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Reflection Img BBC

Started by M-DVD, September 25, 2008, 06:27:23 PM

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MOD Reflection Img BBC v1.2

  • Autor:
  • Version:
  • Release:
18th September 2008
  • Languages:

  • Compatible With:
SMF 1.1.1 - 1.1.8
SMF 2 Beta 3 & 4 & RC1

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  • With this MOD you can add a nice effect of reflection to images with a BBC, automatically, without making changes in the images and without adding more work to the server.

    In your messages, in your signatures, etc. Only using:


  • You can also specify the height of reflection and the level of opacity (see FAQ Attributes)

  • You can also specify the horizontal align and horizontal and vertical space

  • In addition to the normal img's attributes (width, height and alt)

  • Max width and max height in images posted...? Also reflect images are resized

  • Work fine with Ajax of SMF (Ajax Quick Modify and Ajax Post Preview).

Thanks and Credits authorship of reflection.js 2.0 to: (read licence.txt)

Important: The New version of this Mod work with a modified reflection.js not available "yet" on the official site

- Internet Explorer 5.5+
- Mozilla Firefox 1.5+
- Opera 9+
- Safari.
- Google Chrome

On older browsers, it'll degrade and your visitors won't notice a thing. Best of all, it's under 5KB.

Note 1: If you have already installed Reflection Avatar, then you can install the ReflectionImageBBC_v1_X(ra).zip

FAQ Attributes:


opacity of reflection
0 min ~ 100 max
height of reflection
0 min ~ 100 max
align horizontal of image
Left, Right or Center
Left + Block
space horizontal of image
0 min ~
space vertical of image
0 min ~
text alternative and keywords
width of image
0 min ~
height of image
0 min ~

Example Attributes:

[refle ropacity=30 rheight=70]URL[/refle]

[refle align=right vspace=10 hspace=10]URL[/refle]

[refle width=1024 height=768 alt=wallpaper]URL[/refle]


Languages (normal & utf-8)

$txt['refle'] = 'Insert Image with Reflection';

I welcome new translations here



  • Con este Mod es posible agregar un bonito efecto de reflejo a las imágenes con un BBC, de forma automática, sin hacer cambios en las imágenes y sin aplicarle más carga al server.

    Para usarlo en tus Mensajes, en tu Firma, etc. Solamente usando:


  • También puedes especificar la altura del reflejo y el nivel de opacidad

  • También puedes especificar la alineación horizontal, espacio horizontal y vertical de la imagen

  • Además de los atributos normales de img (width, height y alt)

  • Y si tienes activado limites de dimensiones máximas a las imágenes en los mensajes, también se aplica a las imágenes con reflejo.

  • Trabaja sin problemas con el AJAX del Foro (Modificación Rápida AJAX y Vista Previa AJAX).

Agradecimientos y Créditos de autoria del reflection.js 2.0 a: (leer licence.txt)

Importante: La nueva versión de este MOD trabaja con un reflection.js modificado, no descargable "aún" en la página oficial

Compatible con:
- Internet Explorer 5.5+
- Mozilla Firefox 1.5+
- Opera 9+
- Safari.
- Google Chrome

En navegadores viejos se comporta como si no estuviera. Y solo ocupa 5KB.

Nota 1: Si ya has instalado el Reflection Avatar, entonces debes instalar el ReflectionImageBBC_v1_X(ra).zip

Gracias a kenet por la idea.



In Opera 9.60, the height of reflection and the level of opacity can not be modified, it's always 50%.


Thank you for warning.

Today Opera 9.52 is the last stable release. Opera 9.60b1 is the latest preview release. Must be that.

Note: Even Hotmail has serious problems in Opera  >:(


  They got 9.60 RC1 and the issue is fixed, the browser is rendering perfectly now, BUT (I guess this is something with my install)... I can see the reflection only in topic preview mode, after I save the message, the images are rendered without reflection. I tried in Opera 9.60, Firefox 3.0.3, IE 7, the same, no reflection.
  I even manually checked the mod install, change reflection.js with the latest 2.0 version, remove lightbox integration, same result, I can see the reflection only in preview mode...
  Any ideea, any help please? Thank you.


I am a Argentina ^^


Nice :)
What is the difference to [THIS]
Do NOT give admin and/or ftp details to just anybody, see if they are trust worthy first!!  Do your homework ;)


Quote from: exxocet on October 03, 2008, 05:49:13 AM
  They got 9.60 RC1 and the issue is fixed, the browser is rendering perfectly now, BUT (I guess this is something with my install)... I can see the reflection only in topic preview mode, after I save the message, the images are rendered without reflection. I tried in Opera 9.60, Firefox 3.0.3, IE 7, the same, no reflection.
  I even manually checked the mod install, change reflection.js with the latest 2.0 version, remove lightbox integration, same result, I can see the reflection only in preview mode...
  Any ideea, any help please? Thank you.

Hi. Sorry for not having responded sooner.

The cause may be, that a js in the display.template cancels reflect.

Can you give me the link forum's, to watch? (and a user test)

Quote from: emilio05 on October 03, 2008, 10:16:30 AM
I am a Argentina ^^

Me alegra que te guste. Y puedes hablarme en castellano  :D

Quote from: Sabre™ on October 05, 2008, 06:12:49 PM
Nice :)
What is the difference to [THIS]

Hi. Both mods were made and uploaded before the other was released.

What is the difference to this?

1.- You can also specify the height of reflection and the level of opacity
[refle ropacity=30 rheight=70]URL[/refle]
2.- In addition to the normal bbc img's attributes (width, height and alt)
[refle width=100 height=150 alt='image loading']URL[/refle]
3.- If you have limits on maximum dimensions of the images in messages, also applies to the images with reflect.
4.- It corrects problems with Ajax (Quick Modidy and Post Preview).
5.- Fix possible security problems with images loading links automatically


Oh nice.
Cheers for the info mate :)
Do NOT give admin and/or ftp details to just anybody, see if they are trust worthy first!!  Do your homework ;)


Really cool!
Are you planning to release a 2.0b4 version? 8)
RockCiclopedia (wiki - forum), Tutta la storia del rock, scritta da voi ...
Rimanere aggiornati sul mondo della musica grazie al nuovo feed "RockCiclopedia Music News"!


Update Reflection Img BBC v1.1:

New features:

  • Includes reflection.js v2.0
  • Work in Google Chrome
  • Now compatible with SMF 2 Beta 3 & 4
  • Eliminates problems with other MOD that have js (as nneonneo's shout box)

How do I upgrade?

  • Uninstall the previous version
  • Install the new


Características Nuevas:

  • Incluye el reflection.js v2.0
  • Trabaja en Google Chrome
  • Ahora tambien trabaja con SMF 2 beta 3 & 4
  • Elimina la colisión con otros MOD que incluyen js (como nneonneo's shoutbox)

¿Como actualizar?

  • Desintalar la anterior versión
  • Instalar la nueva



Really thanks!!! ;)
RockCiclopedia (wiki - forum), Tutta la storia del rock, scritta da voi ...
Rimanere aggiornati sul mondo della musica grazie al nuovo feed "RockCiclopedia Music News"!


    Quote from: M-DVD on September 25, 2008, 06:27:23 PM
    Mmmh.. I think you wanted to write [refle]URL[/refle].. :)[/list]
    RockCiclopedia (wiki - forum), Tutta la storia del rock, scritta da voi ...
    Rimanere aggiornati sul mondo della musica grazie al nuovo feed "RockCiclopedia Music News"!



    Great mod!!!!!

    It installed with no problems at all...and i have over 57 mods installed, so that is a blessing :D

    I want to ask if you could include the
    vspace=     hspace=  align=    attributes

    I use this a lot... and since that would really make me even use the tag more.. i really would appreciate it :D

    anyway.. thanks!
    Sorry for my poor English, but i think it's probably better then your Dutch :)


    Quote from: Lafemme on January 05, 2009, 03:18:40 PM
    Great mod!!!!!

    It installed with no problems at all...and i have over 57 mods installed, so that is a blessing :D

    Thanks  :D

    Quote from: Lafemme on January 05, 2009, 03:18:40 PM
    I want to ask if you could include the
    vspace=     hspace=  align=    attributes

    I use this a lot... and since that would really make me even use the tag more.. i really would appreciate it :D

    anyway.. thanks!

    What (How) is vspace, hspace, etc?  ::)

    Do you want some default values? (and that could change, of course)


    Your welcome.. it really is.. especially for a graphic designer :D

    Wel.. that i can apply some horizontal (hspace) and vertical (vspace) space around the image so that if i align the image to the left with the align tag, the text  does not sticks to the image. I use this tags alot, because i like a clean design :D

    When i now add an image is use this code in my forum

    [img width=200 vspace=15 hspace=20 align=right]http://url image[/img]

    So i think that a default value is not applicable in this situation. :D

    Sorry for my poor English, but i think it's probably better then your Dutch :)


    Turkish translation :P

    $txt['refle'] = 'Yansıyan resim ekle';
    So Long


    Quote from: Lafemme on January 06, 2009, 04:11:38 PM
    Your welcome.. it really is.. especially for a graphic designer :D

    Wel.. that i can apply some horizontal (hspace) and vertical (vspace) space around the image so that if i align the image to the left with the align tag, the text  does not sticks to the image. I use this tags alot, because i like a clean design :D

    When i now add an image is use this code in my forum

    [img width=200 vspace=15 hspace=20 align=right]http://url image[/img]

    So i think that a default value is not applicable in this situation. :D

    I understand. Yes, I can do, and it's a good idea.

    As I have little time at this time, in a couple of weeks I will be able done. :D

    Quote from: Özgür | ЯocKayseri on January 06, 2009, 05:27:29 PM
    Turkish translation :P

    $txt['refle'] = 'Yansıyan resim ekle';

    Thanks for translate. I will include in the package in the next version.  :D


    Perfect! Then this can be used in so many ways :D Maybe you can also add the ALT tag for keywords.

    here is the dutch translation :D

    $txt['refle'] = 'Voeg afbeelding met reflectie toe.';]

    maybe it's better to place this string in the first post so that everyone can easily find the string and translate it :D
    Sorry for my poor English, but i think it's probably better then your Dutch :)
