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Running SMF 1.1 and 2.0

Started by Dorian, March 18, 2008, 09:14:27 AM

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Is it possible to run and use SMF 1.1 and SMF 2.0 in the same database, so that I can access the boards and topics from both versions, including to register, post, and do all that stuff to the forums?
I'm your creativity creator:)


You can have multiple BUT separate installations of smf in the same database.  Just use a different table prefix.

upload the files to a different location.
eg whereas your 1.1.x forum is at
have a test 2.x install at a different subfolder eg

Then when installing use a different prefix.

But note, posts/members in one, cannot be used in the other.  (in other words you can't link them)


BTW, related to this subject, imagine that I have the situation you described karlbenson, using the same databse but with different tables:
Quote from: karlbenson on March 18, 2008, 09:20:32 AM
eg whereas your 1.1.x forum is at
have a test 2.x install at a different subfolder eg

If I would want someday to 'replace' 1.1.x for that 2.x test version and keep as the domain with all the previous information (posts, users, etc) what would I need to do?


When it comes time to upgrading your 1.x forum,  you'd use the upgrade package.

Replace all your 1.x files with 2.x versions
then run the upgrade.php


Ok, I see...

Then if I would have been working on a custom theme + editing Source files and so on in that 2.x test subfolder, I would have to replace the recent 2.x upgraded files with those ones in the test subdomain (a 'simple' 2.x files for 2.x files overwrite)... is this assumption correct?


Yeah you could do that after the upgrade has finished.

Providing of course both file sets are the same version.


Quote from: karlbenson on March 18, 2008, 09:20:32 AM
But note, posts/members in one, cannot be used in the other.  (in other words you can't link them)
Well, that's what I asked for.
OK, well then, if I can't, fine. :(
I'm your creativity creator:)


The database schemes are incompatible.

Justin O'Leary
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Let me clarify something that wasn't 100% clear from my message.

The database changes between 2.0 and 1.1.x are extensive.
In order to use an existing smf 1.1.x data with smf 2.0, you need to upgrade it.


Yeah, but as said, I wanted both versions access the same database in order to use the forums from both versions. Linked. This is not possible without hacking up my SMF 1.1 to understand the database of 2.0 (the other way around would be fairly stupid).
My answer is no, that's fine, I better m,ark it as solved. ;)
Ah, well someone already did. :)
I'm your creativity creator:)
