How to obtain number of years registered?(Anniversary icon in postbit)

Started by Bayle, October 22, 2007, 03:21:53 PM

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I'm trying to add a slight modification that displays (in each post) a different gif image depending on the number of years the member has been registered.
I tried adding the following code, only to have it spit out a zero instead of the number I was expecting (I tested it on a post made by a member that joined in 2003)
          //Showing years joined
          $mytimediff = ($context['current_time']-$message['member']['registered']);
          echo ' <br />', $mytimediff;

What is going wrong here? Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Not really a PHP guy, but where are you getting those variables ($context['current_time'] and $message['member']['registered']) from?

Even if they were both the same TYPE (although the $message['member']['registered'] looks like a string), you'd still have to probably do some numbers manipulating...

I'm not sure how the $message['member']['registered'] variable prints, but you might try something like:

$today = getdate();
$thisYear = $today['year'];

$yearsRegistered = $thisYear - SomehowParse($message['member']['registered']);

or something like that...


Try using "$message['member']['registered_timestamp']" instead.

If at first you don't succeed, use a bigger hammer. If that fails, read the manual.
My Mods


Thanks for the help. Evidently the variables I was trying to use were already parsed by date() and were not usable as I needed them. The following code spits out the number of years (dropping off the modulus) the member has been registered. Now I just have to add the conditionals to make it show an image (different ones for each year)
          //Showing years joined
          $mytimenow = getdate();
          $mytimediff = intval(($mytimenow[0]-$message['member']['registered_timestamp'])/31526000);
          echo ' <br />', $mytimediff;

Quote from: jamesk on October 22, 2007, 03:37:53 PM
Not really a PHP guy, but where are you getting those variables ($context['current_time'] and $message['member']['registered']) from?

Even if they were both the same TYPE (although the $message['member']['registered'] looks like a string), you'd still have to probably do some numbers manipulating...
I obtained them by getting a listing of the contents of the $context and $message variables:
echo '<pre>', print_r($context, true), '</pre>';
echo '<pre>', print_r($message, true), '</pre>';


$message['member']['registered_timestamp'] is a Unix timestamp so you could use time() instead. Something like:

$years = floor((time() - $message['member']['registered_timestamp'])/31526000)

If at first you don't succeed, use a bigger hammer. If that fails, read the manual.
My Mods


Thanks again. I'm relatively new to PHP in general, so I learn with every new modification I make. This was my latest code, which covers up to 6 years:
          //Showing years joined
          $mytimediff = floor((time() - $message['member']['registered_timestamp'])/31526000);
           echo '<br /><img src="', $settings['images_url'] ,'/1.gif" alt="Registered 1 year" />';
           echo '<br /><img src="', $settings['images_url'] ,'/2.gif" alt="Registered 2 years" />';
           echo '<br /><img src="', $settings['images_url'] ,'/3.gif" alt="Registered 3 years" />';
           echo '<br /><img src="', $settings['images_url'] ,'/4.gif" alt="Registered 4 years" />';
           echo '<br /><img src="', $settings['images_url'] ,'/5.gif" alt="Registered 5 years" />';
           echo '<br /><img src="', $settings['images_url'] ,'/6.gif" alt="Registered 6 years" />';


I'm not a PHP guy either but, how about this:

          //Showing years joined
          $maxAllowed = 6;    // or whatever
          $mytimediff = floor((time() - $message['member']['registered_timestamp'])/31526000);
          if(!$message['member']['is_guest']) && ($mytimediff >1 && $mytimediff < $maxAllowed)
               echo '<br /><img src="', $settings['images_url'].$mytimediff ,'.gif" alt="Registered', $mytimediff,' year(s)" />';

There might be some wrong placement of commas and quotes, but you get the logic...  The year(s) can be modified further with a check of >1 if you want to be that specific.

Also, I'm not sure what kind of images you're using for the numbers, but if it's simple like a button or something, you can probably modify it so that any number of years shows within the button -- maybe through CSS and a generic background image...

Just something to think about...

Chriss Cohn

Why not make a mod of it guys? Im sure others besides me will be pretty interested in a mod like this...

Regards, Christian
