Enhancements to purge inactive members

Started by davidhs, May 28, 2010, 10:16:26 PM

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Quote from: luuuciano on April 13, 2012, 05:09:48 PM
Nice mod, thanks for sharing it!

BTW, it would be too complicated to add an option, of sending a Private Message (with a customizable text body and subject?) to that members, instead deleting them?

The idea is to remind them about the forum, and try to catch them again... to be active members again
I do not know... I will see.


Getting an undefined error when trying to run this modification on SMF 2.0.2 in ShareThis.php under Sources\:

41:         $admin_areas['config']['areas']['sharethis'] = array(   
42:                  'label' => $txt['share_default_menu'],
43:                  'file' => 'ShareThis.php',
44:                  'function' => 'ModifyShareSettings',
45:                  'icon' => 'posts.gif',   
46:                  'subsections' => array(
==>47:                     'general' => array($txt['share_general_settings']),
==>48:                     'buttons' => array($txt['share_buttons_settings']),
==>49:                     'icons' => array($txt['share_icons_settings']),


I've been looking for something like this to handle a key housekeeping duty on the forums I help maintain.  We've had users sign up in the past, but they never bother making a single post - or they make a few posts here and there, and without any sort of explanation simply become inactive for an extended period of time (>90 days)

I'll look more into this mod when I have some free time later this week (or hopefully this weekend *fingers crossed*).


Quote from: kibbelznbitz on December 12, 2012, 11:17:26 AM
Getting an undefined error when trying to run this modification on SMF 2.0.2 in ShareThis.php under Sources\:

41:         $admin_areas['config']['areas']['sharethis'] = array(   
42:                  'label' => $txt['share_default_menu'],
43:                  'file' => 'ShareThis.php',
44:                  'function' => 'ModifyShareSettings',
45:                  'icon' => 'posts.gif',   
46:                  'subsections' => array(
==>47:                     'general' => array($txt['share_general_settings']),
==>48:                     'buttons' => array($txt['share_buttons_settings']),
==>49:                     'icons' => array($txt['share_icons_settings']),

My MOD do not modify this file (ShareThis.php) and I do not found this file in my empty copy of SMF 2.0.2.

I do not see typo in your code...  ???

Can you attach here your ShareThis.php file? What MOD created this file?

Quote from: Kendrall on December 12, 2012, 01:26:09 PM
I've been looking for something like this to handle a key housekeeping duty on the forums I help maintain.  We've had users sign up in the past, but they never bother making a single post - or they make a few posts here and there, and without any sort of explanation simply become inactive for an extended period of time (>90 days)

I'll look more into this mod when I have some free time later this week (or hopefully this weekend *fingers crossed*).

You can deleted members without posts and inactive for more than 90 days:
QuoteRemove all members who have not logged in for 90 days.
Remove members who have 0 posts or less (empty = any number)
I do not recommend deleting members with few posts, because posts may be valid. You can read his posts, delete them if they are not useful and then delete members with 0 posts.


New version:
1.2.6   2012-12-22
+ SMF compatibility: Adds 2.0.3.
+ Redirect to "Remove Inactive Members" area after install.


Can you add a filter to remove:

"Awaiting Approval"

So that it can be tied into other filter packages automatically and
Registered WITHIN 'XZY' days of current date.

Also note the English is incorrect

"been registered ago" , should be "Been registered MORE than" , Because  if you set it to something like 14 days then it removes members that have been in the DB several years based on the POSITION in the database.

That is to say when the delete is performed there appears top be no "order by"


I will see this enhancement.

In next version I will rewrite English text. Thanks :)


New version:
1.3     2013-04-08
! SMF 2.0 Beta 3.1 Public, Beta 4 and RC1 to RC5: Option to remove members who have not activated their account uses date registered.
! SMF 2.0 to 2.0.3: Option to remove members according to date registered only removes accounts activated.
+ Option to remove members who have not activated their account after email change.
+ Option to remove members who have not approved their account.
+ Option to remove members who have not approved the deletion of their account.
+ Option to remove members who have not parental approval of their account.
+ SMF compatibility: Adds 2.0.4.


Why are you still supporting SMF betas? I can understand the later RCs, but really there should be no support of SMF for unsupported, several-year-old, known-to-be-insecure versions of SMF. Heck, even the SMF RCs are now 2-4 years old.
Holder of controversial views, all of which my own.


Quote from: Arantor on April 09, 2013, 09:58:17 AM
Why are you still supporting SMF betas? I can understand the later RCs, but really there should be no support of SMF for unsupported, several-year-old, known-to-be-insecure versions of SMF. Heck, even the SMF RCs are now 2-4 years old.
The truth is that I do not know, I suppose inertia: I already supported beta versions and RC and I have continued to do so.

I read http://wiki.simplemachines.org/smf/SMF_-_Which_version_of_SMF_should_I_use

On next update of my MODs I will support only current series 2.0.x and deprecated series 1.1.x (this MOD only support 2.0.x). I will remove support of obsolete series (1.0.x) and development versions (beta, RC)


I need this mod because I have over 100 000 spam profiles, 99% of them with 0 posts, but look like this mod don`t working, I have set:
Remove all members who have been registered more than 30 days
Remove members who have 0 posts
Process a maximum of 4000 members (I also used other numbers but that don`t help)

After click on button all is finished in few seconds with message:
The maintenance task 'Remove Inactive Members' was executed successfully.

But I have 0 members deleted, some of them not logged few years and have 0 posts!




Quote from: mili123 on July 28, 2013, 09:58:35 PM
I need this mod because I have over 100 000 spam profiles, 99% of them with 0 posts, but look like this mod don`t working, I have set:
Remove all members who have been registered more than 30 days
Remove members who have 0 posts
Process a maximum of 4000 members (I also used other numbers but that don`t help)

After click on button all is finished in few seconds with message:
The maintenance task 'Remove Inactive Members' was executed successfully.

But I have 0 members deleted, some of them not logged few years and have 0 posts!


Sorry, I do not know... What is your SMF version? I will try on my test forum.


I am sorry, it has a bug. :(

Option to remove members according to date registered must only removes accounts activated, but really only removes accounts no activated.

I will fix soon.


New version:
1.3.1   2013-07-30
@ This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/
! Option to remove members according to date registered only removes accounts activated.
- SMF compatibility: Removes support to Beta and RC versions.


New version:
1.3.2   2013-08-18
+ SMF compatibility: Adds 2.0.5.


New version:
1.3.3   2013-10-24
+ SMF compatibility: 2.0.6.


This looks like exactly what I need, but I have to make sure first: are those options complimentary? Meaning, say, "member registered 60 days ago AND post count is 0", or are the options independent?

Thanks for still maintaining this mod :)


Yes, they are complimentary, but there is no "member registered XX days ago" option. There is "been registered more than XX days".


Ah, yes, what I meant indeed, and thanks for confirming! Much appreciated :)
