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Login Verification

Started by SMF Customization Team, February 22, 2011, 02:22:33 PM

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Had to come back to the thread since I had three pages of members I did not approve. I have a question to be answered and the captcha but still they walk right in and post. Is there another mod that works better? [nofollow]


Comments and requests:

  • Thanks for this valued mod.
  • It would be helpful if this mod were integrated into the Registration page for an added optional layer of protection.
  • When the user resets their password they are ultimately redirected to 'action=reminder;sa=setpassword2' This page does not have the mod integrated. So the user enters the user/psw, clicks submit, and then is sent back to standard login for verification. I'd like to eliminate that.
  • There's nothing in the package that links back to the mod page.
  • Since I've just installed it and have only been doing testing for about a week, I can't say if this is fully effective against bots. However, for those who say it doesn't help/work: I have 12 questions of various types and plan to add more. It's easy to do this and mixing it up a bit makes it a lot tougher for bots. I have also installed the KeyCAPTCHA mod for the registration page and I'm using the "Are you human" feature there. I believe this will eliminate all of the bot registrations, though not bogus manual registrations. My next line of defense from that point is Admin confirmations on registration, which is valid for my site but not for most. HTH

