;span class=&quot;hiddencontent&quot;&gt;Hidden Value&lt;/span&gt; instead
of &lt;div class=&quot;hiddencontent&quot;&gt;Hidden Value&lt;/div&gt; after unhidding Text.';
$txt['hide_posUnhiddenText_help'] = '
<strong>Unhidden Text Position - Hide Tag Special</strong><br /><br />
With this you can select where the unhidden text should be stand,
after unhidding the content.<br /><br />
<u>Before Hidden Content</u>:<br />
<strong>Unhidden Text</strong>&lt;div class=&quot;hiddencontent&quot;&gt;Hidden Value&lt;/div&gt;<br />
<u>Before In Hidden Content</u>:<br />
&lt;div class=&quot;hiddencontent&quot;&gt;<strong>Unhidden Text</strong> Hidden Value&lt;/div&gt;<br />
<u>After In Hidden Content</u>:<br />
&lt;div class=&quot;hiddencontent&quot;&gt;Hidden Value <strong>Unhidden Text</strong>&lt;/div&gt;<br />
<u>After Hidden Content</u>:<br />
&lt;div class=&quot;hiddencontent&quot;&gt;Hidden Value&lt;/div&gt;<strong>Unhidden Text</strong><br />
<br />
This Option will only work when you enable Unhidden Text Information and not enabled the
Option for "Show the un-/hidden Text Information one time".';
<file name="$languagedir/index.english.php" error="skip">
<search position="after"><![CDATA[?>]]></search>
$txt['hide_hiddentext'] = 'Here is a litte secret... Or not?';
$txt['hide_unhiddentext'] = 'My little secret is shown now... Or not?';

mil gracias, ya esta solucionado

abusando de su generosidad le hago una pregunta mas, puse el mod de stage6 , se instalo bien, pero cuando agrego una peli, no arranca, lei lo que usted puso de poner los numeros que identifican  a la pelicula pero nada ah se queda ?



Hola amigo fantastico, aunque tengo una pregunta... no puedo insalar el mod... o sea lo instalo todo perfecto, pero dsp no veo las opciones del administrador en admin -> posts and topics.... a que se debe??? pls ayudame!



Quote from: Reco-X on August 20, 2007, 02:28:55 AM
Hola amigo fantastico, aunque tengo una pregunta... no puedo insalar el mod... o sea lo instalo todo perfecto, pero dsp no veo las opciones del administrador en admin -> posts and topics.... a que se debe??? pls ayudame!

Saludos... para solucionar ese problema que no pueden ver el contenido o el Texto para poder Utilizar el Mod... es sencillo...

El problema radica en que el Instala en Ingles y al tener el SMF en Español aparecen solo los cuadros pero no el texto... claro porque el Mod no encuentra el Lenguaje Original(ingles) y no puede desplegar la Informacion...

Solucion: Pues haganle creer al Mod que el Sistema sigue en Ingles y de esa forma van a ver el Contenido... yo lo solucione con:
Load Standard Language
De esta forma cualquier Mod que sea exclusivamente en Ingles... nunca nota que esta en Español... siempre para el estara en Ingles... y muestra el contenido...



Quote from: EgAr on August 05, 2007, 04:58:38 PM
eso se hace en la configuracion del mod...

sino la ves, seguramente te falta la traduccion al español... pon el foro en ingles, configura el HIDE y luego lo vuelves a español.

por si alguien se anima a traducirlo, dejo el archivo atraducir:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE modification SYSTEM "">
<modification xmlns="" xmlns:smf="">
<info>Install the english Language for the Hide Tag Special</info>
<file name="$languagedir/Admin.english.php">
<search position="after"><![CDATA[?>]]></search>
//Hide Tag Special Options
$txt['hidetagspecial_titel'] = 'Hide Tag Special';
$txt['hidetagspecial_description'] = 'You can set all the Setting that needed for the Hide Tag Special mod "[hide][/hide]"';
$txt['hide_MUIswitch'] = 'MUI SWITCH';
$txt['hide_enableHTML'] = 'Enable HTML';
$txt['hide_enableHTML_help'] = 'Allow you use html on Hidden or Unhidden Text';
$txt['hide_enableUnhiddenText'] = 'Enable Unhidden Information';
$txt['hide_hiddentext'] = 'Hidden Text Information';
$txt['hide_unhiddentext'] = 'Unhidden Text Information';
$txt['hide_hiddentext_help'] = 'BBC allowed, You can use <strong>$txtvariable</strong> and <strong>$language</strong>,<br />look into the help for more info.';
$txt['hide_onlyonetimeinfo'] = 'Show the un-/hidden Text Information one time';
$txt['hide_onlyonetimeinfo_help'] = 'This will be only shown at the end of the Post.';
$txt['hide_noinfoforguests'] = 'Hide Text Information for guests';
$txt['hide_autounhidegroups'] = 'Allowed Groups to see a hidden content without posting';
$txt['hide_minpostunhide'] = 'Minmum post count to allow unhide content';
$txt['hide_minpostautounhide'] = 'Minmum post count to unhide content without posting';
$txt['hide_minpostautounhide_help'] = '"0" or empty to disable this option';
$txt['hide_useSpanTag'] = 'Use SPAN html tag instead of DIV.';
$txt['hide_posUnhiddenText'] = 'Position for Unhidden Text Information';
$txt['hide_posUnhiddenOption1'] = 'Before Hidden Content';
$txt['hide_posUnhiddenOption2'] = 'Before in Hidden Content';
$txt['hide_posUnhiddenOption3'] = 'After in Hidden Content';
$txt['hide_posUnhiddenOption4'] = 'After Hidden Content';
<file name="$languagedir/Help.english.php">
<search position="after"><![CDATA[?>]]></search>
$txt['hide_MUIswitch_help'] = '
<strong>MUI SWITCH - Hide Tag Special</strong><br /><br />
This Option is for Multi Language Forums, it enable the replacment for
<strong>$txtvariable</strong> with $txt[\'hide_hiddentext\']
or $txt[\'hide_unhiddentext\']. So that it use the correct Language
for the user. Please don\'t forget to insert the $txtvariable in the
Textarea of the Infomation so that you can use it.<br />
<span class="smalltext">You find this variable in <strong>index.english.php</strong> for example</span>';
$txt['hide_unhiddentext_help'] = '
<strong>Unhidden Informations - Hide Tag Special</strong><br /><br />
This information appear after you post to a thread, and will be shown after a Hide Tag.
So that the user know the content is unhidden.';
$txt['hide_text_help'] = '
<strong>Text Informations - Hide Tag Special</strong><br /><br />
Normal the Textarea will be BBC Parsed.<br />
You can use the Area to give a user the Infomation that there is a hidden or unhidden content.<br />

In the area you can use 2 Variables for MUI use.<br /><br />
<strong>$language</strong>:<br />
This will replace with the language that the user use.<br />
<em>Example:</em> <strong>hidden_$language</strong> will be in the output <strong>hidden_english</strong>
when the user use english as language.<br /><br />
<strong>$txtvariable</strong>:<br />
Work only if you enable the MUI Switch!<br />
This will replace the $txtvariable with the $txt[\'hide_hiddentext\'] or $txt[\'hide_unhiddentext\']
to make it Multilingual useable.<br />
<em>Example:</em> [b]$txtvarible[/b] will be in english something like
<div class="quote"><strong>The text from the index.english.php</strong></div>
because the $txtvariable is replaced with this.<br /><br />
<em>Some Examples for Hidden/Unhidden Informations:</em><br />
If you like to use a Image for the Text use:
<div class="code">[img][/img]</div>
Do you like to use a Image that be diffrent for each language use:
<div class="code">[img]$lanuguage.jpg[/img]</div>
You can also combine text and picture:
<div class="code">Here is a secret, please post to see it.[br][img][/img]</div>
[br] stands for a new line.
You can also combine MUI Switch and $language Picture:
<div class="code">$txtvariable[br][img]$lanuguage.jpg[/img]</div>
<span class="smalltext">$txtvariable will replace only if you enable MUI Switch</span>';
$txt['hide_useSpanTag_help'] = '
<strong>SPAN instead of DIV - Hide Tag Special</strong><br /><br />
Use &lt;span class=&quot;hiddencontent&quot;&gt;Hidden Value&lt;/span&gt; instead
of &lt;div class=&quot;hiddencontent&quot;&gt;Hidden Value&lt;/div&gt; after unhidding Text.';
$txt['hide_posUnhiddenText_help'] = '
<strong>Unhidden Text Position - Hide Tag Special</strong><br /><br />
With this you can select where the unhidden text should be stand,
after unhidding the content.<br /><br />
<u>Before Hidden Content</u>:<br />
<strong>Unhidden Text</strong>&lt;div class=&quot;hiddencontent&quot;&gt;Hidden Value&lt;/div&gt;<br />
<u>Before In Hidden Content</u>:<br />
&lt;div class=&quot;hiddencontent&quot;&gt;<strong>Unhidden Text</strong> Hidden Value&lt;/div&gt;<br />
<u>After In Hidden Content</u>:<br />
&lt;div class=&quot;hiddencontent&quot;&gt;Hidden Value <strong>Unhidden Text</strong>&lt;/div&gt;<br />
<u>After Hidden Content</u>:<br />
&lt;div class=&quot;hiddencontent&quot;&gt;Hidden Value&lt;/div&gt;<strong>Unhidden Text</strong><br />
<br />
This Option will only work when you enable Unhidden Text Information and not enabled the
Option for "Show the un-/hidden Text Information one time".';
<file name="$languagedir/index.english.php" error="skip">
<search position="after"><![CDATA[?>]]></search>
$txt['hide_hiddentext'] = 'Here is a litte secret... Or not?';
$txt['hide_unhiddentext'] = 'My little secret is shown now... Or not?';

Yo lo voy a traducir para mi foro, cuando lo tenga os lo dejo aqui


hola uso smf 1.1.2 y solo sale [hide] [/hide] y no se oculta nada

Registrate en mi foro y ayudame a creser.



Mi pregunta es cuales de los checkboxes activo pàra que pueda ocultar los enlaces?
Les aclaro que esto es como me sale al momento de probar el mod

y por ello mi inquietud de la 1º foto.


epale para que se utiliza ese boton???


hola, he instalado este modl la ocultacion de links funciona perfectamente, pero desde que lo instale al entrar en la pagina de administracion me sale el siguente error en el navegador:

Fatal error: Cannot redeclare template_edit_hidetagspecial_settings() (previously declared in /home/djketu/public_html/4.0/foro/foro/Sources/Load.php(1817) : eval()'d code:1487) in /home/djketu/public_html/4.0/foro/foro/Sources/Load.php(1817) : eval()'d code on line 1804

como puedo solucionarlo?, he estado mirando y es el unico problema que me da el resto funciona bien, os dejo aqui el LINK DEL FORO [nofollow] del foro.

un salu2 y gracias [nofollow]

ketudj [nofollow]
