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SMF 1.1.11 released

Started by SleePy, December 01, 2009, 05:59:19 PM

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Simple Machines announces the release of SMF 1.1.11, addressing multiple vulnerabilities found in SMF 1.1.10. Also for those still using the SMF 1.0.x branch, an upgrade to 1.0.19 was released. We strongly recommend that all users upgrade as soon as possible.

Upgrade automatically by visiting your administration center, where a notice will be displayed prompting you to upgrade. Click the link, confirm the changes and your forum will be up to date again. Additionally, you can upgrade using the package manager by downloading the attached patch, uploading it to the package manager, and applying it as prompted. For help with this refer to the Package Manager section of the Online Manual.

If you cannot upgrade using the package manager, please follow the instructions posted in the Online Manual about installing and upgrading. If you experience a session verification error when inputting FTP details for updating process, please see this topic.

It may be necessary to apply the upgrade manually if mod conflicts mean that you cannot install the patch through the package manager. Instructions for doing this can be found on manual upgrades page for SMF 1.1.11 and 1.0.19.

Finally - please do not use this topic for any support requests. You will get a much more prompt response by visiting the relevant support board!

Simple Machines
Jeremy D ~ Site Team / SMF Developer ~ GitHub Profile ~ Join us on IRC @ ~ Support the SMF Support team!


Anybody upgrade to 1.1.11 yet .. not seeing it in package manager as yet ...
:: Powered by SMF 1.1.19 | Ig-Oh Theme by Koni | 70 Rock Solid Error Free Mods | Many Custom Edits & Tweaks ::
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Try it now, not all scripts had been properly updated yet :)
Hendrik Jan Visser
Former Lead Developer & Co-founder
Personal Signature: -> / / WieIsDeMol.Com


I just used the package manager to update my 1.1.10 test site, worked just fine

Good Job on the new release ^^



* Arantor just updated two forums via admin. Flawless :)
Holder of controversial views, all of which my own.


Quote from: Compuart on December 01, 2009, 07:21:48 PM
Try it now, not all scripts had been properly updated yet :)

Thanks ... updated without probs on 2 different installations i have 8) ...

I hope it fixes some issue where bots are constantly trying to use quickmod.
:: Powered by SMF 1.1.19 | Ig-Oh Theme by Koni | 70 Rock Solid Error Free Mods | Many Custom Edits & Tweaks ::
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Hugo "Costa" Fernandes - PT SMF
Todas as MP's a pedir ajuda são sujeitas a radioactividade, microondas, queimadas e atiradas borda fora.

"At least someone appreciates the fact that I am doing and not thinking..."
"Laziness is counter-revolutionary."


* Antechinus has got a conflict in Subs.php and is going to have to do manual edits. Shouldn't install so many mods. :D


Quote from: Antechinus on December 01, 2009, 07:29:56 PM
* Antechinus has got a conflict in Subs.php and is going to have to do manual edits. Shouldn't install so many mods. :D

I lol'd

For some reason I always prefer using the update pack instead of the patch, maybe it's because I like going into the upgrade.php file? XD


:: Powered by SMF 1.1.19 | Ig-Oh Theme by Koni | 70 Rock Solid Error Free Mods | Many Custom Edits & Tweaks ::
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Kill Em All

Good job, updated and feeling safe :p haha

My Site:

Manual Installation of Mods
Prevent Spam and Forum Attacks
Please do not PM or email me for support unless offered, help should be publicly displayed to others.


:: Powered by SMF 1.1.19 | Ig-Oh Theme by Koni | 70 Rock Solid Error Free Mods | Many Custom Edits & Tweaks ::
- Host Unlimited Websites - Free Website Builder & Templates - Unlimited Disk Space & Bandwidth


i just upgraded...noticing that flash embeding / image posting is not working because for some reason any URLs are having an extra "http://" added to the URL so links are coming out looking like "http://http://website....."



I upgraded two forums in one minute using the "Oy, click here!" link on the admin page.  I don't see how it could be any easier.

Keep up the good work, good people!


Quote from: nrepuyan on December 01, 2009, 07:59:32 PM
i just upgraded...noticing that flash embeding / image posting is not working because for some reason any URLs are having an extra "http://" added to the URL so links are coming out looking like "http://http://website....."


I made a post about the issue ...
:: Powered by SMF 1.1.19 | Ig-Oh Theme by Koni | 70 Rock Solid Error Free Mods | Many Custom Edits & Tweaks ::
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There was indeed a problem with a few modifications in the package. If you've installed it and are experiencing the image location problem, uninstall it (should be easy when using the package manager) and reinstall it either by downloading it again (the proper version is now online) or downloading it from the first message of this topic.

We apologies for the inconvenience this might have caused.
Hendrik Jan Visser
Former Lead Developer & Co-founder
Personal Signature: -> / / WieIsDeMol.Com


fix worked! that was fast! much appreciated!


Quote from: Compuart on December 01, 2009, 08:11:02 PM
There was indeed a problem with a few modifications in the package. If you've installed it and are experiencing the image location problem, uninstall it (should be easy when using the package manager) and reinstall it either by downloading it again (the proper version is now online) or downloading it from the first message of this topic.

We apologies for the inconvenience this might have caused.

Thanks for the quick fix ....  :P
:: Powered by SMF 1.1.19 | Ig-Oh Theme by Koni | 70 Rock Solid Error Free Mods | Many Custom Edits & Tweaks ::
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