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Footnotes v1.08 is out!

Started by Nao 尚, April 15, 2009, 04:40:25 AM

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Nao 尚

Quote from: Joomlamz on December 27, 2011, 06:35:24 PM
Yes nice mod
when Update dont forget portuguese
No updates planned, I'm afraid ;)

(Just saw this topic in my list of 'unread replies', and I felt I had to bump it, at least just to give it proper closure... ^^)
I will not make any deals with you. I've resigned. I will not be pushed, filed, stamped, indexed, briefed, debriefed or numbered.

Aeva Media rocks your life.

Works fine. Real nice Mod., Mr. Nao 尚. Thanks!

Atma has attached an unofficial Version incl.

Modifications.portuguese_pt-utf8.php (as give here previously)

additions. Maybe it's of good use.


QuoteLicense Agreement
    You will not distribute a modified version of it,
I removed your attachment.

Thanks for your care, Atma (me) did not thought on it and will send it to the mod developer. Sorry for causing work.


Quote from: live627 on May 29, 2015, 02:42:03 AM
QuoteLicense Agreement
    You will not distribute a modified version of it,
I removed your attachment.

Out of curiosity: if someone posts only the code to be put in the xml-file for a modification.
Many people will be making language adaptations not included in the modifications. The authors can then take it up into the next update. Meanwhile users can use it on their own forum.
I don't think it's a violation of the modifications as contributors don't  distribute a modified version of the complete modification.

Something like this I mean:
<file name="$languagedir/Modifications.my_language-utf8.php">
<search position="end" />
$txt['need_text'] = 'foreign words';


this is very useful thank you
installed just fine on 2.0.15


Bump!  I loved this mod, and I note the mod author has been inactive for quite some years.

Anyone plan to bring this mod back, or is there any way to get it working on 2.1.4 please?
