Regular Groups with both Post Count Based Groups

Started by Masterd, April 11, 2009, 02:22:46 AM

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Seo4Smf 2.0 - Full Top10 Stats(full top10) - Aligned and Bilateral Child Boards(2li 3lü alt bölümler)


I am running RC 1-1 and after I installed it the only thing that happened was all the post count images disappeared. Am I supposed to go anywhere after I install it or does it work as soon as its installed. Thanks. :)


do u use this mod ?
or do u have an error for installing this mod
Seo4Smf 2.0 - Full Top10 Stats(full top10) - Aligned and Bilateral Child Boards(2li 3lü alt bölümler)


Yes I use it, and no errors on installation.

EDIT: Removed mod, and installed again.  One error (Load.php), which I edited manually, and it still doesn't show.  I apologize for the inconvenience, but I would really like to have this mod working.

EDIT 2: Never mind, got it working on my own.



<search position="replace"><![CDATA[ IF(mem.ID_GROUP = 0 OR mg.stars = '', pg.stars, mg.stars) AS stars, mem.passwordSalt";]]></search>

<add><![CDATA[ mg.stars AS stars, pg.stars AS pg_stars";]]></add>


should be:

<search position="replace"><![CDATA[ IF(mem.ID_GROUP = 0 OR mg.stars = '', pg.stars, mg.stars) AS stars, mem.passwordSalt";]]></search>

<add><![CDATA[ mg.stars AS stars, pg.stars AS pg_stars, mem.passwordSalt";]]></add>



<search position="replace"><![CDATA[ CASE WHEN mem.id_group = 0 OR mg.stars = {string:blank_string} THEN pg.stars ELSE mg.stars END AS stars, mem.password_salt, mem.pm_prefs';]]></search>

<add><![CDATA[ mg.stars AS stars, pg.stars AS pg_stars';]]></add>


should be:

<search position="replace"><![CDATA[ CASE WHEN mem.id_group = 0 OR mg.stars = {string:blank_string} THEN pg.stars ELSE mg.stars END AS stars, mem.password_salt, mem.pm_prefs';]]></search>

<add><![CDATA[ mg.stars AS stars, pg.stars AS pg_stars, mem.password_salt, mem.pm_prefs';]]></add>




Can this Mod be used to display more than the primary group badge and the post based group stars in a vertical fashion?  In other words, if I have members that are in several secondary groups, will this Mod show the badges of ...
1.  The primary group
2.  1 or more of the secondary groups
3.  The post based group stars.

As an example, have a look at the attached image.  The user's primary group is Kirduin, and he is in 3 secondary groups, Counsilor, Sovereign, and FAQMaster.  All 4 badges are shown in the image, and below the 4 badges, the post based group stars are shown.

The question is ~ Will this Mod show all groups the user is a member of, or only the primary group and the post based group?

Thank You,


I think it's only post count + primary group badges. If you want truly multiple, check out the Stars and Badges mod.
Holder of controversial views, all of which my own.


I need this mod but fails to install in SMF 2.0.5 (emulate 2.0 RC1) [nonactive]

Code (Find) Select
'group_stars' => str_repeat('<img src="' . str_replace('$language', $context['user']['language'], isset($profile['stars'][1]) ? $settings['images_url'] . '/' . $profile['stars'][1] : '') . '" alt="*" border="0" />', empty($profile['stars'][0]) || empty($profile['stars'][1]) ? 0 : $profile['stars'][0]),

Code (Replace) Select
'post_group_stars' => str_repeat('<img src="' . str_replace('$language', $context['user']['language'], isset($profile['pg_stars'][1]) ? $settings['images_url'] . '/' . $profile['pg_stars'][1] : '') . '" alt="*" border="0" />', empty($profile['pg_stars'][0]) ? 0 : $profile['pg_stars'][0]),
'group_stars' => str_repeat('<img src="' . str_replace('$language', $context['user']['language'], isset($profile['stars'][1]) ? $settings['images_url'] . '/' . $profile['stars'][1] : '') . '" alt="*" border="0" />', empty($profile['stars'][0]) || empty($profile['stars'][1]) ? 0 : $profile['stars'][0]),


mmm I think I found the solution...the string exists but here is the difference:

Code (./Source/Load.php original) Select
'group_stars' => str_repeat('<img src="' . str_replace('$language', $context['user']['language'], isset($profile['stars'][1]) ? $settings['images_url'] . '/' . $profile['stars'][1] : '') . '" alt="*" />', empty($profile['stars'][0]) || empty($profile['stars'][1]) ? 0 : $profile['stars'][0]),

Code (Wrong search string for smf 2.0.5) Select
'group_stars' => str_repeat('<img src="' . str_replace('$language', $context['user']['language'], isset($profile['stars'][1]) ? $settings['images_url'] . '/' . $profile['stars'][1] : '') . '" alt="*" border="0" />', empty($profile['stars'][0]) || empty($profile['stars'][1]) ? 0 : $profile['stars'][0]),

The only difference is border="0". I get rid of this manually ... however you should fix it ;)
