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SMF Articles

Started by Team, September 04, 2008, 04:03:00 PM

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Even better if you can implement this to the right of the titlebg or so shown in this pic in your next release.


Quote from: vbgamer45 on March 08, 2009, 01:44:17 PM
Article view on the article page itself? Or on the article listing page?

Examples would be these two pages to show the avatar... and the "most recent articles" link on the main forum would also be great :);cat=2;sa=view;article=2


Tell you what would be a great addition to SMF Articles, (for me anyway) and that would be the ability to add attachements to the articles. The mod seems to use just the standard posting system for SMF but without the "Additional Options" bit at the bottom. On our site we are trying to use SMF Articles to create "How To" guides, location information and techniques for photographers so being able to add images as attachments would be a godsend. We already have the "Inline Attachments" mod in the forum which allows us to put images in particular places in forum posts and the "inline" dropdown actually appears on the screen when writing aticles but the attachment browse field at the bottom doesn't.

Is there anyway the attachment bit could be added.


I wanted the same thing as some articles were better presented with .pdf or .xls file supplements as attachments. Rather than wait for a mod I just ftp the doc to my host then link to it from within the article...


[url=]Click here for example x[/url]



Re permissions on SMF Articles, is there an easy way to allow certain membergroups to view a list of articles within a category but not see the article itself? Happy to manually edit code if you can suggest something?

I have a load of technical articles that only paid up members can view but want non-members to see the depth of the resource by alowing them to view the headings




One more thing vbgamer45.... when i go in and view ratings as an admin (to see who rated what) on that page the star images are showing as red x's ... When you look at the properties it shows as default/images/star,gif instead of Themes/default/images/star.gif ...   


Just wondering if anyone knows if there is a code floating around to display the latest articles in a tp block?? 

and I dont know if Im going blind or what but is it possible to use html in the articles?


How can I make everyone view the articles page, I know how to let everyone view the tab, but how can i let people view ?


You need to setup the permissions

Under Admin -> Permissions
Modify a group then find the SMF Articles permissions.
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Quote from: vbgamer45 on March 19, 2009, 01:11:57 AM
You need to setup the permissions

Under Admin -> Permissions
Modify a group then find the SMF Articles permissions.
Still doesn't work.  Is there anyway I can manually override the mod's files so anyone can view the articles?  I want to make use of the articles like a blog.



Smf Articles Little Pretty Url Support

Find in PrettyUrls-Filters.php
Add Before:
function pretty_articles_filter($urls)
    global $boardurl, $scripturl;
// categories
    $pattern = '~' . $scripturl . '(.*)action=articles;cat=([^;]+)~S';
    $replacement = $boardurl . '/articles/category/$2/';
    $replacement .= (strpos($replacement, '?') === false ? '?' : ';') . (isset($PHPSESSID[0]) ? $PHPSESSID[0] : '') . ';' . (isset($sesc[0]) ? $sesc[0] : '') . (isset($fragment[0]) ? $fragment[0] : '');
    foreach ($urls as $url_id => $url)
        if (!isset($url['replacement']))
            if (preg_match($pattern, $url['url']))
                $urls[$url_id]['replacement'] = preg_replace($pattern, $replacement, $url['url']);

    // articles
    $pattern = '~' . $scripturl . '(.*)sa=view;article=([^;]+)~S';
    $replacement = $boardurl . '/articles/$2/';
    $replacement .= (strpos($replacement, '?') === false ? '?' : ';') . (isset($PHPSESSID[0]) ? $PHPSESSID[0] : '') . ';' . (isset($sesc[0]) ? $sesc[0] : '') . (isset($fragment[0]) ? $fragment[0] : '');
    foreach ($urls as $url_id => $url)
        if (!isset($url['replacement']))
            if (preg_match($pattern, $url['url']))
                $urls[$url_id]['replacement'] = preg_replace($pattern, $replacement, $url['url']);
    return $urls;

You go to your;area=pretty;sa=filters and find this code     }
from last line.
And add between these line for this
(ex :     } code code code....

    "articles": {
        "description": "articles",
        "enabled": 0,
        "filter": {
            "priority": 4,
            "callback": "pretty_articles_filter"
        "rewrite": {
            "priority": 4,
            "rule": [
                "RewriteRule ^articles/([^/]+)/?$ index.php?action=articles;sa=view;article=$1 [L,QSA]",
                "RewriteRule ^articles/category/([^/]+)/?$ index.php?action=articles;cat=$1 [L,QSA]"
        "title": "Articles pretty support"

And go to pretty settings and enable this filter and run pretty maintenance.
So Long


2.0 RC1

Spell-checking articles while editing them actually removes all text from the text-field when the spell-checking tab/window closes and returns to the edit tab/window!

Solution: Copy the code for the spell-checking feature from the Post.template.php file in your theme(s) folder(s) and replace the code in the Articles2.template.php file with it.

A preview function is needed.

The text-field when editing articles could be wider.

Solution: Search for "// Showing BBC?" in Articles2.template.php and add a width to the table tag just above it.



I just finished importing a boatload of articles form my old Joomla/Mambo installation into the SMF articles tables.

I now have two problems.
1- none of the categories have a count... they all still say "0" as the number of articles.
2- the SUB categories do not properly fill the breadcrumbs...   If I click on Cat1 the breadcrumbs say: forum > articles > Cat1, but if I then go to SubCatA, the breadcrumbs say: forum > articles > subcatA
there is no way to get back to the category... only to the articles root or the subcat.

side note- mambo allows HTML... If I do not EDIT the articles, then everything is fine... but once I edit an article, it displays all of the html. :(

Question: What are the "roworder" and "sectiontitles" column for in the smf_articles_page database tables?

Please do not PM, IM or Email me with support questions.  You will get better and faster responses in the support boards.  Thank you.

"Loki is not evil, although he is certainly not a force for good. Loki is... complicated."


1. Check that Count Sub Categories total is checked under article systems
2. Will add a fix for this issue.

Question: What are the "roworder" and "sectiontitles" column for in the smf_articles_page database tables?
Currently they are not used yet. The plan was for a way to store long articles or to allow articles to be split into multiple pages.
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nope...    the problem appears to be that the system does not recognize the imported articles....

UNTIL I add or delete an article in that specific category, at which point, it recounts and fills in the correct number.
There should be a "force recount" option in the admin...

Please do not PM, IM or Email me with support questions.  You will get better and faster responses in the support boards.  Thank you.

"Loki is not evil, although he is certainly not a force for good. Loki is... complicated."


Quote from: robinrobin on April 06, 2009, 01:14:06 PM

Spell-checking articles while editing them actually removes all text from the text-field when the spell-checking tab/window closes and returns to the edit tab/window!

Solution: Copy the code for the spell-checking feature from the Post.template.php file in your theme(s) folder(s) and replace the code in the Articles2.template.php file with it.

How did you get spell check to work? I haven't been able to get it to work correctly with wywsig editor..
Quote from: Kindred on April 26, 2009, 01:24:31 AM
nope...    the problem appears to be that the system does not recognize the imported articles....

UNTIL I add or delete an article in that specific category, at which point, it recounts and fills in the correct number.
There should be a "force recount" option in the admin...
Good idea will add it.
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Released a new update!

Version 1.0.2
!Fixed duplicate linktree on some pages in SMF 2.0
+Added bbc editor for categories in SMF 2.0
+Added a comma separator for subcategories on SubCategories list.
!Fixed link tree to show subcategories of articles and added to the display article page to include categories
+Added Recount articles function found under Settings
!Improved the modification for better support with mod_security
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EzPortal - Portal System for SMF
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Please do not PM, IM or Email me with support questions.  You will get better and faster responses in the support boards.  Thank you.

"Loki is not evil, although he is certainly not a force for good. Loki is... complicated."


Quote from: vbgamer45 on April 26, 2009, 02:00:34 AM
How did you get spell check to work? I haven't been able to get it to work correctly with wywsig editor..

I just replaced all your spellchecking code with the one from my theme. I was surprised that no further configuration was needed. It worked just fine.


I'm thinking about make a TP block to show an introduction to last article in main page.  It would be fine a field where you can add an introduction to the article with bbcodes/html tags in order to format this introduction, or something like this.
