Google Member Map

Started by Spuds, December 12, 2007, 01:49:12 PM

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Still, even thats wildly different to the W3Schools one.  And I think this one is skewed by Android devices, artificially increasing Chrome's share. Nobody in their right mind would use Chrome as their day to day browser on a desktop.

FF has stayed fairly steady at around 15% (on the sites I have access to) for around 2 years, dropping from a high of around 20% around 3-4 years ago when it was on a roll, losing out to IE8 that came bundled on Win7 machines.

Chrome has failed to get a foothold in the desktop market. And rightly so, buggy, insecure piece of junk.

Where IE has lost a lot of ground, for sites that are more easily accessible by mobile devices, is in the ever increasing mobile browser arena.  MS have nothing useful when it comes to mobile OS, crApple are pricing themselves at the very top end, leaving cheap Android devices to rule.  As the desktop market shrinks and smartphone/tablet market grows, you can see IE lose out to Chrome. What is surprising is Safari isn't gaining much - is this a sign that loyal crApple fans are they majority buyers of their tablets?

Windows 8 will, no doubt, bring a temporary boost to IE, although I'm sure Win 8 will alienate at lot of people, and the <whatever the replacement name for Metro will be> version of IE will alienate even more by not having plugins. I personally think that Win8 will be an expensive flop for MS, who are clearly aiming it at the tablet market. As HP found out last year, the tablet market is only big enough for 2, and currently iOS and Android are those 2.

But, for Joe Blogs on the street, with a desktop/laptop, Windows is what they will run. And IE8/9 is what comes with it, is 'good enough' and integrated into the security patching/update of the OS. In the corporate workplace, IE rules, as it's supported, making it unique amongst Windows' browsers.

But we digress, this is a member map thread, and my map problem is now fixed :)


Quote from: IamTheBoy on August 12, 2012, 05:03:21 AM
Nobody in their right mind would use Chrome as their day to day browser on a desktop.

So you're calling me a crazy person? :) I prefer chrome over FF and IE any day. It's just so much more user friendly, and it's got a neat layout as well. Not to mention all of the addons available. Only FF has more addons currently, but Chrome still has a better layout. I hate the location of the reload button in FF, and the tabs look more clunky than in Chrome.

Quote from: IamTheBoy on August 12, 2012, 05:03:21 AM
FF has stayed fairly steady at around 15% (on the sites I have access to) for around 2 years, dropping from a high of around 20% around 3-4 years ago when it was on a roll, losing out to IE8 that came bundled on Win7 machines.

Chrome has failed to get a foothold in the desktop market. And rightly so, buggy, insecure piece of junk.

Where IE has lost a lot of ground, for sites that are more easily accessible by mobile devices, is in the ever increasing mobile browser arena.  MS have nothing useful when it comes to mobile OS, crApple are pricing themselves at the very top end, leaving cheap Android devices to rule.  As the desktop market shrinks and smartphone/tablet market grows, you can see IE lose out to Chrome. What is surprising is Safari isn't gaining much - is this a sign that loyal crApple fans are they majority buyers of their tablets?

Windows 8 will, no doubt, bring a temporary boost to IE, although I'm sure Win 8 will alienate at lot of people, and the <whatever the replacement name for Metro will be> version of IE will alienate even more by not having plugins. I personally think that Win8 will be an expensive flop for MS, who are clearly aiming it at the tablet market. As HP found out last year, the tablet market is only big enough for 2, and currently iOS and Android are those 2.

But, for Joe Blogs on the street, with a desktop/laptop, Windows is what they will run. And IE8/9 is what comes with it, is 'good enough' and integrated into the security patching/update of the OS. In the corporate workplace, IE rules, as it's supported, making it unique amongst Windows' browsers.

Not entirely true. Many users change over to FF or Chrome when their IE browser encounters an error, and it usually does. The problem is that IE is not open source, so the browser just doesn't improve fast enough. If there's a problem, you need to wait weeks to months for a fix, if you ever get one, while with an open source browser you can receive an update within 7 days. Anyone who's familiar with the browser market would choose an open source browser over IE, and thankfully people are slowly but surely learning about the pitfalls of IE and changing over.

For a site to support IE, additional coding needs to be done, so from a developers point of view, IE is an annoyance. So some of them actually go so far as to force people to change browsers, by preventing them from using the website until they change browsers. IE is an antique that no longer has a place in today's internet. Unfortunately, it's still highly popular due to its inclusion in Windows, so we'll have to cater for it for many years yet to come.
Check out my new website, I plan to create the largest anime community, and most fun and user-friendly anime forum in the world. It's still in the development stage though.


MiY4Gi - I can only go on the stats from some of the very large, well known (certainly in the UK) sites I look after in a professional capacity.  Smaller, and certainly niche, sites will have a different, possibly distorted, view of browser popularity - W3Schools will clearly have a high FF userbase.

I'm a fan of open source. But I also see the merits in proprietry code. Both have a place.

As for Chrome, its inherently insecure, all its security was long broken. Its sandboxing doesn't work. Google relied on sandboxing for its entire security, thinking that would protect it from sloppy coding.  Now we are starting to see their realisation that this was bad - look at all the CERT announcements coming out about Chrome.

All browsers taking plugins are at the mercy of that plugin. As you rightly point out, this is IE's weakness (since around IE6), rather than the actual browser itself (engine or surrounding application). MS's answer to this, like crApple, is to not allow plugins (with the Modern UI version of IE in Windows 8). Personally, I think thats a bit draconian, but then MS have to cater for idiot users. Like Apple do. UAC with Vista was a relatively successful way of dealing with users who insisted in running as an administrative user, except the really stupid users, who's abilities did not match their egos, kept turning it off. So, I think with Modern UI IE, MS have learnt, and enforce the ability for users not to override the security model presented.



I hope I'm right here: I installed version 2.0.2 of SMF. Everything went fine, also some Add-ons but when I tried to install the Google Member Map I became this error:
Unknown column 'false' in 'where clause'
Datei: /homepages/7/d242867666/htdocs/forum/Sources/GoogleMap.php
Zeile: 55

I already opened GoogleMap.php but didn't know what I have to change.


I really like this mod, I installed it and would love to use it "twice". Actually the same membermap but two times on two pages with a different zoomlevel. I tried to install the whole thing twice, but smf is to clever to install the identical mod a second time. And I'm too dump to find a workaround. Any ideas how to output the same membermap with different zoomlevels?

thanks for any idea!


I was wondering if there is any way to add some features and update this mod. I really like the vbgooglemap style. Where you can add different icons for different member levels. mods, admin, etc...

I apologize if this has already been answered.


Installed OK but on opening no map appears until I click on members name, the zoom level is also incorrect, help please Spuds.


You can change the zoom level in the mods options:

Administration Center => Modification Settings => Member Map


Thanks, found that but it was extremely slow to respond to new settings for some reason, only problem now is the markers are miles out until you get right in close.


I installed this , what next?  Do i need to create anything with google, i used 2 accounts and i see a pin for the account but not the other one. If it's installed will the map be anywhere other than the profile?



I was wondering is there any way to remove the the link to this from the top nav bar? I don't need it there since I already added in the member section.



Quote from: clothahump on December 15, 2012, 06:58:31 AM
Thanks, found that but it was extremely slow to respond to new settings for some reason, only problem now is the markers are miles out until you get right in close.

I've noticed the same behavior, it looks a bit funny when many of my users state that they live out on the sea...
it seems to want to go northwest by a few miles every time you zoom out one level.
Anyone got an idea how to counteract this migration tendency ;-)


Did anyone try Google map with SMF 2.0.4?

I installed the mod without any message during the installation process and it got the forum down with this error displayed on the pages:

QuoteFatal error: Cannot redeclare imb_googlemap() (previously declared in /home/account/public_html/Sources/GoogleMap20Integration.php:4) in /home/account/public_html/Sources/GoogleMapIntegration.php on line 52


you have installed the mod twice.
You will have to MANUALLY remove the duplicated code from the affected files (and I guarantee you there are more duplications than just the one showing the error)

Please do not PM, IM or Email me with support questions.  You will get better and faster responses in the support boards.  Thank you.

"Loki is not evil, although he is certainly not a force for good. Loki is... complicated."


I had to remove the GoogleMap.php and GoogleMapintegration.php files from the server to fix the error message, the uninstall the mod.

I tried a help friends with their forum so I don't really know what happened but from what I understand, an admin upgraded the forum from 2.0.3 to 2.0.4 and the forum went down.
They fixed it by uploading new SMF files to their server and everything went fine, then I installed the Google Map mod and the issue happened again. I doubt it was a duplicate code that did it.


The only thing that causes that redeclare Error message is a double install" whether you think you did or not...  You did.

Please do not PM, IM or Email me with support questions.  You will get better and faster responses in the support boards.  Thank you.

"Loki is not evil, although he is certainly not a force for good. Loki is... complicated."


Thanks for this mod!
Quote from: MiY4Gi on July 18, 2012, 09:21:47 PM
Is it possible to add this map to the registration page, so that members can choose their location during registration?
Yeah, that would be great.


what if i want this may to appear on member's profile

that is, if i check anybody's profile. it will appear there


Does anyone know where in the code you could tweak the accuracy within different zoom levels. Not a major issue but it just so disturbing having people living in a wrong country when the zoom level is low.
For every zoom level in it gets more accurate. but when you show a whole (small) country it is hundreds of miles off to the northwest.


I started having issues with my member map and was hoping I could get some help...

A user reported to me a couple weeks back that all the members are "stacked" on one pin now, in the middle of the map.  Has anyone seen this? (screenshot attached)

I have also attached a copy of my Settings page for reference. 

I checked the database, users log and lat are still there. 

Any ideas/suggestions would be greatly appreciated!


Google Member Map Mod version 2.6
SMF 2.0.4
Tried in IE, Chrome and Firefox
