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SMF 1.0.1

Started by bostasp, January 09, 2005, 07:00:36 PM

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If I upgrade through the package manager, this will replace certain key files then or does it modify them?

I have modified several files in the code in order to manually have more options in user profiles.  Each time I upgrade, I then have to recode those files.

So, does going through the package manager just merely add or correct code?  If this is so, then my code is there.

Just curious.



I'm behind the times, sad to say, with my SMF version that I'm running .. RC1

when I upgrade do I have to go RC2 --> 1.0 --> 1.0.1 ?


I upgrated, the updated since I now get code at the top of my page in the admin center :-X
Timeout("alert(\"', $txt['maintain_done'], '\")", 120); // -->'; } ?>

Not anywehre else but only in the admin area :'(


Quote from: reznorsoft on January 14, 2005, 11:10:01 AM
I'm behind the times, sad to say, with my SMF version that I'm running .. RC1

when I upgrade do I have to go RC2 --> 1.0 --> 1.0.1 ?

no you do not need to do all the steps. Just get the UPGRADE (opposed to UPDATE) and you will be fine.
Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try Again. Fail again. Fail better.


I upgraded with no problems! Impressed with how easy it was to upgrade.

Thank you



Can I add to this I just found that although it tells me its upgraded and I have version 1.01 it tells me the sources files and current templates are the old version? The other files are fine and I just ftp'd again the new sources etc!  ???


I'm running the Board with Dutch language and not the default Theme.....Updat went smooth, BUT:
On checking the install files in the Forum admin I see that:
a) Language Files have old version (Packages.dutch.php / index.dutch.php);
b) Current Template is old version (BoardIndex.template.php / Recent.template.php).

How can I fix this????


Quote from: redone on January 14, 2005, 11:45:01 AM
Can I add to this I just found that although it tells me its upgraded and I have version 1.01 it tells me the sources files and current templates are the old version? The other files are fine and I just ftp'd again the new sources etc!  ???
Had the same issue, I had to ul them manually, still get a weird area posted above

I re ul the backup and then did a UPGRADE and all is fine now
For someone that fought yabb1.3x for years, I must say SMF is a welcome change

Well everything works except 1 mod that was already installed, the banner mod  :-X


Quote from: bostasp on January 09, 2005, 07:00:36 PM
If you are upgrading from 1.0, the easiest way to update is through the package manager. However, if you want to use file uploads, you only need to use the "update" package as it includes only the changed files since 1.0's release. However, if you have any mods installed it would be better to use the "upgrade" package because it contains all the files for an SMF installation. Remember that you can use the "upgrade" package to come from any previous version of SMF. You can also use it to upgrade from YaBB SE.

Unknown, you stated that the package manager is the easiest way to update for those of us with SMF 1.0.  In an effort to save David from having to do my upgrade I looked in the package manager for SMF 1.01 but couldn't find it.  Where would I find SMF 1.01?  I looked under the SMF choice but no dice.
Jon Reinhart

Owner, CWF GameCast

Public Relations Coordinator, Battlestar Galactica Wiki


It should be in first page in package manager.
Former Lead Support Specialist

Tarvitsetko apua SMF foorumisi kanssa? Otan työtehtäviä vastaan, lue:

Tristan Perry

Upgraded through the package manager without trouble. All mods installed work fine, no errors at all  :)


Quote from: Justyne on January 14, 2005, 11:24:51 AM
Quote from: reznorsoft on January 14, 2005, 11:10:01 AM
I'm behind the times, sad to say, with my SMF version that I'm running .. RC1

when I upgrade do I have to go RC2 --> 1.0 --> 1.0.1 ?

no you do not need to do all the steps. Just get the UPGRADE (opposed to UPDATE) and you will be fine.

WOW  :o .. easiest upgrade ever

awesome work SMF Team !!


Now I see it.  It says, "As was inevitable, a few small mistakes have been found in 1.0. You can install install this patch (click here to install) to easily update yourself to the latest version."

Is that the "update" package or the "upgrade" package mentioned in Unknown's original post?
Jon Reinhart

Owner, CWF GameCast

Public Relations Coordinator, Battlestar Galactica Wiki


We had planned a server migration today and then found the update...........

First ever server migration..................

It took a while to install 1.0.1 and then reinstall the themes but we did it WOOT!

Now happily on our new server  :D


Package manager will not ul the files, does not like them.
I can do a manual install but it does not like the "banner" mod even if I uninstall the mod forst.

weekend camper

package manger gave error : "no installation or uninstallation actions defined".  Didn't find a useful answer to that one in the forums.

used the manual ftp method and everything went great.

thanks TEAM SMF.



I get the following error when using the package manager:

2: Unable to create '/home/httpd/vhosts/': Permission denied

I read earlier where someone else was told to ignore a similar error and that it didn't prevent the installation.  However, when I checked my package manager, it still had [Apply Mod] next to the 1.0.1 update package.  I also ran a detailed version check, and all my fiels are still 1.0.



A quick question re the update....

I have just had a major problem with something else, and as a result had to redo a lot of code changes, I only just finished and saw that 1.0.1 was available.

I'm reluctant to update if I'm going to have to go through it all again, for what are only minor changes to SMF. Our site uses two "home made" themes, if I use package manager to do the upgrade will it lose any of those code changes and mods I have installed ? If its a yes then i'll leave it for now, if its a no, I will complete it.

Tristan Perry

Quote from: cleavers1066 on January 14, 2005, 02:03:19 PM
I'm reluctant to update if I'm going to have to go through it all again, for what are only minor changes to SMF. Our site uses two "home made" themes, if I use package manager to do the upgrade will it lose any of those code changes and mods I have installed ? If its a yes then i'll leave it for now, if its a no, I will complete it.
I was in the same position as you. I have home-made themes, mods installed, SMF coding changed to suit my needs etc. I upgraded through the package manager, and all was fine! I'd back-up and then give it a go  :)


Quote from: cleavers1066 on January 14, 2005, 02:03:19 PM
A quick question re the update....

I have just had a major problem with something else, and as a result had to redo a lot of code changes, I only just finished and saw that 1.0.1 was available.

I'm reluctant to update if I'm going to have to go through it all again, for what are only minor changes to SMF. Our site uses two "home made" themes, if I use package manager to do the upgrade will it lose any of those code changes and mods I have installed ? If its a yes then i'll leave it for now, if its a no, I will complete it.

i have to agree, i have mods installed, some hand intalled so will this update mess with those and is it important?
