Admin Notes

Started by vbgamer45, May 07, 2009, 03:00:55 AM

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Admin Notes is a simple mod designed to be an easy way for admins to leave notes for other admins or simply a place for admins to chat. It is located in the administration centre next to the live news (support information is moved below live news).

It is similar to "Moderator Notes" found in the moderator centre and uses tables that have already been created meaning the database isn't changed at all when installing this mod.

For any questions, suggestions or bug reports do not hesitate to post in the support thread.
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Exelent MOD !!!   ;D

here's spanish_es/latin translation:

// Admin Notes
$txt['admin_notes'] = 'Notas de Admin';
$txt['admin_notes_help'] = 'Esta herramienta est&aacute; dise&ntilde;ada para ser una forma r&aacute;pida y simple para comunicarse entre administradores.<br /><br /><b> BBCode permitido:</b> b, i, url, br, u, color, font, me, s';
$txt['admin_notes_confirm'] = '&iquest;Est&aacute;s seguro(a) de querer borrar esta nota?';
$txt['admin_notes_delete'] = 'Borrar Nota';
$txt['admin_notes_add'] = 'Agregar nota...';
$txt['admin_notes_none'] = 'Actualmente, no hay notas para mostrar.';


Thanks alot. I'll put that into next version.

Quote from: IRC
Roph> I just finished a double 1/2lb cheese, bacon & salad beef burger
Roph> no woman on earth could satisfy me as much as I am satisfied right now by this burger
... later on ...
Roph> how could ensie go about satisfying me =o
<Ensiferous> Roph: Merely looking at me would yield far more pleasure than a burger can provide.


very very good mod :P

Will you make the SMF 1.1.X version?



Quote from: IRC
Roph> I just finished a double 1/2lb cheese, bacon & salad beef burger
Roph> no woman on earth could satisfy me as much as I am satisfied right now by this burger
... later on ...
Roph> how could ensie go about satisfying me =o
<Ensiferous> Roph: Merely looking at me would yield far more pleasure than a burger can provide.


Cool Mod


Here is the german
$txt['admin_notes'] = 'Admin Notizen';
$txt['admin_notes_help'] = 'Hier k&ouml;nnen Admins schnell und einfach miteinander reden.<br /><br /><b>Erlaubter BBCode:</b> b, i, url, br, u, color, font, me, s';
$txt['admin_notes_confirm'] = 'Bist Du sicher das Du diese Notiz l&ouml;schen willst?';
$txt['admin_notes_delete'] = 'Notiz l&ouml;schen';
$txt['admin_notes_add'] = 'Notiz schreiben';
$txt['admin_notes_none'] = 'Derzeit gibt es keine Notizen zum anzeigen.';
I worked with:
SMF 2 in German

SID Giessen


I can´t delete any post on it.  :(
I worked with:
SMF 2 in German

SID Giessen


like to see it for 1.1.8


Quote from: Eclipse16V on May 15, 2009, 04:07:45 AM
I can´t delete any post on it.  :(
What happens when you try to delete something?
Does it go to a different url or to the admin center url?
Is there anything in the error log?
What other mods have you got installed?

Quote from: IRC
Roph> I just finished a double 1/2lb cheese, bacon & salad beef burger
Roph> no woman on earth could satisfy me as much as I am satisfied right now by this burger
... later on ...
Roph> how could ensie go about satisfying me =o
<Ensiferous> Roph: Merely looking at me would yield far more pleasure than a burger can provide.


The Error Log is empty.
It doesn´t  delete the message.
When I click on the delete button i come the same site and the message doesn´t delete.
There no error message or a different url.
I worked with:
SMF 2 in German

SID Giessen


Here the list of the mods in my SMF 2.0 RC1

1.     Separate Sticky and Normal Topic      1.0
2.    Attachment Icon File    1.0
3.    Bookmarks    2.2.1
4.    SMFbuyPRO    3.5
5.    Add Favicon.ico Support    1.0
6.    Custom Form Mod    1.4
7.    Glossary    0.3.1
8.    Balloon-shaped frame quote    1.3
9.    TopicCountOnDisplay    2.0 RC1
10.    Ad Managment    2.3.4
11.    Sitemap    2.0.0
12.    RSS Feed Icon    1.1
13.    More Spiders    1.2
14.    Mark_Reader_Name    1.0
15.    SMF Quiz    1.0.7
16.    The Rules    1.2
17.    nCode Image Resizer    1.2
18.    Stop Spammer    2.2
19.    RSS Feeder    1.1.1
20.    MySpace Field    2.5
21.    Auto Merge Double Post    1.2
22.    Permissions Info    1.5
23.    SMF Links
24.    SMF Gallery Lite    2.0.5
25.    Referrals Mod    2.2.6
26.    Enhanced PM Warning Message    1.0
27.    Latest Members RC1    1.1
28.    TopicStarter Mod    1.3
29.    Show Local Url Titles    1.1
30.    unboldnews    2.0
31.    Ajax History Graph    0.1.2
32.    Time Logged-In    3.3
33.    Amazon Search    1.0
34.    Aeva ~ Auto-Embed Video & Audio    6.9.99
35.    Age on post    1.0
36.    Display Location on posts    1.0
37.    Internal_Links_Use_Same_Window    1.2
38.    Custom_Greeting_Depending_on_Time    1.0
39.    PortaMx v0.957    0.957
40.    Treasury    2.34
41.    Topic Solved    1.1
42.    eFloating Bar for Guest & Members    0.1
43.    PM to New Members    1.0
44.    Highlight Search Keywords    1.21
45.    Posting_Announcement
46.    The Casino    2.2
47.    OS & Browser Detection    1.4
48.    Downloads System    1.2.2
49.    SMF Staff Page    1.6
50.    RateThatTopic    2.2.0
51.    eNinja - Admin Notes    0.9.0
52.    SMF Project Tools    0.2002
53.    Order News    1.0.6a
I worked with:
SMF 2 in German

SID Giessen


Could you attach your sources/Admin.php file please.

Quote from: IRC
Roph> I just finished a double 1/2lb cheese, bacon & salad beef burger
Roph> no woman on earth could satisfy me as much as I am satisfied right now by this burger
... later on ...
Roph> how could ensie go about satisfying me =o
<Ensiferous> Roph: Merely looking at me would yield far more pleasure than a burger can provide.


I worked with:
SMF 2 in German

SID Giessen


That's fine. Now Admin.template.php from your theme. If it isn't in the theme you are using then grab the one in the default folder.

Before doing that see if you can uninstall and then install again properly. If it does then check the problem again just incase that fixes it.

Quote from: IRC
Roph> I just finished a double 1/2lb cheese, bacon & salad beef burger
Roph> no woman on earth could satisfy me as much as I am satisfied right now by this burger
... later on ...
Roph> how could ensie go about satisfying me =o
<Ensiferous> Roph: Merely looking at me would yield far more pleasure than a burger can provide.


here the Admin.template.php
I worked with:
SMF 2 in German

SID Giessen


Everything to delete the notes is handled in AdminNotes.php which unless you have changed something should be fine. I can't see any reason why it is not letting you delete any notes.

Next version I will add some debugging info that you can dump to try find the problem.

Also do you guys think I should add permission settings for posting, viewing and removing notes?

Another nice feature might be for the forums to add notes. For example when someone is banned it says "someone banned someone for x days" like in the admin log. Give options for which events from the admin log to show on the admin notes area.

Quote from: IRC
Roph> I just finished a double 1/2lb cheese, bacon & salad beef burger
Roph> no woman on earth could satisfy me as much as I am satisfied right now by this burger
... later on ...
Roph> how could ensie go about satisfying me =o
<Ensiferous> Roph: Merely looking at me would yield far more pleasure than a burger can provide.


mmm, Im having problems deleting notes too...

and yeah, it will be nice to have some events in the notes,  maybe warnings...


Could anyone having problems deleting notes post all mods they are using and the page source of your admin center page. Go view->source and copy all the code into here (int the code bbcode).

Quote from: IRC
Roph> I just finished a double 1/2lb cheese, bacon & salad beef burger
Roph> no woman on earth could satisfy me as much as I am satisfied right now by this burger
... later on ...
Roph> how could ensie go about satisfying me =o
<Ensiferous> Roph: Merely looking at me would yield far more pleasure than a burger can provide.


Dutch  ;)

$txt['admin_notes'] = 'Admin notities';
$txt['admin_notes_help'] = 'Hier kunnen admins snel en gemakkelijk berichten uitwisselen<br /><br /><b>Toegestane BBCode:</b> b, i, url, br, u, color, font, me, s';
$txt['admin_notes_confirm'] = 'Weet je zeker dat je deze notitie wilt verwijderen?';
$txt['admin_notes_delete'] = 'Notitie verwijderen;
$txt['admin_notes_add'] = 'Notitie schrijven';
$txt['admin_notes_none'] = 'Momenteel zijn er geen notities';
