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The Rules

Started by Deprecated, August 25, 2008, 05:42:14 PM

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The layout seems to be a bit messed up in the Modification Settings section. Any idea what would cause this? It's the only page that shows like this in the "Modification Settings" section.

Nevermind. Found it in this post.


when going to Home > Administration Center > Modification Settings > The Rules
The rules page is opening very small.
please help to fix it  :'(


Quote from: Arantor on May 09, 2014, 11:44:18 AM
I couldn't honestly recommend the look-but-no-read approach. It keeps search engines out as well as guests, in general...

You are supposed to give guests and search engines the same access. Read the Google TOS and you will discover that not allowing guests to visit links that Google has indexed is grounds for your Google listings to be removed.


Quote from: gigashiga on May 09, 2014, 10:11:13 AM
Quote from: Kindred on May 09, 2014, 07:39:32 AM
???   This is the mod support thread... it is not locked - and it will work (with some minor tweaks) in 2.0.x

Dear friend, Thankyou very much for the inspiration, I am talking about the marvelous mod "Look but no Read". If you mean minor tweak for the same mod
I am ready to do it manually.

Thank a million ton once again

This is MY topic and I'll decide what posts are welcome, and I don't mind you mentioning LBNR at all. Fact is I've been overworked by other projects and have had little time for mods that get little thanks.

I'd like to update mods but I have taken over a major Firefox add-on project and my time has been occupied with THAT open source project, not THIS open source project.

I might update LBNR. I'll admit it was a pretty good mod and was well received although you couldn't tell that by the donations.


Hey if somebody wants to lend a hand to get this mod or LBNR back on track I'll welcome the help. Just PM me. I check in from time to time.


I know this thread is old but I have an issue. I installed this mod and didn't like it, so I uninstalled and deleted. Now when I try to go into the modification settings in te admin panel I get this:

Fatal error: require_once(): Failed opening required '/home/tnseabee/public_html/Sources/Rules.php' (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php') in /home/tnseabee/public_html/index.php on line 385

The "Rules" tab is still showing as well...any ideas? Thanks in advance!


When you uninstalled, there were errors... You continued anyway...

So code was left behind, unchanged.
At this point, you will have to manually remove the affect code

Please do not PM, IM or Email me with support questions.  You will get better and faster responses in the support boards.  Thank you.

"Loki is not evil, although he is certainly not a force for good. Loki is... complicated."

-Rock Lee-

Excellent work @Deprecated I leave here the Latin translation into Spanish which I hope will help however I have a question to translate "Agreement" that I fail to understand if applied in the context that I wish ... I take it as an "agreement" between 2 parts in the negotiation of something but I missing something that I'm not an expert in the English language

$txt['the_rules_not_configured'] = 'Esta característica aún no ha sido configurado por el administrador.';
$txt['agreement'] = 'Agreement';
$txt['rules_enable_guest_access'] = 'Habilitar el acceso para invitados:';
$txt['rules_enable_member_access'] = 'Habilitar el acceso de los miembros:';
$txt['the_rules_display_name'] = 'Visualización del nombre de la página reglas:';
$txt['the_rules_agreement_display_name'] = 'Display name of agreement page:';
$txt['mods_cat_rules'] = 'Las normas';
$txt['rules'] = 'Reglas';
$txt['rules_tab_label'] = 'Reglas, etiqueta de la pestaña:';
$txt['rules_title']='Las normas';
$txt['rules_title_rules'] = 'Reglas';
$txt['the_rules_text'] = 'Texto a mostrar:';
$txt['additional'] = 'Adicional';
$txt['the_rules_additional_display_name'] = 'Visualización del nombre de la página adicional:';
$txt['the_rules_additional_text'] = 'Texto adicional para visualizar:';
$txt['the_rules_enable_additional'] = 'Permitir la visualización de la página adicional:';
$txt['rules_title_additional'] = 'Adicional';
$txt['rules_title_agreement'] = 'Agreement';
$txt['the_rules_enable_agreement'] = 'Enable display of agreement.txt page:';
$txt['the_rules_edit_name'] = 'Edit agreement.txt';
$txt['the_rules_edit_agreement_pre_html'] = '
<tr class="windowbg2" >
<td class="windowbg2"><a name="edit_the_rules_agreement"></a></td>
<td valign="top" ><label for="the_rules_edit_name"><a href="';
$txt['the_rules_edit_agreement_post_html'] = '</a></label></td>
<td class="windowbg2" width="50%">

$txt['the_rules_not_configured'] = 'Esta característica aún no ha sido configurado por el administrador.';
$txt['agreement'] = 'Agreement';
$txt['rules_enable_guest_access'] = 'Habilitar el acceso para invitados:';
$txt['rules_enable_member_access'] = 'Habilitar el acceso de los miembros:';
$txt['the_rules_display_name'] = 'Visualización del nombre de la página reglas:';
$txt['the_rules_agreement_display_name'] = 'Display name of agreement page:';
$txt['mods_cat_rules'] = 'Las normas';
$txt['rules'] = 'Reglas';
$txt['rules_tab_label'] = 'Reglas, etiqueta de la pestaña:';
$txt['rules_title']='Las normas';
$txt['rules_title_rules'] = 'Reglas';
$txt['the_rules_text'] = 'Texto a mostrar:';
$txt['additional'] = 'Adicional';
$txt['the_rules_additional_display_name'] = 'Visualización del nombre de la página adicional:';
$txt['the_rules_additional_text'] = 'Texto adicional para visualizar:';
$txt['the_rules_enable_additional'] = 'Permitir la visualización de la página adicional:';
$txt['rules_title_additional'] = 'Adicional';
$txt['rules_title_agreement'] = 'Agreement';
$txt['the_rules_enable_agreement'] = 'Enable display of agreement.txt page:';
$txt['the_rules_edit_name'] = 'Edit agreement.txt';
$txt['the_rules_edit_agreement_pre_html'] = '
<tr class="windowbg2" >
<td class="windowbg2"><a name="edit_the_rules_agreement"></a></td>
<td valign="top" ><label for="the_rules_edit_name"><a href="';
$txt['the_rules_edit_agreement_post_html'] = '</a></label></td>
<td class="windowbg2" width="50%">

¡Regresando como cual Fenix! ~ Bomber Code
Ayudas - Aportes - Tutoriales - Y mucho mas!!!

TNSeaBee how do I find what I need to remove? I am still learning and some direction would be great...thanks


Look the manual install instructions and do it in reverse...

Please do not PM, IM or Email me with support questions.  You will get better and faster responses in the support boards.  Thank you.

"Loki is not evil, although he is certainly not a force for good. Loki is... complicated."


Yes, I agree with Kindred. (Like Kindred could be wrong?) You ignored uninstallation warnings so you got an incomplete installation. Hate to sound all knowing since I wasn't there, but it's virtually certain that's what happened.

The problem with the modification system is that as you stack mod after mod after mod, they garf things up and often have to be removed in the same order as they were installed, most recent first. You are trying to do the equivalent of removing a middle brick out of a stack of bricks. That's what the new hook functions were designed to prevent. But I digress.

By the way it's very handy to use an editor like Notepad++ which has a compare capability. Open two files and then select Plugins->Compare. Whenever I have problems like you are having, I always compare the ORIGINAL UNMODIFIED SMF file with the problem file, you see EVERYTHING that was changed. (Warning: make notes, close both files, then open the one you want to modify and fix it.)

Looking at the mod package, it modifies ... Oops, you didn't say which version of The Rules you are using. I recently modified The Rules to use integration hooks so you are using an old version.

My advice is to compare your Admin.php with a virgin Admin.php, and same for ManageSettings.php using Notepad++. Alternately, you can search those files for "rules" and should be able to spot the problem lines.

Get going on that and I'll check in tomorrow and see how you're doing. I have the obsolete files so I can refer to them if necessary to give you more help.

So this is how you fix it. You said the failed file was index.php. That's odd, mine doesn't even have 385 lines. Anyway, FTP it home and find line 385 and hope you see the include. Manually edit the file and remove the include line, then FTP it back to your server.


Agreement refers to the agreement.txt file that you see in your SMF root directory and that people registering for membership must read and agree to in order to join your forum. I think maybe I would translate that into Spanish as "Acuerdo." (If I remember my high school Spanish LOL!)

It'll be interesting to see how you translate the agreement.txt file! But don't remove it! I have a feeling SMF might have problems if the file is missing.


Quote from: TNSeaBee on April 15, 2016, 08:57:16 PM how do I find what I need to remove? I am still learning and some direction would be great...thanks

Have a start on my earlier suggestions, then report what errors you see if you still have problems. Please be careful to include the FULL error message particularly including the file and line number. It might be helpful to attach the problem file to your post.

Maybe I'll be a good guy and fix if for you. OMG what a thought! Free support! :D

You should be able to fix it yourself. And next time don't continue uninstallation of mods if you see errors. Instead, look on your list of installed mods and uninstall them in the same order as you installed them, most recent first. Then when the one you wanted to remove is uninstalled, go ahead and reinstall the ones you wanted to keep in the same order as before.


I just realized I updated this mod to use integration hooks but forgot to upload the revised version.

Rock let me know when your translation is complete and I'll add it to the mod package before I update it. ¿Es agradable? ;)

-Rock Lee-

Quote from: Deprecated on April 16, 2016, 10:59:33 PM
I just realized I updated this mod to use integration hooks but forgot to upload the revised version.

Rock let me know when your translation is complete and I'll add it to the mod package before I update it. ¿Es agradable? ;)

I just need to translate that part mentioned above correctamete not know how to translate, I understand but do not know how to put neutral -lol- ... It really is a very nice modification'm thinking renew my web and no doubt will have the mod ;)

¡Regresando como cual Fenix! ~ Bomber Code
Ayudas - Aportes - Tutoriales - Y mucho mas!!!


I am pretty sure Acuerdo will do it. But I am not a native Spanish speaker.

-Rock Lee-

Quote from: Deprecated on April 17, 2016, 09:26:43 PM
I am pretty sure Acuerdo will do it. But I am not a native Spanish speaker.

Clear why had doubt I take agreement in the sense of "terms and conditions" but do not want to make a bad translation so I try to do after reading the more neutral and investigate strictly will "deal" so now modified and would be ready to use!


Edit: I add down I can not edit my previous topic lol

$txt['the_rules_not_configured'] = 'Esta caracter&iacute;stica a&uacute;n no ha sido configurado por el administrador.';
$txt['agreement'] = 'Acuerdo';
$txt['rules_enable_guest_access'] = 'Habilitar el acceso para invitados:';
$txt['rules_enable_member_access'] = 'Habilitar el acceso de los miembros:';
$txt['the_rules_display_name'] = 'Visualizaci&oacute;n del nombre de la p&aacute;gina reglas:';
$txt['the_rules_agreement_display_name'] = 'Visualizaci&oacute;n del nombre de la p&aacute;gina de acuerdo:';
$txt['mods_cat_rules'] = 'Las normas';
$txt['rules'] = 'Reglas';
$txt['rules_tab_label'] = 'Reglas, etiqueta de la pestaña:';
$txt['rules_title']='Las normas';
$txt['rules_title_rules'] = 'Reglas';
$txt['the_rules_text'] = 'Texto a mostrar:';
$txt['additional'] = 'Adicional';
$txt['the_rules_additional_display_name'] = 'Visualizaci&oacute;n del nombre de la p&aacute;gina adicional:';
$txt['the_rules_additional_text'] = 'Texto adicional para visualizar:';
$txt['the_rules_enable_additional'] = 'Permitir la visualizaci&oacute;n de la p&aacute;gina adicional:';
$txt['rules_title_additional'] = 'Adicional';
$txt['rules_title_agreement'] = 'Acuerdo';
$txt['the_rules_enable_agreement'] = 'Permitir la visualizaci&oacute;n de la p&aacute;gina:';
$txt['the_rules_edit_name'] = 'Editar agreement.txt';
$txt['the_rules_edit_agreement_pre_html'] = '
<tr class="windowbg2" >
<td class="windowbg2"><a name="edit_the_rules_agreement"></a></td>
<td valign="top" ><label for="the_rules_edit_name"><a href="';
$txt['the_rules_edit_agreement_post_html'] = '</a></label></td>
<td class="windowbg2" width="50%">

$txt['the_rules_not_configured'] = 'Esta característica aún no ha sido configurado por el administrador.';
$txt['agreement'] = 'Acuerdo';
$txt['rules_enable_guest_access'] = 'Habilitar el acceso para invitados:';
$txt['rules_enable_member_access'] = 'Habilitar el acceso de los miembros:';
$txt['the_rules_display_name'] = 'Visualización del nombre de la página reglas:';
$txt['the_rules_agreement_display_name'] = 'Visualización del nombre de la página de acuerdo:';
$txt['mods_cat_rules'] = 'Las normas';
$txt['rules'] = 'Reglas';
$txt['rules_tab_label'] = 'Reglas, etiqueta de la pestaña:';
$txt['rules_title']='Las normas';
$txt['rules_title_rules'] = 'Reglas';
$txt['the_rules_text'] = 'Texto a mostrar:';
$txt['additional'] = 'Adicional';
$txt['the_rules_additional_display_name'] = 'Visualización del nombre de la página adicional:';
$txt['the_rules_additional_text'] = 'Texto adicional para visualizar:';
$txt['the_rules_enable_additional'] = 'Permitir la visualización de la página adicional:';
$txt['rules_title_additional'] = 'Adicional';
$txt['rules_title_agreement'] = 'Acuerdo';
$txt['the_rules_enable_agreement'] = 'Permitir la visualización de la página agreement.txt:';
$txt['the_rules_edit_name'] = 'Editar agreement.txt';
$txt['the_rules_edit_agreement_pre_html'] = '
<tr class="windowbg2" >
<td class="windowbg2"><a name="edit_the_rules_agreement"></a></td>
<td valign="top" ><label for="the_rules_edit_name"><a href="';
$txt['the_rules_edit_agreement_post_html'] = '</a></label></td>
<td class="windowbg2" width="50%">

He agreement.txt I leave it as it is for the simple reason so that the file in the installation root for eviar smf why confunciones I leave like this :)
¡Regresando como cual Fenix! ~ Bomber Code
Ayudas - Aportes - Tutoriales - Y mucho mas!!!


Posts here are locked after some maximum edit time.

Thank you, I will try to add your Spanish language translation to my next update of this mod. Unfortunately I have a lot of priority work ahead of it.

I have bookmarked your contribution and will add it to the update. Thank you!

-Rock Lee-

Quote from: Deprecated on April 18, 2016, 11:12:21 PM
Posts here are locked after some maximum edit time.

Thank you, I will try to add your Spanish language translation to my next update of this mod. Unfortunately I have a lot of priority work ahead of it.

I have bookmarked your contribution and will add it to the update. Thank you!

If I forgot :P and I did not want to fall into double post but good no problem @Deprecated take your time to do everything you need, I'm glad you serve anything and tell me ;) if I see any other insurance yours try to translate it for more people to appreciate the modification 8)

¡Regresando como cual Fenix! ~ Bomber Code
Ayudas - Aportes - Tutoriales - Y mucho mas!!!


Hello, how can i remove rules page from top menu? Thanks ;D
