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Anti-Bot: Are You Human/Bot?

Started by Diego Andrés, October 31, 2007, 04:17:06 PM

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After some tests i realised that sometimes, even if i choose "yes" i receive the message "Please confirm that you are human in order to proceed with registration.<br />
Bots are not allowed to register." Now i got some messages from users who are trying to register and have the same problem.
Before, i had the version 1.3 and never had this. Only after installing the version 2.2 (3 days ago).

Btw, i have the "Order Rand the Answers:" option activated.



I'm using SMF 1.1.9 with the Classic Theme and a French language pack.
I don't have any Register.template.php in my Themes/Classic/.. folder.
Is it normal? What should I do to fix this?
I can see the mod has been installed successfully but there's nothing written in the registration boxes.

[SMF 1.1.11 / SimplePortal 2.3.1]


Oh thanks, I'm going to upgrade my antibot.
Version SMF: 1.1.11
Theme: Black Default Theme for SMF
CMS (Portal): TinyPortal v0.9.8

- Deja siempre tu versión del foro y el tema que usas para ayudarte mejor.

Preguntas Frecuentes: SMF FAQ


How to delet mysql query from sfm_settings ?DB prefix is smf_ .

Is this good :

DELET FROM `smf_settings` SET `value` = 'are_you_human_s' WHERE `variable` = '1'LIMIT 1


A new version have been released.

For more details, read the answer to FragaCampos :)

Quote from: FragaCampos on May 20, 2009, 09:51:57 AM
After some tests i realised that sometimes, even if i choose "yes" i receive the message "Please confirm that you are human in order to proceed with registration.<br />
Bots are not allowed to register." Now i got some messages from users who are trying to register and have the same problem.
Before, i had the version 1.3 and never had this. Only after installing the version 2.2 (3 days ago).

Btw, i have the "Order Rand the Answers:" option activated.

Ok, this may occur in this case.

1.- You send the form with the wrong answer.
2.- The error is showed. (as must happen).
3.- Now you "Go Back" and try again with the correct answer.
4.- Now again a the message error is showed.

This occurs because the page has expired. The page was expired after submit.

This prevents a bot use the "Trial and Error" and could evading the MOD.

The contra, is that the person cannot "Go Back", because the browser will use the page in cache, page that is already expired.

I researched a lot, and there was no solution, even, I asked info to people very knowledgeable.

Fortunately, I have achieved a solution that works on multiple browsers, but not in all. Now, if a person uses "Go Back", the page will refresh.

In addition, I added an error message that notified that the page has expired.

Quote from: stp46and2 on May 18, 2009, 11:44:24 AM

  Thanks!  It's fixed!


Quote from: Why Not? on May 24, 2009, 03:16:47 PM
Oh thanks, I'm going to upgrade my antibot.

Your welcome :)

Quote from: Giiyom on May 24, 2009, 02:50:59 PM

I'm using SMF 1.1.9 with the Classic Theme and a French language pack.
I don't have any Register.template.php in my Themes/Classic/.. folder.
Is it normal? What should I do to fix this?
I can see the mod has been installed successfully but there's nothing written in the registration boxes.


"I don't have any Register.template.php in my Themes/Classic/.. folder."

No problem, the MOD have used the Register.template.php theme default.

"but there's nothing written in the registration boxes."

You should edit your Modification.languaje.php and add your text translation.

Quote from: France on May 27, 2009, 08:06:52 AM
How to delet mysql query from sfm_settings ?DB prefix is smf_ .

Is this good :

DELET FROM `smf_settings` SET `value` = 'are_you_human_s' WHERE `variable` = '1'LIMIT 1

DELET FROM `smf_settings`WHERE `value` = 'are_you_human_s' LIMIT 1



I think people never appreciate and thank enough for those who take their time to workaround these mods so that our forums can work flawlessly.

Thanks .LORD.   8) Brilliant job!


Quote from: .LORD. on May 29, 2009, 11:31:49 PM
You should edit your Modification.languaje.php and add your text translation.

Where is it located? I don't have this file either.  :(
[SMF 1.1.11 / SimplePortal 2.3.1]


It's "Modification.<your language>.php" and it's located in Themes/default/languages or Themes/your theme/languages


K it was in the english one. I just copied everything from there to the french one.
It's working now. :)

Is it possible to add a personal question/answer?
I know how to modifiy the question but what do I have to modifiy in the answers code to tell the mod this IS the good answer (or not).
Is it the
$txt['are_you_human_answers'][0] = 0 var. will always be the good answer?

I want to ask ppl how many letters there's in QSF (it's my website tag)
If I replace the answer of the $txt['are_you_human_answers'][0] =   by 3, will it works?
[SMF 1.1.11 / SimplePortal 2.3.1]


Quote from: FragaCampos on May 31, 2009, 08:48:03 AM
It's "Modification.<your language>.php" and it's located in Themes/default/languages or Themes/your theme/languages

Thanks for help :)

Quote from: Giiyom on May 31, 2009, 02:44:35 PM
K it was in the english one. I just copied everything from there to the french one.
It's working now. :)

Is it possible to add a personal question/answer?
I know how to modifiy the question but what do I have to modifiy in the answers code to tell the mod this IS the good answer (or not).
Is it the
$txt['are_you_human_answers'][0] = 0 var. will always be the good answer?

I want to ask ppl how many letters there's in QSF (it's my website tag)
If I replace the answer of the $txt['are_you_human_answers'][0] =   by 3, will it works?

Ok, yes, you can customize your question/answer.

The question 1 with answers 0, and the question 2 with answers 1.

For example:

['are_you_human_q1'] = 'Who is man\'s best friend?';
$txt['are_you_human_answers'][0] = 'The Dog';

$txt['are_you_human_q2'] = 'What color is the sky?';
$txt['are_you_human_answers'][1] = 'Mostly blue';

The other answers, will be answers filler.


Hi again,
Here's my code:

// Version: 1.1; Modifications

// Are You Human?
$txt['are_you_human_q1'] = 'Combien il a de lettres dans QSF ?';
$txt['are_you_human_desc'] = '[Test Anti-Bot]';
$txt['are_you_human_answers'][1] = '3';
$txt['are_you_human_answers'][2] = '1';
$txt['are_you_human_answers'][3] = '2';
$txt['are_you_human_answers'][4] = '4';

$txt['are_you_human_fail'] = 'Mauvaise reponse. Reessayez.';

$txt['are_you_human_s'] = 'Enable MOD Are You Human';
$txt['are_you_human_q'] = 'Select the Question';
$txt['are_you_human_a'] = 'Order Rand the Answers';
$txt['are_you_human_q_1'] = 'Combien de lettres il y a dans QSF';


It's not working fine.
For some reason I still can choose between 3 Questions in my admin Panel (but 2 are hidden and there's nothing written).
And whatever I do when I pick the good answer (wich is 3) it won't let me register.

What am I doing wrong?
[SMF 1.1.11 / SimplePortal 2.3.1]


Quote from: Giiyom on June 01, 2009, 10:36:03 PM
It's not working fine.
For some reason I still can choose between 3 Questions in my admin Panel (but 2 are hidden and there's nothing written).
And whatever I do when I pick the good answer (wich is 3) it won't let me register.

What am I doing wrong?

1.- You not have $txt['are_you_human_q2']
2.- The $txt['are_you_human_answers'][0] is missing
3.- The $txt['are_you_human_q_1'] and $txt['are_you_human_q_2'] are missing.


im having a problem i read on the bottom of the mod page

"REQUIRED: A manual edit is REQUIRED for ALL themes (other than SMF Core Default) which have a custom Register.template.php
If you don't do perform the edit, nobody will be able to register using those themes."

a custom register.template.php file........ i looked into every theme i installed and none of them have this file!! 



The mod should work ok then mate.
If your custom theme does not have a certain template, it then uses that template from the default theme.
So this mod will be using your register.template.php in your default theme
Do NOT give admin and/or ftp details to just anybody, see if they are trust worthy first!!  Do your homework ;)


in 1.1.8 for about half a year had no problems..
update to 1.1.10... withing 30 min i got a porn ad :(


The default answer is YES. How can I make it NO? Thanks for the advice.


i have just installed this for one of my clients.. (ver 1.1.8)...  I dont see any of the questions and what not when i click "register".. also for a few mins after i finished modifying the files ........i was getting a "Parse error unexpected T_DOUBLE_ARROW" error on the "manageregistration.php" page.. but now its no longer giving me an error..

Anyways.. I dont see any of the changes made...... Any suggestions as to why?

thanks in advance for anyones assistance.....


ok. i gave it a few more tries.. still same result.. and i am getting that "Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_DOUBLE_ARROW" error msg pointing to the Sources/ManageRegistration.php on line 296

hmmm.. looking for some insights here from the masters  ;)


While you wait for the masters, could you post that line here please.
There maybe a missing )
Or maybe attach that file.

Im guessing you manually installed the mod?
Could you attach that file please.
Do NOT give admin and/or ftp details to just anybody, see if they are trust worthy first!!  Do your homework ;)
