Are you guys ever going to fix your search function?

Started by PAPABEAR, July 27, 2008, 02:53:43 PM

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This is not a rant...but a valid please don't take it the wrong way. I love this place, the people, SMF, and only want to see it better.

When you click can "Search in topic subjects only" which is clearly broken.

When you search for the key words "mass move" and select "Search in topic subjects only", it give back a huge list of topics of which most don't even have the key words "mass move" in them.

Are you guys ever going to fix this? I really hate to have "Support Specialists" tell me to "Just vary your keywords and keep looking" when the function really sucks. I am sure I am not the only one who noticed this.

Finally, it would save a lot of time for your "Support Specialists" too so they can actually help people instead of telling intelligent people to "Just vary your keywords and keep looking" when we ALREADY HAVE.


It was a bug in SMF :)

We generally run development versions here (nothing like live testing isn't there :P ). I would assume when the site is updated the bug will be resolved.
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If you have a concern regarding our support team members, I ask that you please contact myself or H directly.

I'll look for the bug ticket/topic and find out what's going on with it.

Justin O'Leary
Ex-Project Manager
Ex-Lead Support Specialist

QuoteMicrosoft wants us to "Imagine life without walls"...
I say, "If there are no walls, who needs Windows?"

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Quote from: metallica48423 on July 27, 2008, 09:16:57 PM
If you have a concern regarding our support team members, I ask that you please contact myself or H directly.

I'll look for the bug ticket/topic and find out what's going on with it.


No Sir. My complaint wasn't with those guys. They do the best they can. As titled...the problem is with the search function. It will save your guys and us too a lot of time.

No need to report it if you already know about it.


Indeed.  The bug is the primary issue.

Theres a couple of us looking at it.  We suspect its more a problem with sphinx, the search daemon we are using on this site, or more likely its API which ties SMF to the daemon. 
Justin O'Leary
Ex-Project Manager
Ex-Lead Support Specialist

QuoteMicrosoft wants us to "Imagine life without walls"...
I say, "If there are no walls, who needs Windows?"

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I know how you feel PAPABEAR, there are a number of times even I get lost searching.  Most times I'm able to find what I'm looking for because I already know what I'm looking for.  It currently does make it hard for all involved finding stuff at times.
"An important reward for a job well done is a personal sense of worthwhile achievement."

[ Themes ]


Yep. Hey Metallica. vB modders use a code to edit the navbar to add a search by title function in the search drop down. I am not sure if this will be any help to you...but this is what they do for vB.


Below is a pic of what it looks like. If you guys ever get this bug taken care of, a mod like this should be implemented as well. Really hot IMO,

青山 素子

Sorry for doing this, but considering how aggressively Jelsoft protects their software, it might be best not to post code from it. I removed the code you posted to be on the safe side.
Director, Simple Machines

Note: Unless otherwise stated, my posts are not representative of any official position or opinion of Simple Machines.


having probs here when tryin to search a topic it only comes back with 1 result when i know there is more than that for what im looking for and the topic as over 150 pages



Quote from: mr_fix_it on July 28, 2008, 05:33:41 PM
having probs here when tryin to search a topic it only comes back with 1 result when i know there is more than that for what im looking for and the topic as over 150 pages

I agree with this too, it should be returning all the results.
Former SMF Core Developer | My Mods | SimplePortal


Yeah, I've reported this for a few months now... at the time, someone told me it was a known bug and could be something sphinx related, but unfortunately it hasn't been fixed yet.


This a bump and for good reasons I think.

It's getting somewhat annoying to always get one single search result when we select "search in topic" function, since there are many topics with lots of pages where this search function is very important.

It would save us the effort of asking (and answering for you guys) something that's already been asked (in other words, a huge benefit for everybody).


i've bumped it up in the bug tracker and assigned it a high priority.
Justin O'Leary
Ex-Project Manager
Ex-Lead Support Specialist

QuoteMicrosoft wants us to "Imagine life without walls"...
I say, "If there are no walls, who needs Windows?"

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