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SMF Articles

Started by Team, September 04, 2008, 04:03:00 PM

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I'm sorry to have to ask, but will the 3.0 zip be put back on the modification link for this mod, or is this officially unsupported?  I'm just trying to build my SMF forum and am picking my way through the mods and am just a bit confused.   :)


I think I just had it mislabeled.
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Hi, vbgamer45 and thanks.  I did upload the zip and installed, all just fine, but when it took me to the settings page, there was a warning that said "Your Version 2.0.2. Is Outdated" and mentioned that I should upgrade to 3.0.  So, I opened the zip and read the package-info.xml and it says it's 2.0.2.  But it's the only one on the mod link.   :-\


Fixed reuploaded that version.
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Oh, thanks so much!  I hear this is a great mod, so I'm eager to try it.  Thanks again.   :)


Forgive me for asking, vbgamer45, because I know you guys are busy with other things, but I was wondering if it's possible to be able to preview an article before posting, as one can with a regular post (as we can here, for instance)?  I've just tried a test article and, while there is an "Add Article" button, I'm sort of working blind, because there's no way to know how it will look before I commit it. 

It it's a lot of trouble, no worries, but one has to ask.   :)


Not at the moment my time is very limited.
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Quote from: vbgamer45 on May 06, 2016, 12:46:08 PM
Not at the moment my time is very limited.

Yes, I realize you're busy, but I rolled the dice, and asked, anyway.   :)

Thanks so much for the mod. 


Thanks @vbgamer45 for this mod!
I've just started using this and have some questions. First I'm looking for the code I should change to make the sub categories titles in index table bold. I could make main categories titles bold by changing the following piece of code in Articles2.template file but could not find the code for sub categories there. I'll wait for your kind advices as always! Thanks in advance.

foreach ($context['articles_cat'] as $row)

$totalarticles = GetArticleTotals($row['ID_CAT']);

echo '<tr>';

if ($row['imageurl'] == '')
echo '<td class="windowbg" width="10%"></td><td  class="windowbg2"><b><a style="font-weight:bold;" href="', $scripturl, '?action=articles;cat=', $row['ID_CAT'], '">',parse_bbc($row['title']), '</a></b> ' . (!empty($modSettings['smfarticles_showrss']) ? '<a style="font-weight:bold;" href="' . $scripturl . '?action=articles;sa=rss;cat=' . $row['ID_CAT'] . '"><img src="' . $modSettings['articles_url'] . 'rss.png" alt="rss" /></a>' : '') . '<br />', parse_bbc($row['description']), '</td>';
echo '
<td class="windowbg"><a style="font-weight:bold;" href="', $scripturl, '?action=articles;cat=', $row['ID_CAT'], '"><img src="', $row['imageurl'], '" border="0" alt="" /></a></td>
<td class="windowbg2"><b><a style="font-weight:bold;" href="', $scripturl, '?action=articles;cat=', $row['ID_CAT'], '">', parse_bbc($row['title']), '</a></b> ' . (!empty($modSettings['smfarticles_showrss']) ? '<a style="font-weight:bold;" href="' . $scripturl . '?action=articles;sa=rss;cat=' . $row['ID_CAT'] . '"><img src="' . $modSettings['articles_url'] . 'rss.png" alt="rss" /></a>' : '') . '<br />', parse_bbc($row['description']), '</td>';


That would be over here but looks like they are already bold...

// Show child Boards
if ($subcats_linktree  != '')
echo '<tr>
<td colspan="',($context['m_cats'] == true ? '5' : '3'), '" class="windowbg3">
<span class="smalltext">',($subcats_linktree != '' ? '<b>' . $txt['smfarticles_sub_cats'] . '</b>' . $subcats_linktree : ''),'</span>

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Thanks for your quick replay. Due to my poor English, I think I could't explain my request well. When I say I'd like to make titles of sub categories bold, I mean the second page which is load after clicking on one of the main categories in main category list. The page which contains the index table of sub categories on top followed by the list of articles not the small text link tree like row that is below the description of each category in main category list of articles main page. Although I can see <b> tags there but I don't know why they don't work! I'm pretty newbie in coding so could you please tell me if there is the proper name id or class that I can use in a css file for this matter? I mean some thing like this:
#smfarticles_subcats a:link { font-weight: bold; }
I'm sorry if this sounds silly question and thanks again for kind support!


Sorry but I'm still seeking answer!


I am not sure what to do. There is no css with this mod.
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Never mind, finally I could sort that out! The cods needed for table of categories was in Articles2.template.php but cods of the table of sub categories was in Articles2.php. thanks anyway.


hi all,

hope everyone is doing well.

i'm liking SMF Articles mod so far. Coodos to the author.

Question: Does anyone know if the Breadcrumbs could show:
"Home >> Articles" when its just "?action=articles". No "cat=#" or "subaction=*".

Some Mod's show it, others don't. If i need to hack the code, i'll do it. As long as it shows the Mod's root node in the Breadcrumbs.

Any hints?


It shows the root node.
Then when viewing an article it shows the category breadcrumb
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thanks for replying fast. :)

link to page: [nofollow]

i'm wondering how to always show `Articles`, which i can't see at this moment.

thanks for any help, Izzy.


even if i'm a n00blet to PHP, SMF, i tried looking at ./Sources/Articles2.php
i though perhaps the section that sets the page title to this code (below), was the section to focus on?

// Set page title
$context['page_title'] = $mbname . ' - ' . $txt['smfarticles_title'];

so i looked and looked and maybe mistakenly thought that this code (below) would force the "$ >> Articles" to show now, addd this just below the code that Sets the Page Title (from above)

// Set Breadcrumbs
$context['linktree'][] = array(
'url' => $scripturl . '?action=articles',
'name' => $txt['smfarticles_title']

but nope. :[

Could it be a Template?
The Display script that's the culprit instead? :p
SFM version 2.0.11?

i'm not sure. brain overload. :{


i think i have what i wanted... thanks. :D



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I have no idea if anyone else caught this, but urls in RSS feeds were not working.

Inside Articles2.php I changed this:


to this:


I'm using this to populate a SimplePortal Block, given I couldn't find any native support for this mod.

