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Login Verification

Started by SMF Customization Team, February 22, 2011, 02:22:33 PM

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SMF Customization Team

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This mod adds security verification to the login page.
The settings in admin panel > security and moderation > anti-spam apply.
In addition, the mod adds logging in SMF error log for a few errors it didn't log before.

Please set security questions rather than Captcha, to protect better against bots.

Note: currently, once verification is activated for registration and login pages, the mod will not allow login through quick login anymore, the user will be directed instead to the full login page, with the message "This forum requires verification".

1.1 Add security verification to login pages for mobile users.
1.0 First version. Add security verification to login pages.


My mods for SMF - [6].



Nice mod :)

The code does not work when the forum in the "maintenance"


I think this will be very usefull at smf 1.1.13 as well... 2 is beta...


Except that it would have to be totally rewritten for 1.1.x since there isn't a centralised system for creating CAPTCHAs in 1.1.x, while there is in 2.0.
Holder of controversial views, all of which my own.


ok, but looking to my security login table, it's needed, and a lack of smf script. Using email to login will disturb the normal members.

This is no critic to all people who developing modifications  ;)


Please correct the error in the mode ... which I have listed above: (


does not work with recaptcha.

"The letters you typed don't match the letters that were shown in the picture."
ReAliTy iS JuST a DrEAm. HaCk ThE PLaNet!


Describe your problem in the support topic for reCaptcha mod.


hi am new at this... forum smf.. and what ever else about this here..
now actually am making a forum for some way.. am really on need of this mod for 1.1.x,. 1.1.13...
so there is some way any possibility we gonna have this login verification mod for dha version?? :)
would be cool :)


Quote from: Groovy™ on February 24, 2011, 10:26:52 AM
Nice mod :)

The code does not work when the forum in the "maintenance"

I learned the hard way, lol  .....  make sure to uninstall this mod b4 you put your site in maint mode. If you don't ... Filezilla will be your best friend to get it out of maint mode  ;D
Over 1100 Online Flash Games 


Hi, will this mod be available for the SMF 2.0 Final?


Did you tried it? It should work fine.


I have installed the mod today hoping to chase away bots. I enabled all checkmarks for verification and set up a security question but the bots blew right by.  7 messages in a half day. I must be missing something with security. Forum here: [nofollow]

Is there something I can do to fix this?


Well, it mostly depends on the questions you're using...
I just peeked at your registration and I see no questions there. Captcha is more is less useless
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Thanks I was wondering how good captcha was.  I went ahead and added a question. However I did notice that even though I have the "disable administration security" disabled but I still have to go through Captcha.

Should this not have stopped asking me for Captcha?   


No, that only stops SMF from asking your password when you enter ACP after 1h if last access.
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QuoteOver 90% of all computer problems can be traced back to the interface between the keyboard and the chair


Newbie here, let me see if I understand. ACP means? administrator something, and only after an hour of being inactive would it ask me to verify again.

However I can log out and and log in as admin and I still have to captcha and do the questions... but worth it to stop the bots.

Would be nice to stop admin from security checks. 


Ah, those are different things.
It's one thing to log you into the forum, it's another thing you have to re type your password (just the password!!!) to get to your admin panel.

I never used the mod but I assume that you always have to do the verification. I mean... If you are logging in, he has no idea who is logging in.
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QuoteOver 90% of all computer problems can be traced back to the interface between the keyboard and the chair
