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Profile Visitors (4.1 Released | SMF 2.0 Compatible)

Started by [SiNaN], April 09, 2008, 12:44:17 AM

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Former SMF Core Developer | My Mods | SimplePortal


works great on 2.0 Beta 4! thanks

Sudhakar Arjunan

Quote from: Blue Dream on December 09, 2008, 11:07:48 AM
Now mod is compatible with SMF 2.0 Beta 4. Check this post for details:

Its a most awaited Update.

Even though i have a issue with JohnyB's SPy mod on theme/default/profile template page.

I have manually edit and its working now.

Could you tell me , is there any settings page is available.

If so, where it is.
Working on New Mods & Themes for SMF... Will update soon... My Blog page
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Quote from: Kimmie on December 01, 2008, 11:27:19 PM
I'm seeing this error in my log:


8: Undefined index: visitorstime
File: /home/patriotg/public_html/Sources/Profile.php
Line: 446

Every time I see that error, it always has "profile2 at the end of it. When you look at someones profile it should say http://NameOfSite/index.php?action=profile;u=XXXX.

I originally thought it was someone trying to view the profile of member #2 and since there isnt one (they were removed), it was returning the error, however, that is not the case. When I change the user number to #2 in what the ul should be, I get the standard error "The user whose profile you are trying to view does not exist." etc et cbut no error gets put in the log.

Any idea how this error is being generated and why the url would be different?

bumping up since its been a week


Colin B
Former Spammer, Customize, & Support Team Member



You're welcome.


No, it doesn't have any settings area. Only has permissions and a single setting for "do not log" in Profile >> Look and Layout, if user is allowed to. What kind of setting you are looking for?


Sorry for the delay. Is that only 'visitorstime'? You don't get errors with 'visitors' right?


My pleasure.

For all:

I've found a very minor bug in the 4.1 version. Will release a bug fix version in a few days, which will include update feature from 4.1 version. The bug is minor as I said, so it won't break anything, no worries. I'll wait to see if I missed anything else.
Former SMF Core Developer | My Mods | SimplePortal

Sudhakar Arjunan

Quote from: Blue Dream on December 10, 2008, 06:01:31 AM

No, it doesn't have any settings area. Only has permissions and a single setting for "do not log" in Profile >> Look and Layout, if user is allowed to. What kind of setting you are looking for?

Looking for Admin id not to be logged on any users screen.
Working on New Mods & Themes for SMF... Will update soon... My Blog page
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Profile >> Look and Layout >> Do not log me on profile visits

check that option.

Users, who don't want to be logged should do that; of course if they have permission.

You can also check that option for your other admins yourself, if you want.
Former SMF Core Developer | My Mods | SimplePortal

Sudhakar Arjunan

Working on New Mods & Themes for SMF... Will update soon... My Blog page
My Smf forum : Discuss ITAcumens :: My SMF Forum


Quote from: Blue Dream on December 10, 2008, 06:01:31 AM


Sorry for the delay. Is that only 'visitorstime'? You don't get errors with 'visitors' right?

its on visitors as well:

8: Undefined index: visitors
File: /home//public_html/Sources/Profile.php
Line: 445

Sorry for not adding that one in my previous post. I actually thought I had lol.  They both say "action=profile2" at the end of the url it puts in the log. These errors dont happen on everyone, they are random so I have no way of knowing if they are happening when those people are trying to view their own profiles, someone elses profile, or if their manually trying to view member #2's profile (who does not exist). When I click on the url from the log I get this error:

"The user whose profile you are trying to view does not exist."

However, that is not even the correct format to view someone elses profile - when you click on soneones profile, the url at the end says the following "action=profile;u=xxx" (where x is that persons user number). I am inclined to think that they are trying to view member #2's profile that doesnt exist and they are just not typing it in right but I wanted to make sure I was correct in that and that its not some other bug within the mod.


thanks, good work.  ;)

i dont k now if already is a spanish translation but if not here i let this.

$txt['pv_title'] = 'Visitantes del Perfil';
$txt['pv_latest_visitors'] = 'Ultimos Visitantes';
$txt['pv_no_visitors'] = 'No hay Visitantes.';
$txt['pv_visit_count'] = 'Visitado %s veces.';
$txt['pv_enabled'] = 'Habilitar Visitantes del Perfil?';
$txt['pv_show_count'] = 'Numero de visitantes a mostrar:<div class="smalltext">(1 min - 20 max)</div>';
$txt['pv_style'] = 'Apariencia de visitantes:';
$txt['pv_style_vertical'] = 'Vertical';
$txt['pv_style_horizontal'] = 'Horizontal';
$txt['pv_not_log'] = 'No guardar logs de este grupo:';

$txt['cannot_profile_delete_visitor'] = 'No tienes permisos para borrar los visitantes.';

$txt['permissionname_profile_delete_visitor'] = 'Puede remover los visitantes del perfil?';
$txt['permissionname_profile_view_visitor'] = 'Puede ver los visitantes del perfil?';
$txt['permissionname_profile_view_visitor_own'] = 'Perfil propio';
$txt['permissionname_profile_view_visitor_any'] = 'Cualquier perfil';

Nao 尚

Nice little mod you have here... :)
I was thinking of doing something like that (selfishly, for my website), but it's nice enough for me to use it instead.

I'll contribute a few suggestions as well as my French version, in case it doesn't exist in the first place.

// Profile Visitors
$txt['pv_title'] = 'Derniers visiteurs';
$txt['pv_visited'] = 'Profil visit&eacute;';
$txt['pv_no_visitors'] = 'Pas de visiteurs.';
$txt['pv_no_member'] = 'Pas de membre s&eacute;lectionn&eacute;.';
$txt['pv_visited_single'] = '%s fois';
$txt['pv_visited_plural'] = '%s fois';
$txt['pv_avoid_log'] = 'Rester incognito pour visiter d\'autres profils';

$txt['permissionname_pv_view'] = 'Voir qui a visit&eacute; un profil';
$txt['permissionhelp_pv_view'] = 'Cette permission autorise les utilisateurs &agrave; voir les visiteurs sur les profils.';
$txt['permissionname_pv_view_own'] = 'Profil personnel';
$txt['permissionname_pv_view_any'] = 'Tous les profils';
$txt['permissionname_pv_avoid_log'] = 'Cacher ses propres visites';
$txt['permissionhelp_pv_avoid_log'] = 'Cette permission autorise les utilisateurs &agrave; choisir de rester incognito dans les profils.';
$txt['permissionname_pv_remove_own'] = 'Effacer les visiteurs de son profil';
$txt['permissionhelp_pv_remove_own'] = 'Cette permission autorise les utilisateurs &agrave; supprimer les visiteurs de leur propre profil.';
$txt['permissionname_pv_remove_any'] = 'Effacer les visiteurs de tout profil';
$txt['permissionhelp_pv_remove_any'] = 'Cette permission autorise les utilisateurs &agrave; supprimer les visiteurs de tout profil.';
$txt['permissionname_pv_remove_any_own'] = 'Visites personnelles';
$txt['permissionname_pv_remove_any_any'] = 'Toutes les visites';

$txt['cannot_pv_remove_any_any'] = 'Vous n\'avez pas l\'autorisation d\'effacer ce visiteur.';
// Profile Visitors

Also -- in case you're curious about RC1, it *will* require a few changes ;) (The first 3 changes in the Profile template, and another one in Profile.php)

I would also like to point out that 'pv_count' is buggy: I just installed the thing, made, let's say, 7 visits on a profile, my avatar says I visited 7 times, and the profile itself says "Profile visited 6 times"... It's only one behind.
And when it's never been visited in the first place, it's just empty. It would be best to use $txt['never'] (which is part of SMF2).
I will not make any deals with you. I've resigned. I will not be pushed, filed, stamped, indexed, briefed, debriefed or numbered.

Aeva Media rocks your life.


Quote from: Kimmie on December 12, 2008, 04:57:09 AM
Quote from: Blue Dream on December 10, 2008, 06:01:31 AM


Sorry for the delay. Is that only 'visitorstime'? You don't get errors with 'visitors' right?

its on visitors as well:

8: Undefined index: visitors
File: /home//public_html/Sources/Profile.php
Line: 445

Sorry for not adding that one in my previous post. I actually thought I had lol.  They both say "action=profile2" at the end of the url it puts in the log. These errors dont happen on everyone, they are random so I have no way of knowing if they are happening when those people are trying to view their own profiles, someone elses profile, or if their manually trying to view member #2's profile (who does not exist). When I click on the url from the log I get this error:

"The user whose profile you are trying to view does not exist."

However, that is not even the correct format to view someone elses profile - when you click on soneones profile, the url at the end says the following "action=profile;u=xxx" (where x is that persons user number). I am inclined to think that they are trying to view member #2's profile that doesnt exist and they are just not typing it in right but I wanted to make sure I was correct in that and that its not some other bug within the mod.

Any update on this yet?



Thanks, I may brake my rules and add it to the next package.

Nao 尚:

Thanks for the translation and input. I'm aware of a few small bugs. Will release a small update very soon.


Problem is, I wasn't able to reproduce the error. Let's try this:



if($log_user) {


if($log_user && isset($context['member']['visitors']) && isset($context['member']['visitorstime'])) {
Former SMF Core Developer | My Mods | SimplePortal


I will try that later tonight and see if it works. I have tried pinpointing when its happening but not making much headway. Nobody is reporting the errors when they get them and when I ask them about them, they say they dont remember getting any - but - they gotta be coming from somewhere right?  lol.


Quote from: Blue Dream on December 10, 2008, 02:09:24 PM
Profile >> Look and Layout >> Do not log me on profile visits

check that option.

Users, who don't want to be logged should do that; of course if they have permission.

You can also check that option for your other admins yourself, if you want.

i believe the 4.0 version is for the smf 1.x right?
is this available on the 4.0 version?
QuoteProfile >> Look and Layout >> Do not log me on profile visits
because i cant seem to find it  ???


ah! found it already. forgot to 'enable' the mod first :P hehe

thanks! such a great mod :)


i need a lil support for smf 1.x :)

the time of visit doesn't seem to matched the time on my forum.
i just installed this mod few hours ago, and users who visited my page says "19:44:11" (which means after noon. and i'm sure it's not correct because the time now just turned to 12.31pm


Maybe this will help.

Quote from: Blue Dream on October 23, 2008, 07:55:28 AM
This will do it:

Quote from: [SiNaN] on September 25, 2008, 08:55:22 AM

This is an old mod of my, it has some annoying bugs but really don't have time to update.



'time' => strftime($time_format, $visitortime[$count]),


'time' => timeformat($visitortime[$count], $time_format),
