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Attachments in Topics

Started by Nibogo, December 11, 2009, 09:59:33 AM

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Attachments in Topics v1.0 - NIBOGO
Add a new icon for topics with attachments and a pop-up to see all the attachments in that topic. (Only in the Message Index of every Board.)

Important Info:
o This Mod was created by - The #1 Website for the Customziation of your SMF.
o Thanks to Divecall he paid for the development of this mod and he let me publish it.
o Thanks to Arantor for his reporting bugs in the mod.

o Show an Attachment Icon (the clip) for topics with Attachments [Similar to vB Feature].
o Pop-Up showing all the attachments in that topic, showing:
       o Name
      o Size
       o Downloads
       o Link to the Post where the attachments was posted.      
o The Pop-Up is fully integrated with the Curve style.
o Show the ammount of attachments that have every topic when you set the cursor over the clip.

- English/English-utf8
- Spanish_latin/Spanish_latin-utf8
- Spanish_es/Spanish_es-utf8

- 1.1.X
- 2.0


Version 1.0 - Nov 22, 2009
- Uploaded to the Mod Site.


Nice mods! it works fine. Thanks.


I like this one too, it's a nice mod!
Holder of controversial views, all of which my own.


Nice Mod


Here the German Lang:
// Attachments in Topic MOD
$txt['attachments_in_topic'] = 'Dateianhänge';
$txt['attachment_in_topic'] = 'Dateianhang';
$txt['attachments_this_topic'] = 'Dateianhänge in diesem Thema';
$txt['attachments_size'] = 'Größe';
$txt['attachment_dl'] = 'Downloads';
$txt['attachment_go'] = 'Gehe zum Beitrag';
$txt['attachment_none'] = 'Es sind keine Dateianhänge in diesem Thema';
$txt['attachment_download'] = 'Download Dateianhang';
I worked with:
SMF 2 in German

SID Giessen


Quote from: Eclipse16V on January 15, 2010, 03:40:55 PM
Nice Mod


Here the German Lang:
// Attachments in Topic MOD
$txt['attachments_in_topic'] = 'Dateianhänge';
$txt['attachment_in_topic'] = 'Dateianhang';
$txt['attachments_this_topic'] = 'Dateianhänge in diesem Thema';
$txt['attachments_size'] = 'Größe';
$txt['attachment_dl'] = 'Downloads';
$txt['attachment_go'] = 'Gehe zum Beitrag';
$txt['attachment_none'] = 'Es sind keine Dateianhänge in diesem Thema';
$txt['attachment_download'] = 'Download Dateianhang';

Thanks would be included in the next release

Quote from: JayinGR on January 15, 2010, 04:11:17 PM
Great Mod!!!  I like it alot.

Glad you like it!


Nice Mod

Please update it for SMF 2.0RC3  ;)

I worked with:
SMF 2 in German

SID Giessen


I didnt see a link to "Download All Attachments"... Is this planned for the next release? It's the next logical step..


Quote from: NIBOGO on March 22, 2010, 11:43:24 AM
Quote from: Leemy on March 21, 2010, 09:46:46 PM
I didnt see a link to "Download All Attachments"... Is this planned for the next release? It's the next logical step..

Are you serious??

That isn't logical and never is going to be added

Not sure why youre coming across as so harsh; maybe I wasnt clear-- I mean all attachments within the 1 topic.  If I am viewing 3 attachments that relate to the same topic, odds are i might be interested in downloading all three.  Why should the user have to click to download each individually? You're showing the list, but still requiring individual downloads.


That is the idea of the mod show the list the Download Link is just an additional feature, I don't need it for my forum, Isn't good for the performance of your forum and I want to keep the mod simple so no unless you're willing to pay for it


I am receiving the following error at the TOP of my page:

// Attachments in Topic $txt['attachments_in_topic'] = 'Attachments'; $txt['attachment_in_topic'] = 'Attachment'; $txt['attachments_this_topic'] = 'Attachments in this Topic'; $txt['attachments_size'] = 'Size'; $txt['attachment_dl'] = 'Downloads'; $txt['attachment_go'] = 'Go to the Post'; $txt['attachment_none'] = 'There are no Attachments in this Topic'; $txt['attachment_download'] = 'Download Attachment';

Any assistance please :) .

I parsed the Mod and installed it with no issues and it is working - Just this code is showing?

Version 1.1.11 Very Custom Theme!


Never mind - Lame Mistake - I should know better

Moved the Final "?>" to the end of the "Modifications.english.php" file


This MOD is awesome.

Does anyone make it work with SMF 2.0 RC4?
l: simple p: machines

Biology Forums

I'm trying to parse this to 1.1.11 but I can't seem to find the code:

if (!empty($settings['seperate_sticky_lock']))

on my theme's messageindex.template.php?

Where else could I add the code?

// Attachments in Topic - Add the icon and pop-up
if ($topic['attachments'] !== 0){
    echo '
<a href="'.$scripturl.'?action=topicattach;topic='.

$topic['id'].'" onclick="return reqWin(this.href,500,200);"><img src="', $settings['images_url'],

'/icons/clip.gif" alt="', $topic['attachments'],' ',($topic['attachments'] == 1) ? $txt

['attachment_in_topic'] : $txt['attachments_in_topic'], '" title="', $topic['attachments'],' ',

($topic['attachments'] == 1) ? $txt['attachment_in_topic'] : $txt['attachments_in_topic'], '"

border="0" style="float: right;" /></a>';


Nice mod ... is it possible to show the icon on the Show unread posts since last visit. & Show new replies to your posts. Pages ?? Maybe even in the Recent Post section in the info Center
:: Powered by SMF 1.1.19 | Ig-Oh Theme by Koni | 70 Rock Solid Error Free Mods | Many Custom Edits & Tweaks ::
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Quote from: aw06 on February 14, 2011, 07:09:21 PM
Nice mod ... is it possible to show the icon on the Show unread posts since last visit. & Show new replies to your posts. Pages ?? Maybe even in the Recent Post section in the info Center

:: Powered by SMF 1.1.19 | Ig-Oh Theme by Koni | 70 Rock Solid Error Free Mods | Many Custom Edits & Tweaks ::
- Host Unlimited Websites - Free Website Builder & Templates - Unlimited Disk Space & Bandwidth
