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Started by SimplePortal Team, March 10, 2008, 11:16:07 PM

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You can see how portal looks like in this site:
Former SMF Core Developer | My Mods | SimplePortal


my right block is not showing anything. after i upgrade 2.1.1 for 2.04


Quote from: erisa on January 17, 2009, 02:22:12 PM
my right block is not showing anything. after i upgrade 2.1.1 for 2.04

May I have a link to your forum?
Former SMF Core Developer | My Mods | SimplePortal


For some reason I can't register on the SP website, clock verification always fails. 

I've been trying to find a way to have custom HTML pages integrated into the portal.  I've seen several websites that had index.php?page=2 page=20 etc. and I was looking at how I could do that.

Right now I'm using a stupid workaround.  I created a forum Category and used <iframe> html  top blocks and had them only show when someone went to that category and maintained the Portal blocks through advanced options.

Got this idea as I'm using <iframe> for several of my Custom Actions Mod that link to outside websites, but couldn't integrate them into the portal.


Custom Action Mod is what you need. SP will hopefully have it's own page module with the next major release.
Former SMF Core Developer | My Mods | SimplePortal


Can we expect a version compatible with 2.0 RC1 anytime soon?
Rick Lepard

Careful of the simple police


It is compatible. Installation just will fail on dropdown.css file, which you can ignore.
Former SMF Core Developer | My Mods | SimplePortal


Im getting this error

Quote8: Undefined index: 01
File: /home/!!!!##$@@/public_html/forum/Themes/default/SPortal.template.php (eval?)
Line: 228

Line 228 doesnt even exist .. any ideas ?
:: Powered by SMF 1.1.19 | Ig-Oh Theme by Koni | 70 Rock Solid Error Free Mods | Many Custom Edits & Tweaks ::
- Host Unlimited Websites - Free Website Builder & Templates - Unlimited Disk Space & Bandwidth


Quote from: tonyluzzi on January 20, 2009, 05:48:28 AM
For some reason I can't register on the SP website, clock verification always fails.  >>>

Me too :(

I'm looking for some basic documentation for SP. Maybe I'm dense, but I can't seem to find any.


Quote from: aw06 on January 20, 2009, 08:49:41 PM
Line 228 doesnt even exist .. any ideas ?

Any PHP blocks you have?

Quote from: Tiribulus on January 20, 2009, 10:42:57 PM
I'm looking for some basic documentation for SP. Maybe I'm dense, but I can't seem to find any.

I'll check the issue.

We don't have a documentation yet. You can ask here things you want to learn.
Former SMF Core Developer | My Mods | SimplePortal


Yeah, i have a php calender block .. im almost sure its responsible ..

Calender DIN1031 Version 11-11-2008-1
This is a costumizable calendar php block
It will show a calendar, and add the Today Events, Holidays and Birthdays.
Normal it's programmed and tested for SMF 1.1.X
I don't use any SSI.php, because all data that needed is loaded.
global $scripturl, $modSettings, $sourcedir, $txt;

//With that you can start the calander on a other day
//-1 = Start on Saturaday, 0 = Start on Sunday, 1 = Start on Monday, 2 = Start on Thusday...
$first_day = 0;

//How many day in future should be shown in the events on today? (If you disable today nothing will work ;D)
$eventes_future = 5;

//Show Weeksnumber? 1 = on 0 = off
$show_weeknumber = 0;

//How long should the day, if the number higher 3 than the complete dayname will be shown
$day_name_length = 0; //0 is short day name 1 is full day name :)

//The background color of days with Events, birthdays or holidays, you can use css colors
$color_background_items_mixed = 'lightblue';
$color_background_items_event = 'lightblue';
$color_background_items_birthday = 'lightblue';
$color_background_items_holiday = 'lightblue';

//The textcolor of days with Events, birthdays or holidays, you can use css colors
$color_text_items_mixed = 'steelblue';
$color_text_items_event = 'steelblue';
$color_text_items_birthday = 'steelblue';
$color_text_items_holiday = 'steelblue';

//The Color of the todays background / text
$color_background_today = 'white';
$color_text_today = 'green';

//The Textcolor for the standard days
$color_text = 'steelblue';

//The Textcolor for the Sundays
$color_text_sunday = '#C00000';

//The Textcolor for the Week Number
$color_text_week = '#990000';

//If you have a diffrent calender you can change the link to it here
$month_href = $scripturl . '?action=calendar';

//What should the callendar show?
$show_events = 1; //0 No, 1 Yes
$show_birthdays = 1; //0 No, 1 Yes
$show_holidays = 1; //0 No, 1 Yes
//Show the single events and items of the day :)
$show_today = 1; //0 No, 1 Yes

//Dateformat of day you can use %y for year %d for day and %m for month (Only digital numbers!)
$currentDateFormat = '%m/%d';

//This Variable is only for mulitple blocks of this type, please change it only if you know what you do ;)
//If show today disabled than this will not work and is disabled!
$enableJavaScript = 1;
$javascript_idFix = 'calendarDIN1031_';

//Okay please don't do anything here if you not now what you do
// You can't do anything if the calendar is off!
if (empty($modSettings['cal_enabled']))
fatal_lang_error('calendar_off', false);

//First try to make it compatible between versions SMF 1.1 and 2.0 ;) (Not Working, text problems ;P)
if(file_exists($sourcedir . '/Subs-Calendar.php')) {
require_once($sourcedir . '/Subs-Calendar.php');
$smcFunc['getEvents'] = 'getEventRange';
$smcFunc['getBirthdays'] = 'getBirthdayRange';
$smcFunc['getHolidays'] = 'getHolidayRange';
else {
require_once($sourcedir . '/Calendar.php');
$smcFunc['getEvents'] = 'calendarEventArray';
$smcFunc['getBirthdays'] = 'calendarBirthdayArray';
$smcFunc['getHolidays'] = 'calendarHolidayArray';

//Fix possible mistakes by user
$eventes_future = (int) $eventes_future;
$eventes_future = !empty($eventes_future) ? abs($eventes_future) : 0;

//Easier and faster to handel =).
$show_weeknumber = !empty($show_weeknumber);

//Enable the Javascript?
$enableJavaScript = !empty($enableJavaScript) && !empty($show_today);

//Built some standard dates
$now = time() + $modSettings['time_offset'] * 3600;
$today = date('j',$now);
$year = date("Y",$now);
$month = date("n",$now);
$days = array();
$pn = array();

$first_of_month = gmmktime(0,0,0,$month,1,$year);

//retrieve this month events, holydays and birthdays
$days_in_month = gmdate('t',$first_of_month);
//Built Month low and high date :)
$low_date = $year.'-'.$month.'-01';
$high_date = $year.'-'.$month.'-'.$days_in_month;

//Premission Checkup
$can_post_calendar = allowedTo('calendar_post');
$calendarDataToday = array('events' => array(), 'birthdays' => array(), 'holidays' => array());
$collectionDays = array(); //This is for the java script build :)
$calendarEventsFuture = array();

$todayDate = date("Y-m-d", time());

//add important days to the days array
if(!empty($show_events)) {
$insert_date = true;
//Special Case the high date of events can be more in the future than normal
$event_future_time = $now + $eventes_future * 86400;
if($eventes_future != 0) {
$month_event = date("n",$event_future_time);
//Next Month?
if($month_event != $month) {
$day_event = date("j",$event_future_time);
$year_event = date("Y",$event_future_time); //This is need, could be possible that this jan next year.
$event_future_date = $year_event.'-'.$month_event.'-'.$day_event;
$event_future_date = $high_date;
$event_future_date = $high_date;
$events = $smcFunc['getEvents']($low_date, $event_future_date);
foreach($events as $startdate => $event) {
list($cyear, $cmonth, $cday) = explode('-', $startdate);
$current_timestamp = mktime(0,0,0, $cmonth, $cday, $cyear);
//This insert the today events and future events if they exist
if($startdate == $todayDate || ($current_timestamp >= $now && $current_timestamp <= $event_future_time)) {
if($startdate == $todayDate)
$calendarDataToday['events'] = $event;
$calendarEventsFuture[$startdate] = $event;
//We must select between create or only show!
$href_calendar = $enableJavaScript ? '#day'.$cday.'" onclick="return '.$javascript_idFix.'selectCalendarDate(\'day'.$cday.'\');' : $month_href;
//Insert only the current informtions
if($cmonth == $month) //Next month is not avaible ;)
$days[$cday] = '<a class="smalltext" style="color: '.$color_text_items_event.'; font-weight: bold; background-color: '.$color_background_items_event.'; padding: 0px 4px 0px 4px;" href="'.$href_calendar.'" target="_self">'.$cday.'</a>';
if($cmonth == $month && $startdate != $todayDate)
$collectionDays[$startdate] = $cday;
//Correct the order :)
ksort($calendarEventsFuture, SORT_NUMERIC);
//Add holidays into the day array?
if(!empty($show_birthdays)) {
$birthdays = $smcFunc['getBirthdays']($low_date, $high_date);
foreach($birthdays as $startdate => $birth) {
//This insert the today events if they exist
if($todayDate == $startdate)
$calendarDataToday['birthdays'] = $birth;
$cday = (int) substr($startdate,8,2);
//We must select between create or only show!
$href_calendar = $enableJavaScript ? '#day'.$cday.'" onclick="return '.$javascript_idFix.'selectCalendarDate(\'day'.$cday.'\');' : $month_href;
//Mixed color?
$text_color = !empty($days[$cday]) ? $color_text_items_mixed : $color_text_items_birthday;
$background_color = !empty($days[$cday]) ? $color_background_items_mixed : $color_background_items_birthday;
$days[$cday] = '<a class="smalltext" style="color: '.$text_color.'; font-weight: bold; background-color: '.$background_color.'; padding: 0px 4px 0px 4px;" href="'.$href_calendar.'" target="_self">'.$cday.'</a>';
if($startdate != $todayDate)
$collectionDays[$startdate] = $cday;
//Add holidays into the day array?
if(!empty($show_holidays)) {
$holidays = $smcFunc['getHolidays']($low_date, $high_date);
foreach($holidays as $startdate => $holiday) {
//This insert the today events if they exist
if($todayDate == $startdate)
$calendarDataToday['holidays'] = $holiday;
$cday = (int) substr($startdate,8,2);
//We must select between create or only show!
$text_color = !empty($days[$cday]) ? $color_text_items_mixed : $color_text_items_holiday;
$background_color = !empty($days[$cday]) ? $color_background_items_mixed : $color_background_items_holiday;
$href_calendar = $enableJavaScript ? '#day'.$cday.'" onclick="return '.$javascript_idFix.'selectCalendarDate(\'day'.$cday.'\');' : $month_href;
$days[$cday] = '<a class="smalltext" style="color: '.$text_color.'; font-weight: bold; background-color: '.$background_color.'; padding: 0px 4px 0px 4px;" href="'.$href_calendar.'" target="_self">'.$cday.'</a>';
if($startdate != $todayDate)
$collectionDays[$startdate] = $cday;

//So Todays it's an diffrent color :D
$href_calendar = $enableJavaScript ? '#today" onclick="return '.$javascript_idFix.'selectCalendarDate(\'today\');' : $month_href;
$days[$today] = '<a class="smalltext" style="color: '.$color_text_today.'; font-weight: bold; border: solid 1px black; background-color: '.$color_background_today.'; padding: 0px 4px 0px 4px;" href="'.$href_calendar.'" target="_self">'.$today.'</a>';

//Wellcome to the smf way of Day building with existing Language strings :D
$day_names = $txt['days'];
$day_names_short = $txt['days_short'];
//So lets see $firstday = 0 means sunday this is the first day :)
//if there is a higher number than i need to resort them
//negativ values can also be used :)
if(!empty($first_day)) {
if($first_day < 0)
$first_day = 7-(abs($first_day)%7);
$first_day = ($first_day%7);
if(!empty($first_day)) {
$old = $day_names;
$old_s = $day_names_short;
$day_names = array();
$day_names_short = array();
//Create the new day order :)
for($n=0; $n<7; $n++) {
$c = (($first_day+$n)%7);
$day_names[$n] = $old[$c];
$day_names_short[$n] = $old_s[$c];

list($month, $year, $weekday) = explode(',',gmstrftime('%m,%Y,%w',$first_of_month));
$weekday = ($weekday + 7 - $first_day) % 7; //adjust for $first_day
$title = $txt['months_titles'][$month].' '.$year;  //This is the SMF Text string, so it should be corrected for ut8 or iso

//Insert the Java Sciptfunction
if($enableJavaScript) {
echo '
<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript"><!-- // --><![CDATA[
var '.$javascript_idFix.'current_block = "'.$javascript_idFix.'today";

function '.$javascript_idFix.'selectCalendarDate (day) {
var blockid = "'.$javascript_idFix.'" + day;
if(blockid == '.$javascript_idFix.'current_block) {
return false;
document.getElementById('.$javascript_idFix.'current_block).style.display = "none";
'.$javascript_idFix.'current_block = blockid + "";
document.getElementById(blockid).style.display = "block";
return false;
// ]]></script>';
/* Begin calendar. Uses a real <caption>. See */
$calendar = '
<table align="center" style="display:block; width:100%;" width="100%">
<caption>'.($month_href ? '<a href="'.htmlspecialchars($month_href).'">'.$title.'</a>' : $title)."</caption>

//Show the weekday?
$calendar .= '
<th class="smalltext" abbr="'.$txt['calendar51'].'">'.$txt['calendar51'].'</th>';

//Put out the Daynames :)
foreach($day_names as $k => $d)
$calendar .= '
<th class="smalltext" abbr="'.$d.'">'.(!empty($day_name_length) ? $d : $day_names_short[$k]).'</th>';
$calendar .= "
<tr style=\"text-align:right;\">";

$calendar .= '
<td class="smalltext" abbr="'.$txt['calendar51'].'" align="center"><span style="color:'.$color_text_week.'">'.gmdate('W', $first_of_month).'</span></td>';
if($weekday > 0) $calendar .= '
<td class="smalltext" colspan="'.$weekday.'"> </td>'; //initial 'empty' days
for($day=1,$days_in_month=gmdate('t',$first_of_month); $day<=$days_in_month; $day++,$weekday++){
if($weekday == 7){
$weekday   = 0; //start a new week
$calendar .= "
<tr style=\"text-align:right;\">";
$calendar .= '
<td class="smalltext" abbr="'.$txt['calendar51'].'" align="center"><span style="color:'.$color_text_week.'">'.gmdate('W', gmmktime(0,0,0, $month ,$day, $year)).'</span></td>';
$calendar .= '
$href_calendar = $enableJavaScript ? '#none" onclick="return '.$javascript_idFix.'selectCalendarDate(\'none\');' : $month_href;
$calendar .= "
<td class=\"smalltext\" style=\"padding-right:4px;\"><a";
if(((($weekday+$first_day) % 7)==0))
$calendar .= ' style="color:'.$color_text_sunday.';"';
$calendar .= " href=\"".$href_calendar."\" target=\"_self\">$day</a></td>";
if($weekday != 7) $calendar .= '
<td class="smalltext" colspan="'.(7-$weekday).'"> </td>'; //remaining "empty" days

$calendar .= '
echo $calendar;

if(!empty($show_today)) {
echo '
<div style="display:block; width:100%;" align="center">';
if (!empty($calendarDataToday['events']) || !empty($calendarDataToday['birthdays']) || !empty($calendarDataToday['holidays']) || !empty($calendarEventsFuture)) {
//Standard Output :)
echo '
<table id="'.$javascript_idFix.'today" align="center" style="display:block; width:100%;">';
echo '
<td width="15%">
<hr />
<td class="smalltext" align="center" style="color: ' . $color_text_items_holiday . ';">
<td width="15%">
<hr />
<td colspan="3" class="smalltext" style="width:100%;">';
echo implode('<br />', $calendarDataToday['holidays']);
echo '

echo '
<td width="15%">
<hr />
<td class="smalltext" align="center" style="color: ' . $color_text_items_birthday . ';">
<td width="15%">
<hr />
<td colspan="3" class="smalltext" style="width:100%;">';
foreach( $calendarDataToday['birthdays'] as $member )
echo '
<a href="', $scripturl, '?action=profile;u=', $member['id'], '">', $member['name'], isset($member['age']) ? ' (' . $member['age'] . ')' : '', '</a>', '<br />';
echo '

$dayOutput = str_replace(array('%y','%m','%d'), explode('-', $todayDate), $currentDateFormat);
echo '
<td width="15%">
<hr />
<td class="smalltext" align="center" style="color: ' . $color_text_items_event . ';">
<b>Events ('.$dayOutput.')</b>
<td width="15%">
<hr />
<td colspan="3" class="smalltext" align="left" style="width:100%;">';
foreach ($calendarDataToday['events'] as $event)
if ($event['can_edit'])
echo '
<a href="' . $event['modify_href'] . '" style="color: #FF0000;">*</a> ';
echo '
' . $event['link'] . '<br />';
echo '
echo '
<td width="15%">
<hr />
<td class="smalltext" align="center" style="color: ' . $color_text_items_event . ';" style="width:100%;">
<b>Upcoming Events</b>
<td width="15%">
<hr />
<td colspan="3" class="smalltext" align="left">';
foreach ($calendarEventsFuture as $startdate => $future_events)
//Okay tell the user the date of this even...
$dayOutput = str_replace(array('%y','%m','%d'), explode('-', $startdate), $currentDateFormat);
foreach($future_events as $event) {
if ($event['can_edit'])
echo '
<a href="' . $event['modify_href'] . '" style="color: #FF0000;">*</a> ';
echo '
' . $dayOutput . ' ' . $event['link'] . '<br />';
echo '
echo '
echo '
<table id="'.$javascript_idFix.'today" align="center" width="100%" style="display:block; width:100%;">
No Entries Found.

//Okay Start he Java Script insert :)
if($enableJavaScript) {
//First the Table for none ;)
echo '
<table id="'.$javascript_idFix.'none" align="center" width="100%" style="display:none; width:100%;">
<td class="smalltext">
No Entries Found.
foreach($collectionDays as $startdate => $day) {
echo '
<table id="'.$javascript_idFix.'day'.$day.'" align="center" width="100%" style="display:none; width:100%;">';
echo '
<td width="15%">
<hr />
<td class="smalltext" align="center" style="color: ' . $color_text_items_holiday . ';">
<td width="15%">
<hr />
<td colspan="3" class="smalltext" style="width:100%;">';
echo implode('<br />', $holidays[$startdate]);
echo '
echo '
<td width="15%">
<hr />
<td class="smalltext" align="center" style="color: ' . $color_text_items_birthday . ';">
<td width="15%">
<hr />
<td colspan="3" class="smalltext" style="width:100%;">';
foreach( $birthdays[$startdate] as $member )
echo '
<a href="', $scripturl, '?action=profile;u=', $member['id'], '">', $member['name'], isset($member['age']) ? ' (' . $member['age'] . ')' : '', '</a>', '<br />';
echo '
$dayOutput = str_replace(array('%y','%m','%d'), explode('-', $startdate), $currentDateFormat);
echo '
<td width="15%">
<hr />
<td class="smalltext" align="center" style="color: ' . $color_text_items_event . ';">
<b>Events ('.$dayOutput.')</b>
<td width="15%">
<hr />
<td colspan="3" class="smalltext" align="left" style="width:100%;">';
foreach ($events[$startdate] as $event)
if ($event['can_edit'])
echo '
<a href="' . $event['modify_href'] . '" style="color: #FF0000;">*</a> ';
echo '
' . $event['link'] . '<br />';
echo '
echo '
echo '
:: Powered by SMF 1.1.19 | Ig-Oh Theme by Koni | 70 Rock Solid Error Free Mods | Many Custom Edits & Tweaks ::
- Host Unlimited Websites - Free Website Builder & Templates - Unlimited Disk Space & Bandwidth



I installed SP on my forum and it looks great, the only slight annoyance is that when you're in the forum and you click on a category instead of taking you back to the category header it throws you back to the front page

eg, looking in forum>community>games, if I then click to go back to community it takes me straight back to the front page

I've checked then unchecked everything in the admin, I have redirect to portal unchecked but it still happens

my site is [nonactive] if you need to see it as I've not explained it brilliantly!




I have no idea about those codes and can't check right now. Would be glad if you can drop a post in the related topic on I'll try to check it in a few days.


Welcome to SMF and SP eledhel!

That's a known issue and can be fixed easily. Have a look at the post here:
Former SMF Core Developer | My Mods | SimplePortal


Quote from: Blue Dream on January 21, 2009, 08:08:44 AM

I have no idea about those codes and can't check right now. Would be glad if you can drop a post in the related topic on I'll try to check it in a few days.

I did a few days ago
:: Powered by SMF 1.1.19 | Ig-Oh Theme by Koni | 70 Rock Solid Error Free Mods | Many Custom Edits & Tweaks ::
- Host Unlimited Websites - Free Website Builder & Templates - Unlimited Disk Space & Bandwidth


I get this error.
Table 'pulaskic_smf.sp_articles' doesn't exist
File: /home/pulaskic/public_html/smf/Packages/temp/install2.php
Line: 69

Quote from: Blue Dream on January 20, 2009, 04:52:04 PM
It is compatible. Installation just will fail on dropdown.css file, which you can ignore.
Rick Lepard

Careful of the simple police


OK folks,
Take this for what it's worth coming from somebody with about 4 days experience in anything having to do with PHP or adminning forums in general.

There have been issues from what I see with SP and the forum button in particular with many themes. I decided on a whim to change the extension on the index.template.php file for the "bright Forest" theme (so I could save a copy) and try something.

I opened it and the one from the default theme in Kate and copied the entire section, the whole shebang, dealing with the button bar or whatever it's called:

// Show the start of the tab section.
echo '
<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" style="margin-left: 10px;">
<td class="maintab_' , $first , '">&nbsp;</td>';

// Show the [home] button.
echo ($current_action=='home' || $context['browser']['is_ie4']) ? '<td class="maintab_active_' . $first . '">&nbsp;</td>' : '' , '
<td valign="top" class="maintab_' , $current_action == 'home' ? 'active_back' : 'back' , '">
<a href="', $scripturl, '">' , $txt[103] , '</a>
</td>' , $current_action == 'home' ? '<td class="maintab_active_' . $last . '">&nbsp;</td>' : '';

// Show the [forum] button.
echo ($current_action=='forum' || $context['browser']['is_ie4']) ? '<td class="maintab_active_' . $first . '">&nbsp;</td>' : '' , '
<td valign="top" class="maintab_' , $current_action == 'forum' ? 'active_back' : 'back' , '">
<a href="', $scripturl, '?action=forum">' . $txt['sp-forum'] . '</a>
</td>' , $current_action=='forum' ? '<td class="maintab_active_' . $last . '">&nbsp;</td>' : '';

// Show the [help] button.
echo ($current_action == 'help' || $context['browser']['is_ie4']) ? '<td class="maintab_active_' . $first . '">&nbsp;</td>' : '' , '
<td valign="top" class="maintab_' , $current_action == 'help' ? 'active_back' : 'back' , '">
<a href="', $scripturl, '?action=help">' , $txt[119] , '</a>
</td>' , $current_action == 'help' ? '<td class="maintab_active_' . $last . '">&nbsp;</td>' : '';

// How about the [search] button?
if ($context['allow_search'])
echo ($current_action == 'search' || $context['browser']['is_ie4']) ? '<td class="maintab_active_' . $first . '">&nbsp;</td>' : '' , '
<td valign="top" class="maintab_' , $current_action == 'search' ? 'active_back' : 'back' , '">
<a href="', $scripturl, '?action=search">' , $txt[182] , '</a>
</td>' , $current_action == 'search' ? '<td class="maintab_active_' . $last . '">&nbsp;</td>' : '';

// Is the user allowed to administrate at all? ([admin])
if ($context['allow_admin'])
echo ($current_action == 'admin' || $context['browser']['is_ie4']) ? '<td class="maintab_active_' . $first . '">&nbsp;</td>' : '' , '
<td valign="top" class="maintab_' , $current_action == 'admin' ? 'active_back' : 'back' , '">
<a href="', $scripturl, '?action=admin">' , $txt[2] , '</a>
</td>' , $current_action == 'admin' ? '<td class="maintab_active_' . $last . '">&nbsp;</td>' : '';

// Edit Profile... [profile]
if ($context['allow_edit_profile'])
echo ($current_action == 'profile' || $context['browser']['is_ie4']) ? '<td class="maintab_active_' . $first . '">&nbsp;</td>' : '' , '
<td valign="top" class="maintab_' , $current_action == 'profile' ? 'active_back' : 'back' , '">
<a href="', $scripturl, '?action=profile">' , $txt[79] , '</a>
</td>' , $current_action == 'profile' ? '<td class="maintab_active_' . $last . '">&nbsp;</td>' : '';

// Go to PM center... [pm]
if ($context['user']['is_logged'] && $context['allow_pm'])
echo ($current_action == 'pm' || $context['browser']['is_ie4']) ? '<td class="maintab_active_' . $first . '">&nbsp;</td>' : '' , '
<td valign="top" class="maintab_' , $current_action == 'pm' ? 'active_back' : 'back' , '">
<a href="', $scripturl, '?action=pm">' , $txt['pm_short'] , ' ', $context['user']['unread_messages'] > 0 ? '[<strong>'. $context['user']['unread_messages'] . '</strong>]' : '' , '</a>
</td>' , $current_action == 'pm' ? '<td class="maintab_active_' . $last . '">&nbsp;</td>' : '';

// The [calendar]!
if ($context['allow_calendar'])
echo ($current_action == 'calendar' || $context['browser']['is_ie4']) ? '<td class="maintab_active_' . $first . '">&nbsp;</td>' : '' , '
<td valign="top" class="maintab_' , $current_action == 'calendar' ? 'active_back' : 'back' , '">
<a href="', $scripturl, '?action=calendar">' , $txt['calendar24'] , '</a>
</td>' , $current_action == 'calendar' ? '<td class="maintab_active_' . $last . '">&nbsp;</td>' : '';

// the [member] list button
if ($context['allow_memberlist'])
echo ($current_action == 'mlist' || $context['browser']['is_ie4']) ? '<td class="maintab_active_' . $first . '">&nbsp;</td>' : '' , '
<td valign="top" class="maintab_' , $current_action == 'mlist' ? 'active_back' : 'back' , '">
<a href="', $scripturl, '?action=mlist">' , $txt[331] , '</a>
</td>' , $current_action == 'mlist' ? '<td class="maintab_active_' . $last . '">&nbsp;</td>' : '';

// If the user is a guest, show [login] button.
if ($context['user']['is_guest'])
echo ($current_action == 'login' || $context['browser']['is_ie4']) ? '<td class="maintab_active_' . $first . '">&nbsp;</td>' : '' , '
<td valign="top" class="maintab_' , $current_action == 'login' ? 'active_back' : 'back' , '">
<a href="', $scripturl, '?action=login">' , $txt[34] , '</a>
</td>' , $current_action == 'login' ? '<td class="maintab_active_' . $last . '">&nbsp;</td>' : '';

// If the user is a guest, also show [register] button.
if ($context['user']['is_guest'])
echo ($current_action == 'register' || $context['browser']['is_ie4']) ? '<td class="maintab_active_' . $first . '">&nbsp;</td>' : '' , '
<td valign="top" class="maintab_' , $current_action == 'register' ? 'active_back' : 'back' , '">
<a href="', $scripturl, '?action=register">' , $txt[97] , '</a>
</td>' , $current_action == 'register' ? '<td class="maintab_active_' . $last . '">&nbsp;</td>' : '';

// Otherwise, they might want to [logout]...
if ($context['user']['is_logged'])
echo ($current_action == 'logout' || $context['browser']['is_ie4']) ? '<td class="maintab_active_' . $first . '">&nbsp;</td>' : '' , '
<td valign="top" class="maintab_' , $current_action == 'logout' ? 'active_back' : 'back' , '">
<a href="', $scripturl, '?action=logout;sesc=', $context['session_id'], '">' , $txt[108] , '</a>
</td>' , $current_action == 'logout' ? '<td class="maintab_active_' . $last . '">&nbsp;</td>' : '';

// The end of tab section.
echo '
<td class="maintab_' , $last , '">&nbsp;</td>

as seen here and pasted it over the entire matching section best as I could decipher in the one for Bright Forest. Lo and behold every single button showed up and the right color, the right size in the right place and works like a charm. It did however take the font from the default theme which is no issue for me. This was after a few other copy and paste adventures that didn't do so well ;)

Maybe this will help somebody else.



I have a problem with my SMF 1.1.7 and SP 2.1.1

After the Update it doesn´t view the right Blocks on the Portal Site.

I worked with:
SMF 2 in German

SID Giessen

Eliana Tamerin

Anyone who reported a problem with the Anti-Bot Clock verification on's registration page should retry. This has been fixed now.
Do NOT PM me for support.

SimplePortal 2.3.6 is OUT!
SimplePortal Project Manager
Download | Docs
SimplePortal: Power of Simplicity!


Quote from: lepard on January 21, 2009, 04:43:10 PM
I get this error.
Table 'pulaskic_smf.sp_articles' doesn't exist
File: /home/pulaskic/public_html/smf/Packages/temp/install2.php
Line: 69

Quote from: Blue Dream on January 20, 2009, 04:52:04 PM
It is compatible. Installation just will fail on dropdown.css file, which you can ignore.

Have you installed SP before? Can you check if you have that table in your database?

Quote from: Eclipse16V on January 22, 2009, 10:04:16 AM

I have a problem with my SMF 1.1.7 and SP 2.1.1

After the Update it doesn´t view the right Blocks on the Portal Site.


This issue was reported by a few people too. But it is rare and I'm unable to reproduce it. I'd be glad if you can help me with debugging.

You can do that by adding this line to your Settings.php file:

$db_show_debug = true;

and providing me an admin account to check it.

Of course, if you want to...
Former SMF Core Developer | My Mods | SimplePortal


Upgraded to Simple Machines 2.0 RC1
-After installing SMF 2.0 RC1, when reinstalling the simple portal package(v. 2.1.1),  SP's 'install2.php' script did not take into consideration whether or not the simple portal tables already existed.  I had to rename the 4 simple portal tables already present and remove the table prefix for the install to work. An upgrade would go more seamlessly if the install script included a function for whether the tables exist or not and whether to create or use the current tables. Just a suggestion. Then again I understand this isn't released in the current version. Kudos to you MOD, I love it. You Rock! Your mod gave me ideas that have improved my whole site since now we have news feeds throughout. Thanks..

Quote from: Blue Dream on January 22, 2009, 12:12:35 PM
Quote from: lepard on January 21, 2009, 04:43:10 PM
I get this error.
Table 'pulaskic_smf.sp_articles' doesn't exist
File: /home/pulaskic/public_html/smf/Packages/temp/install2.php
Line: 69

Quote from: Blue Dream on January 20, 2009, 04:52:04 PM
It is compatible. Installation just will fail on dropdown.css file, which you can ignore.

Have you installed SP before? Can you check if you have that table in your database?

Quote from: Eclipse16V on January 22, 2009, 10:04:16 AM

I have a problem with my SMF 1.1.7 and SP 2.1.1

After the Update it doesn´t view the right Blocks on the Portal Site.


This issue was reported by a few people too. But it is rare and I'm unable to reproduce it. I'd be glad if you can help me with debugging.

You can do that by adding this line to your Settings.php file:

$db_show_debug = true;

and providing me an admin account to check it.

Of course, if you want to...
Rick Lepard

Careful of the simple police
