Members Online Today

Started by Doug Heffernan, April 19, 2022, 05:57:48 PM

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Doug Heffernan

Quote from: Greyhound on December 01, 2022, 10:55:05 PMJust installed 2.1.3.  Does this mod work with this version or should I wait for the newest update?

Yes, it works with 2.1.3. as well.


Quick question.  How do I make it so others can see who was online?  Right now only I can see the users, it seems like everyone else just sees a number of who was online.  

I've looked and I'm  just not seeing where to adjust this.  I'm sure I'm overlooking it. 


Doug Heffernan

Quote from: Greyhound on December 02, 2022, 11:30:12 AMQuick question.  How do I make it so others can see who was online?  Right now only I can see the users, it seems like everyone else just sees a number of who was online. 

I've looked and I'm  just not seeing where to adjust this.  I'm sure I'm overlooking it.


It is a group permission. Go to the group(s) that you want to view the list of today visitors, click the modify button, tick the View Today 's Visitors checkbox and save the changes.


See attached for what I'm seeing.  I'm not seeing a box for members online.  Is it somewhere else? 

Doug Heffernan

Quote from: Greyhound on December 02, 2022, 02:03:19 PMSee attached for what I'm seeing.  I'm not seeing a box for members online.  Is it somewhere else?

You are looking in the wrong place. Please have a look the mod download page. Everything is explained there in details, and with a screenshot too.


Admin -> Members section, click Permissions -> Click 'Modify' for whatever group you want to allow -> Look for the Today's Visitors permission -> check the box
My pet rock is not feeling well. I think it's stoned.



My pet rock is not feeling well. I think it's stoned.


@Doug Heffernan I have two questions if you don't mind.

1] Can the code be tweaked to show who's been online to guests? If so, could you please tell me the edit(s). 😊

2] Is it possible to use this as a block in TinyPortal?

Thanks in advance.
I'm stuck in a time warp from the early 00's.

Doug Heffernan

Quote from: [chrisB] on January 16, 2023, 01:51:44 PM1] Can the code be tweaked to show who's been online to guests? If so, could you please tell me the edit(s). 😊

No code tewaks are necessary for this. Viewing the list is a group permission. All you have to to is tick the View Today 's Visitors checkbox for guests and save the changes.

Quote from: [chrisB] on January 16, 2023, 01:51:44 PM2] Is it possible to use this as a block in TinyPortal?

Yes, it is. However I don't use that mod myself and therefore I can't tell you how to achieve that. It is better if you asked at the Tiny Portal 's support topic/forum about this.


Hi Doug,

I am hitting some erros, although nothing breaks.

Hook call: function "UsersOnlineToday_boardindex" in file /home/poetryar/public_html could not be called.

The callable UsersOnlineToday_boardindex could not be called.
Quote#0: call_helper()
Called from /home/poetryar/public_html/Sources/Subs.php on line 5801
#1: call_integration_hook()
Called from /home/poetryar/public_html/Sources/BoardIndex.php on line 137
#2: BoardIndex()
Called from /home/poetryar/public_html/index.php on line 203

I'm stuck in a time warp from the early 00's.
