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vBulletin 3.0.1 to SMF

Started by th3subtl3on3, March 16, 2008, 11:02:56 PM

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Where to start. I have just been given web administration of our boards, since the last two users have just disappeared. I am new to everything and slowing learning how everything works. We no longer want to use vBulletin, and would like to switch over to SMF, but I am hesitant to do so because of my inexperience.

I have read through most of the documents for converting and installing, but would still like some help. My biggest fear is losing all current information in our database. I tried installing and converting earlier, but it did not work. I got a blank page. Do I remove the old folder that has the vBulletin information?

I hate posting threads where I need a walk through from someone to make sure I am doing everything correctly, but I'd rather do it right than having a problem I can't fix.

Many thanks,


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I have read that two or three times now. The part I don't understand is this:

QuoteFor best results, you should install SMF on the same database as the forum you're converting from. If this is not possible, you will need to make sure that the MySQL user account being used for SMF has access to the other forum's database. If you are not sure how to do this, please ask on the forum and someone should be able to assist you.

This is what's throwing me for a loop.


Did you install SMF?  If not what is recommended is that you install it in the same database that vBulletin is installed.
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The conversion shouldn''t touch anything at your original forum that you are converting from (your vb forum) so no need to worry about that. For the rest read the link provided above as everything is explained in detail there and you should be all set. If you still don''t understand things, post your questions here again


Quote from: JayBachatero on March 17, 2008, 08:55:05 PM
Did you install SMF?  If not what is recommended is that you install it in the same database that vBulletin is installed.

There is a folder "forums" currently that holds the vBulletin information. Is this what it's referring too? And no, I haven't installed it yet. I gave the members a notice today that I will be trying it this weekend.


You must install smf in a different folder at your server, but on the same database that you have installed the vb forum. Or if you install it at another database, then you must grant its user full access&permission to the vb database. Hope it helps


Alright, so far so good. I did the update and converted over to SMF. Only problem is that none of the information was copied over from the original forums. No member, posts, or threads. What can be done about this?


Somebody? I have tried reinstalling, and it's still not copying over the information.


Have you tried the maintenance settings in the smf admin panel?


I am still looking around. Under server settings for the directories of SMF and the Sources, I don't know where it got those directories from. I don't even see them anywhere under the ftp. This is what it has for SMF: /hermes/web04/b1892/pow.tstacc/htdocs/forum


looks like paths to your forum on


I guess so, but wouldn't I be able to see those paths under ftp?


You need to edit your php.ini file and point the session.save_path to the right path.

Common conversion errors.
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I did see that page with the conversion errors, but couldn't find the php.ini file.And which path would be the correct one to have it point too? I will have to search for that file again.


Alright, found that and how to edit it, just need to where I have to it too so that it does work. Here is what it currently reads:

session.save_path = /var/php_sessions

I found this on powweb site, is this where I want it to point too?

Path to your Web document root: /home/users/web/b1892/pow.tstacc/htdocs


Create a dir in the pow.tstacc dir called sesc and then use /home/users/web/b1892/pow.tstacc/sesc for the save_path.  Make sure that the dir is writeable.
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Alright! I got that to work, thanks for all the help so far. Now, when I go to the new forums, it doesn't list the forums. It says that there are threads and posts, just can't see anything. Any ideas? Maybe I just need to mess around in maintenance.

here is the site: [nofollow]


Ok, looks like everything is there, just not setup right. I should be able to fix that.


Now my only other question is, how do I update the new SMF with the posts on the old forums that have been made after the installation?
