Portal Management PortaMx v1.54 ecl for SMF 2 (updated)

Started by feline, October 07, 2008, 07:23:31 PM

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Look if the packagemanger have copied all files (compare the folder with the archive).


Checked that, it did. All files copied.

I have a test forum copied on mij local machine, and there the install was no problem at all.
As extra theme to install to, I also haven't see the Core theme options, which dó appear on my testforum.

Now I have to say, I'm on a Windows server, and I've had small problems before with not being able to change Chmod,
but nothing like this.

I've uninstalled and installed 3 times now (most of it manually, because of errors) to no effect.
Sorry, but I've been working on it for 5 hours, and I gave up. I'm using another portalmod now.
Thought, maybe you have some use for this info.

Thanks for your support



I use Menu Icons mode. After installing PortaMX I cannot find where is the Community button.  It not in Subs.php. I would add icon  manual.


That button you find in the file /Sources/PortaMx/PortaMxIntegrate.php below line 190 ...


Thank you for your response.

What went wrong? Button does not appear...

'community' => array(
'Forum','title' => $txt['forum'], '<img align="absMiddle" src="http://img560.imageshack.us/img560/2254/forumhk.jpg" alt="Forum" />&nbsp; ',
'href' => $scripturl . '?action=community',
'active_button' => false,
'sub_buttons' => array(

P.S. This is a test in Wamp server.


Try this:

'community' => array(
'title' => $txt['forum'] .'&nbsp;<img align="absMiddle" src="http://img560.imageshack.us/img560/2254/forumhk.jpg" alt="Forum" />',
'href' => $scripturl . '?action=community',
'active_button' => false,
'sub_buttons' => array(

Now the button show as atached image  ;)


Works, but the icon is behind the words. Need to be in front.



Please do not PM, IM or Email me with support questions.  You will get better and faster responses in the support boards.  Thank you.

"Loki is not evil, although he is certainly not a force for good. Loki is... complicated."


Then try this ..

'community' => array(
'title' => '<img align="absMiddle" src="http://img560.imageshack.us/img560/2254/forumhk.jpg" alt="Forum" />&nbsp;'. $txt['forum'],
'href' => $scripturl . '?action=community',
'active_button' => false,
'sub_buttons' => array(



Fatal error: require_once() [function.require]: Failed opening required '/home/pikeman/public_html/Sources/PortaMx/Class/System/PortaMx_BlocksClass.php' (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php') in /home/pikeman/public_html/Sources/PortaMx/PortaMx.php on line 75

This is line 75, what is wrong?

require_once($context['pmx_sysclassdir']. 'PortaMx_BlocksClass.php');


Does this work for you?
require_once($context['pmx_sysclassdir']. '/PortaMx_BlocksClass.php');


Wrong again... :-(

Fatal error: require_once() [function.require]: Failed opening required '/home/pikeman/public_html/Sources/PortaMx/Class/System//PortaMx_BlocksClass.php' (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php') in /home/pikeman/public_html/Sources/PortaMx/PortaMx.php on line 75


If the path and the file exists on your server ?
have the path correct access rights (normaly 755) ?
have the file correct acces rights (normaly 644) ?


Thank you for assistance Feline. I've canceled the instalation of this portal. My friend from IT support will help me, that's his profession.

Kindest regards,



Pikeman, I see You did not installed it yet? 
What happened ?


Before PortaMX installation on my forum, I've been testing it on localhost using Wamp Server.
Installation went trough with no problems and no errors.
I liked the portal and I wanted to install it on my forum.
During the installation the scrypt didn't report any errors, it told me that some permissions must be unlocked, so I allowed it.
After that, the installation finished with the report that it was succesfull.
Just after that, I couldn't open any page on my forum.
This was the error:

QuoteFatal error: require_once() [function.require]: Failed opening required '/home/pikeman/public_html/Sources/PortaMx/Class/System/PortaMx_BlocksClass.php' (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php') in /home/pikeman/public_html/Sources/PortaMx/PortaMx.php on line 75

Line 75: require_once($context['pmx_sysclassdir']. 'PortaMx_BlocksClass.php');

Can it be that some of the installed mods were making problem?


As I say above .. Please check if the installation correct and all files and folder exist on your server.
It's often a problem that SMF can't create new folder but don't notice that. In this case a 0-byte file is created instead of a new folder.
So you have to check that, and after removing of the 0 byte files, you can copy all folder and files from a locally extracted archive with ftp to your server.


I am looking for a users how-to on PortaMx.  I have been trying to do several things with it and I think I am just confusing myself.  For instance...

I want to have a left block on the forum/community only that will list either article categories or articles.  Currently after playing around with the blocks, categories and article settings, I have ended up with the category name and article showing on the home page (not block).  I did have the block showing at one point on the forum, but the whole article showed in the block instead of just the name.

