Message Boxes

Started by Diego Andrés, August 28, 2009, 04:04:35 AM

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Quote from: 7s-1k on November 10, 2009, 02:08:21 PM
An Error Has Occurred!
Sorry, but this modification does not appear to be compatible with the selected version.

I selected 2.0 RC2..

Same here.


One Day, Two Many


It won't work on RC2 because the author has just ticked it as compatible without testing installation of it on 2.0 RC2. Even if the instructions listed RC2 as a suitable version (which they don't), this mod wouldn't work anyway without other changes, editing the changes to Subs-Editor.php.
Holder of controversial views, all of which my own.


And, it can't be updated for 2 months, so you should wait a little.


Greetings children excuse for my English
I have made this module for correct work with SMF2 RC2
I wish to notice that I have corrected many errors connected with CSS
To Mr. ▌grafitus ▐ thanks for this remarkable module!
Also to Mr.: ▌grafitus ▐ I recommend to do more carefully next time modules and to close classes in CSS!
Sorry for my English


Thank you, Inter, for your help. I appreciate your version very much :)


QuoteHiçbir kurulum ve kaldırma eylemi tanımlanmadı!

Please update. Güncelemeni dört gözle bekliyorum. :)



Quote from: zolee on January 04, 2010, 05:21:26 AM
have someone this for smf 1.1.11?

Not without at least some changes, but it's probably possible.
Holder of controversial views, all of which my own.


What a great mod - i love it, thanks a lot ! :)

Surfez Couvert

This MOD is really GREAT ! Thank you very much .......... Maybe a WYSIWYG one day  :P ?


index.css is not true

Add in forum.css

/* -----------------------------------------------
   C S S   M E S S A G E   B O X E S   v1.0

   Thanks for eBurhan

   Thanks for famfamfam icons
-------------------------------------------------- */

.error_bbc, .warning_bbc, .okay_bbc, .info_bbc
    margin-bottom: 1.5em;
    padding: 1em 1.5em 1em 5.5em;
    border-bottom: 2px solid #fff;
    border-top: 2px solid #fff;
    color: #444;

background: #fbe3e4 url(../images/mBox/error.png) 2.2em center no-repeat;
border-color: #e0011b;
.error_bbc a
color: #d12f19;

{background: #fff6bf url(../images/mBox/warning.png) 2.2em center no-repeat;
border-color: #ffd324;
.warning_bbc a
color: #817134;

background: #e9ffdd url(../images/mBox/okay.png) 2.2em center no-repeat;
border-color: #72c868;
.okay_bbc a
color: #529214;

background: #e2ecee url(../images/mBox/info.png) 2.2em center no-repeat;
border-color: #9ddae6;
.info_bbc a
color: #2d7ba2;

/* Lists */
.error_bbc ul, .warning_bbc ul, .okay_bbc ul, .info_bbc ul
    list-style: none;
    margin: 1.3em 1.5em;
.error_bbc ul li, .warning_bbc ul li, .okay_bbc ul li, .info_bbc ul li
    padding-left: 1.3em;
.error_bbc ul li
background: url(../images/mBox/error-bullet.png)  0 0.55em no-repeat;
.warning_bbc ul li
background: url(../images/mBox/warning-bullet.png)  0 0.55em no-repeat;
.okay_bbc ul li
background: url(../images/mBox/okay-bullet.png) 0 0.55em no-repeat;
.info_bbc ul li
background: url(../images/mBox/info-bullet.png) 0 0.55em no-repeat;


I really like this mod, thanks grafitus...

and also C4G-TK for the info2 stuff.



Best Regards
Sadaoui "SAFAD" Abderrahim - Lead Developer @ Electron Inc.


Quote from: SAFAD on March 20, 2010, 11:14:13 AM
Can't i take over this mod ?
Yes, this is really good. What should we do (Please write to PM)?


If you want a mod to be taken over, both parties should send a PM to "SMF Customization Team" (user 1) on this forum.
Holder of controversial views, all of which my own.


Quote from: Arantor on March 20, 2010, 06:12:17 PM
If you want a mod to be taken over, both parties should send a PM to "SMF Customization Team" (user 1) on this forum.
OK. Thank you.

* grafitus say Arantor is not spammer. :D


This modification will be developed by SAFAD.


Nice Mod

Run on my 2.0RC3

Here the German Lang
$txt['error_bbc'] = 'Fehler Box erstellen';
$txt['warning_bbc'] = 'Warnung Box erstellen';
$txt['okay_bbc'] = 'Okay Box erstellen';
$txt['info_bbc'] = 'Info Box erstellen';
I worked with:
SMF 2 in German

SID Giessen
